Johannes Altmanninger 4024d82412 Fix double expansion of tokenized command line
Commit 798527d79a (completions: fix double evaluation of tokenized
commandline, 2024-01-06) fixed some completions such as the "watchexec"
ones by adding "string escape" here:

	set argv (commandline -opc | string escape) (commandline -ct)

This fixed double evaluation when we later call `complete -C"$argv"`.

Unfortunately -- searching for "complete -C" and
"__fish_complete_subcommand" -- it seems like that commit missed some
completions such as sudo.  Fix them the same way.

Alternatively, we could defer expansion of those arguments (via
--tokens-raw), since the recursive call to completion will expand
them anyway, and we don't really need to know their value.

But there are (contrived) examples where we do want to expand first,
to correctly figure out where the subcommand starts:

	sudo {-u,someuser} make ins

By definition, the tokens returned by `commandline -opc` do not
contain the token at cursor (which we're currently completing).
So the expansion should not hurt us. There is an edge case where
cartesian product expansion would produce too many results, and we
pass on the unexpanded input. In that case the extra escaping is very
unlikely to have negative effects.

Fixes # 11041
Closes # 11067

Co-authored-by: kerty <>
2025-01-19 19:08:38 +01:00

614 lines
27 KiB

# ip(8) completion for fish
# The difficulty here is that ip allows abbreviating options, so we need to complete "ip a" like "ip address", but not "ip m" like "ip mroute"
# Also the manpage and even the grammar it accepts is utter shite (options can only be before commands, some things are only in the BNF, others only in the text)
# It also quite likes the word "dev", even though it needs it less than the BNF specifies
set -l ip_commands link address addrlabel route rule neighbour ntable tunnel tuntap maddr mroute mrule monitor xfrm netns l2tp tcp_metrics
set -l ip_addr a ad add addr addre addres address
set -l ip_link l li lin link
set -l ip_neigh n ne nei neig neigh neighb neighbo neighbor neighbour
set -l ip_route r ro rou rout route
set -l ip_rule ru rul rule
set -l ip_all_commands $ip_commands $ip_addr $ip_link $ip_neigh $ip_route $ip_rule
function __fish_ip_commandwords
set -l skip 0
set -l cmd (commandline -xpc | string escape)
# Remove the first word because it's "ip" or an alias for it
set -e cmd[1]
set -l have_command 0
for word in $cmd
switch $word
# Normalize the commands to their full form - `ip a` is `ip address`
# This can't be just an unambiguity check because there's also `ip addrlabel`
case a ad add addr addre addres address
# "addr add" is a thing, so we can only echo "address" if it's actually the command
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo address
echo $word
case l li lin link
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo link
echo $word
case "addrl*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo addrlabel
echo $word
case r ro rou rout route
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo route
echo $word
case "ru*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo rule
echo $word
case n ne nei neig neigh neighb neighbo neighbor neighbour
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo neighbour
echo $word
case nt
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo ntable
echo $word
case t tu tun tunn tunne tunnel
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo tunnel
echo $word
case "tunt*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo tuntap
echo $word
case m ma mad madd maddr maddre maddres maddress
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo maddress
echo $word
case mr "mro*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo mroute
echo $word
case "mru*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo mrule
echo $word
case "mo*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo monitor
echo $word
case "x*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo xfrm
echo $word
case "net*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo netns
echo $word
case "l*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo l2tp
echo $word
case "tc*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo tcp_metrics
echo $word
case "to*"
