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synced 2025-03-08 11:15:25 +08:00

Switch these to a new function parser.assert_can_execute(), in preparation for allowing execution off of the main thread.
402 lines
14 KiB
402 lines
14 KiB
// Functions for storing and retrieving function information. These functions also take care of
// autoloading functions in the $fish_function_path. Actual function evaluation is taken care of by
// the parser and to some degree the builtin handling library.
#include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
// IWYU pragma: no_include <type_traits>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cwchar>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "autoload.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "function.h"
#include "intern.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "parser_keywords.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "wcstringutil.h"
#include "wutil.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
namespace {
/// Type wrapping up the set of all functions.
/// There's only one of these; it's managed by a lock.
struct function_set_t {
/// The map of all functions by name.
std::unordered_map<wcstring, function_properties_ref_t> funcs;
/// Tombstones for functions that should no longer be autoloaded.
std::unordered_set<wcstring> autoload_tombstones;
/// The autoloader for our functions.
autoload_t autoloader{L"fish_function_path"};
/// Remove a function.
/// \return true if successful, false if it doesn't exist.
bool remove(const wcstring &name);
/// Get the properties for a function, or nullptr if none.
function_properties_ref_t get_props(const wcstring &name) const {
auto iter = funcs.find(name);
return iter == funcs.end() ? nullptr : iter->second;
/// \return true if we should allow autoloading a given function.
bool allow_autoload(const wcstring &name) const;
function_set_t() = default;
/// The big set of all functions.
static owning_lock<function_set_t> function_set;
bool function_set_t::allow_autoload(const wcstring &name) const {
// Prohibit autoloading if we have a non-autoload (explicit) function, or if the function is
// tombstoned.
auto props = get_props(name);
bool has_explicit_func = props && !props->is_autoload;
bool is_tombstoned = autoload_tombstones.count(name) > 0;
return !has_explicit_func && !is_tombstoned;
} // namespace
/// \return a copy of some function props, in a new shared_ptr.
static std::shared_ptr<function_properties_t> copy_props(const function_properties_ref_t &props) {
assert(props && "Null props");
return std::make_shared<function_properties_t>(*props);
/// Make sure that if the specified function is a dynamically loaded function, it has been fully
/// loaded.
/// Note this executes fish script code.
bool function_load(const wcstring &name, parser_t &parser) {
maybe_t<wcstring> path_to_autoload;
// Note we can't autoload while holding the funcset lock.
// Lock around a local region.
auto funcset = function_set.acquire();
if (funcset->allow_autoload(name)) {
path_to_autoload = funcset->autoloader.resolve_command(name, env_stack_t::globals());
// Release the lock and perform any autoload, then reacquire the lock and clean up.
if (path_to_autoload) {
// Crucially, the lock is acquired after perform_autoload().
autoload_t::perform_autoload(*path_to_autoload, parser);
return path_to_autoload.has_value();
/// Insert a list of all dynamically loaded functions into the specified list.
static void autoload_names(std::unordered_set<wcstring> &names, bool get_hidden) {
size_t i;
// TODO: justfy this.
auto &vars = env_stack_t::principal();
const auto path_var = vars.get(L"fish_function_path");
if (path_var.missing_or_empty()) return;
const wcstring_list_t &path_list = path_var->as_list();
for (i = 0; i < path_list.size(); i++) {
const wcstring &ndir_str = path_list.at(i);
dir_t dir(ndir_str);
if (!dir.valid()) continue;
wcstring name;
while (dir.read(name)) {
const wchar_t *fn = name.c_str();
const wchar_t *suffix;
if (!get_hidden && fn[0] == L'_') continue;
suffix = std::wcsrchr(fn, L'.');
if (suffix && (std::wcscmp(suffix, L".fish") == 0)) {
wcstring name(fn, suffix - fn);
void function_add(wcstring name, std::shared_ptr<function_properties_t> props) {
assert(props && "Null props");
auto funcset = function_set.acquire();
// Historical check. TODO: rationalize this.
if (name.empty()) {
// Remove the old function.
// Check if this is a function that we are autoloading.
props->is_autoload = funcset->autoloader.autoload_in_progress(name);
// Create and store a new function.
auto ins = funcset->funcs.emplace(std::move(name), std::move(props));
assert(ins.second && "Function should not already be present in the table");
function_properties_ref_t function_get_props(const wcstring &name) {
if (parser_keywords_is_reserved(name)) return nullptr;
return function_set.acquire()->get_props(name);
function_properties_ref_t function_get_props_autoload(const wcstring &name, parser_t &parser) {
if (parser_keywords_is_reserved(name)) return nullptr;
function_load(name, parser);
return function_get_props(name);
bool function_exists(const wcstring &cmd, parser_t &parser) {
if (!valid_func_name(cmd)) return false;
return function_get_props_autoload(cmd, parser) != nullptr;
bool function_exists_no_autoload(const wcstring &cmd) {
if (!valid_func_name(cmd)) return false;
if (parser_keywords_is_reserved(cmd)) return false;
auto funcset = function_set.acquire();
// Check if we either have the function, or it could be autoloaded.
return funcset->get_props(cmd) || funcset->autoloader.can_autoload(cmd);
bool function_set_t::remove(const wcstring &name) {
size_t amt = funcs.erase(name);
if (amt > 0) {
return amt > 0;
void function_remove(const wcstring &name) {
auto funcset = function_set.acquire();
// Prevent (re-)autoloading this function.