if test $have_command = 0
set have_command 1
echo token
echo $word
case -n -netns --netns
if test $have_command = 0
set skip 1
echo $word
case '-*'
test $have_command = 0
and continue
echo $word
case '*'
if test $skip = 1
set skip 0
echo $word
# Print an empty line if the current token is empty, so we know that the one before it is finished
# TODO: For some reason it is necessary to always print the current token - why doesn't the above loop catch it?
set -l token (commandline -ct)
echo $token
function __fish_ip_device
command ip -o link show | while read -l a b c
printf '%s\t%s\n' (string replace -r '(@.*)?:' '' -- $b) Device
function __fish_ip_scope
if test -r /etc/iproute2/rt_scopes
string replace -r '#.*' '' </etc/iproute2/rt_scopes \
| string match -v '^\s*$' \
| string replace -r '(\S+)\s*(\S+)' '$1\t$2\n$2\t$1' \
| string match -rv '^(global|link|host).*' # Ignore scopes with better descriptions
# Predefined scopes
printf '%s\t%s\n' global "Address is globally valid" \
link "Address is link-local, only valid on this device" \
host "Address is only valid on this host"
function __fish_ip_netns_list
command ip netns list | while read -l a b c
echo -- $a
function __fish_ip_routing_tables
command ip -d route show table all 2>/dev/null | string replace -fr '.*\stable\s(\S+).*' '$1'
function __fish_ip_types
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
bridge "Ethernet Bridge device" \
bond "Bonding device" \
dummy "Dummy network interface" \
hsr "High-availability Seamless Redundancy device" \
ifb "Intermediate Functional Block device" \
ipoib "IP over Infiniband device" \
macvlan "Virtual interface base on link layer address (MAC)" \
macvtap "Virtual interface based on link layer address (MAC) and TAP." \
vcan "Virtual Controller Area Network interface" \
vxcan "Virtual Controller Area Network tunnel interface" \
veth "Virtual ethernet interface" \
vlan "802.1q tagged virtual LAN interface" \
vxlan "Virtual eXtended LAN" \
ip6tnl "Virtual tunnel interface IPv4|IPv6 over IPv6" \
ipip "Virtual tunnel interface IPv4 over IPv4" \
sit "Virtual tunnel interface IPv6 over IPv4" \
gre "Virtual tunnel interface GRE over IPv4" \
gretap "Virtual L2 tunnel interface GRE over IPv4" \
erspan "Encapsulated Remote SPAN over GRE and IPv4" \
ip6gre "Virtual tunnel interface GRE over IPv6" \
ip6gretap "Virtual L2 tunnel interface GRE over IPv6" \
ip6erspan "Encapsulated Remote SPAN over GRE and IPv6" \
vti "Virtual tunnel interface" \
nlmon "Netlink monitoring device" \
ipvlan "Interface for L3 (IPv6/IPv4) based VLANs" \
ipvtap "Interface for L3 (IPv6/IPv4) based VLANs and TAP" \
lowpan "Interface for 6LoWPAN (IPv6) over IEEE 802.15.4 / Bluetooth" \
geneve "GEneric NEtwork Virtualization Encapsulation" \
bareudp "Bare UDP L3 encapsulation support" \
macsec "Interface for IEEE 802.1AE MAC Security (MACsec)" \
vrf "Interface for L3 VRF domains" \
netdevsim "Interface for netdev API tests" \
rmnet "Qualcomm rmnet device" \
xfrm "Virtual xfrm interface"
function __fish_ip_neigh_states
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
permanent "entry is valid forever" \
noarp "entry is valid without validation" \
reachable "entry is valid until timeout" \
stale "entry is valid but suspicious" \
none "pseudo state" \
incomplete "entry has not yet been validated" \
delay "entry validation is currently delayed" \
probe "neighbor is being probed" \
failed "neighbor validation has ultimately failed"
function __fish_complete_ip
set -l cmd (__fish_ip_commandwords)
set -l count (count $cmd)
switch "$cmd[1]"
case address
# We're still _on_ the second word, which is the subcommand
if not set -q cmd[3]
printf '%s\t%s\n' add "Add new protocol address" \
delete "Delete protocol address" \
show "Look at protocol addresses" \
flush "Flush protocol addresses"
switch $cmd[2]
# Change and replace are undocumented (apart from mentions in the BNF)
case add change replace
switch $count
case 3
# __fish_ip_complete_ip
case '*'
switch $cmd[-2]
case dev
case scope
# TODO: Figure out how to complete these
case label
# Prefix
case local peer broadcast
# Address
case valid_lft preferred_lft
# Lifetime
case '*'
printf '%s\t%s\n' forever "Keep address valid forever" \
home "(Ipv6 only) Designate address as home address" \