// \return the body of a function (everything after the header, up to but not including the 'end').
static wcstring get_function_body_source(const function_properties_t &props) {
// We want to preserve comments that the AST attaches to the header (#5285).
// Take everything from the end of the header to the 'end' keyword.
auto header_src = props.func_node->header->try_source_range();
auto end_kw_src = props.func_node->end.try_source_range();
if (header_src && end_kw_src) {
uint32_t body_start = header_src->start + header_src->length;
uint32_t body_end = end_kw_src->start;
assert(body_start <= body_end && "end keyword should come after header");
return wcstring(props.parsed_source->src, body_start, body_end - body_start);
return wcstring{};
void function_set_desc(const wcstring &name, const wcstring &desc, parser_t &parser) {
function_load(name, parser);
auto funcset = function_set.acquire();
auto iter = funcset->funcs.find(name);
if (iter != funcset->funcs.end()) {
// Note the description is immutable, as it may be accessed on another thread, so we copy
// the properties to modify it.
auto new_props = copy_props(iter->second);
new_props->description = desc;
iter->second = new_props;
bool function_copy(const wcstring &name, const wcstring &new_name) {
auto funcset = function_set.acquire();
auto props = funcset->get_props(name);
if (!props) {
// No such function.
return false;
// Copy the function's props.
// This new instance of the function shouldn't be tied to the definition file of the
// original, so clear the filename, etc.
auto new_props = copy_props(props);
new_props->is_autoload = false;
new_props->definition_file = nullptr;
// Note this will NOT overwrite an existing function with the new name.
// TODO: rationalize if this behavior is desired.
funcset->funcs.emplace(new_name, std::move(new_props));
return true;
wcstring_list_t function_get_names(bool get_hidden) {
std::unordered_set<wcstring> names;
auto funcset = function_set.acquire();
autoload_names(names, get_hidden);
for (const auto &func : funcset->funcs) {
const wcstring &name = func.first;
// Maybe skip hidden.
if (!get_hidden && (name.empty() || name.at(0) == L'_')) {
return wcstring_list_t(names.begin(), names.end());
void function_invalidate_path() {
// Remove all autoloaded functions and update the autoload path.
// Note we don't want to risk removal during iteration; we expect this to be called
// infrequently.
auto funcset = function_set.acquire();
wcstring_list_t autoloadees;
for (const auto &kv : funcset->funcs) {
if (kv.second->is_autoload) {
for (const wcstring &name : autoloadees) {
wcstring function_properties_t::annotated_definition(const wcstring &name) const {
wcstring out;
wcstring desc = this->localized_description();
wcstring def = get_function_body_source(*this);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<event_handler_t>> ev = event_get_function_handlers(name);
out.append(L"function ");
// Typically we prefer to specify the function name first, e.g. "function foo --description bar"
// But if the function name starts with a -, we'll need to output it after all the options.
bool defer_function_name = (name.at(0) == L'-');
if (!defer_function_name) {
out.append(escape_string(name, ESCAPE_ALL));
// Output wrap targets.
for (const wcstring &wrap : complete_get_wrap_targets(name)) {
out.append(L" --wraps=");
out.append(escape_string(wrap, ESCAPE_ALL));
if (!desc.empty()) {
wcstring esc_desc = escape_string(desc, ESCAPE_ALL);
out.append(L" --description ");
if (!this->shadow_scope) {
out.append(L" --no-scope-shadowing");
for (const auto &next : ev) {
const event_description_t &d = next->desc;
switch (d.type) {
case event_type_t::signal: {
append_format(out, L" --on-signal %ls", sig2wcs(d.param1.signal));
case event_type_t::variable: {
append_format(out, L" --on-variable %ls", d.str_param1.c_str());
case event_type_t::process_exit: {
append_format(out, L" --on-process-exit %d", d.param1.pid);
case event_type_t::job_exit: {
append_format(out, L" --on-job-exit %d", d.param1.jobspec.pid);
case event_type_t::caller_exit: {
append_format(out, L" --on-job-exit caller");
case event_type_t::generic: {
append_format(out, L" --on-event %ls", d.str_param1.c_str());
case event_type_t::any:
default: {
DIE("unexpected next->type");
const wcstring_list_t &named = this->named_arguments;
if (!named.empty()) {
append_format(out, L" --argument");
for (const auto &name : named) {
append_format(out, L" %ls", name.c_str());
// Output the function name if we deferred it.
if (defer_function_name) {
out.append(L" -- ");
out.append(escape_string(name, ESCAPE_ALL));
// Output any inherited variables as `set -l` lines.
for (const auto &kv : this->inherit_vars) {
// We don't know what indentation style the function uses,
// so we do what fish_indent would.
append_format(out, L"\n set -l %ls", kv.first.c_str());
for (const auto &arg : kv.second) {
wcstring earg = escape_string(arg, ESCAPE_ALL);
out.push_back(L' ');
// Append a newline before the 'end', unless there already is one there.
if (!string_suffixes_string(L"\n", def)) {
return out;
const wchar_t *function_properties_t::localized_description() const {
if (description.empty()) return L"";
return _(description.c_str());
int function_properties_t::definition_lineno() const {
// return one plus the number of newlines at offsets less than the start of our function's
// statement (which includes the header).
// TODO: merge with line_offset_of_character_at_offset?
auto source_range = func_node->try_source_range();
assert(source_range && "Function has no source range");
uint32_t func_start = source_range->start;
const wcstring &source = parsed_source->src;
assert(func_start <= source.size() && "function start out of bounds");
return 1 + std::count(source.begin(), source.begin() + func_start, L'\n');