nodad "(Ipv6 only) Don't perform duplicate address detection" \
dev "Add address to specified device" \
scope "Set scope of address" \
label "Tag address with label"
case delete
switch $count
case 3
command ip -o addr show | while read -l a b c d e
echo $d
case 4
# A dev argument is mandatory, but contrary to the BNF, other things (like "scope") are also valid here
# And yes, unlike e.g. show, this _needs_ the "dev" before the device
# Otherwise it barfs and says "??? prefix is expected"
# Anyway, try to steer the user towards supplying a device
echo dev
case 5
switch $cmd[-2]
case dev
command ip -o addr show | string match "*$cmd[3]*" | while read -l a b c
echo $b
# TODO: Moar
case show save flush # These take the same args
switch $cmd[-2]
case dev
case scope
case to
# Prefix
case label
# Label-pattern
case '*'
printf '%s\t%s\n' up "Only active devices" \
dev "Limit to a certain device" \
scope "Limit scope" \
to "Limit prefix" \
label "Limit by label" \
dynamic "(Ipv6 only) Limit to dynamic addresses" \
permanent "(Ipv6 only) Limit to permanent addresses"
# TODO: Moar
case link
if not set -q cmd[3]
printf '%s\t%s\n' add "Add virtual link" \
delete "Delete virtual link" \
set "Change device attributes" \
show "Display device attributes" \
help "Display help"
# TODO: Add moar
switch $cmd[2]
case add
switch $cmd[-2]
case link
case name # freeform, uncompleteable.
case type
case txqueuelen
case address
case broadcast
case mtu index numtxqueues numrxqueues gso_max_size gso_max_segs
# These all take some kind of number?
seq 0 50
case add '*'
# We assume if we haven't checked it above, we're back to `ip link add`, with any optionals completed.
# So we now suggest optionals.
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
link "" \
type "" \
txqueuelen PACKETS \
address LLADDR \
broadcast LLADDR \
mtu MTU \
index IDX \
numtxqueues QUEUE_COUNT \
numrxqueues QUEUE_COUNT \
gso_max_size BYTES \
case delete
switch $cmd[-2]
case delete
echo dev
echo group
case dev
case group
case type
case '*'
if not set -q cmd[6]
echo type
case set
switch $cmd[-2]
case type
echo bridge_slave
echo bond_slave
case arp dynamic {all,}multicast pro{misc,todown} trailers spoofchk query_rss trust
echo on
echo off
case name alias
case address broadcast
case mtu txqueuelen
case netns
case link-netnsid
case vf mac
case {{max,min}_tx_,}rate
case node_guid port_guid
case state
echo auto
echo enable
echo disable
case master dev # Yes, the word "dev" is allowed here!
case nomaster
case vrf
case xdp'*'
case object section pinned
case addrgenmode
case macaddr
case group
case set '*'
echo group
echo up
echo down
case show
case help
case neighbour
if not set -q cmd[3]
printf '%s\t%s\n' help "Show help" \
add "Add new neighbour entry" \
delete "Delete neighbour entry" \
change "Change neighbour entry" \
replace "Add or change neighbour entry" \
show "List neighbour entries" \
flush "Flush neighbour entries" \
get "Lookup neighbour entry"
switch $cmd[2]
case add del delete change replace
switch $cmd[-2]
case lladdr
case nud
case proxy
case dev
case '*'
echo lladdr
echo nud
echo proxy
echo dev
echo router
echo use
echo managed
echo extern_learn
case show flush
switch $cmd[-2]
case to
case dev
case vrf
case nud
echo all
case '*'
echo to
echo dev
echo vrf
echo nomaster
echo proxy
echo unused
echo nud
case get
switch $cmd[-2]
case to
case dev
case '*'
echo proxy
echo to
echo dev
case route
if not set -q cmd[3]
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
add "Add new route" \
change "Change route" \
append "Append route" \
replace "Change or add new route" \
delete "Delete route" \
show "List routes" \
flush "Flush routing tables" \
get "Get a single route" \
save "Save routing table to stdout" \
showdump "Show saved routing table from stdin" \
restore "Restore routing table from stdin"
# TODO: switch on $cmd[2] and complete subcommand specific arguments
# for now just complete most useful arguments for the last token
switch $cmd[-2]
case dev iif oif
case table
case rule
if not set -q cmd[3]
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
add "Add new rule" \
delete "Delete rule" \
flush "Flush rules" \
show "List rules" \
save "Save rules to stdout" \
restore "Restore rules from stdin"
# TODO: switch on $cmd[2] and complete subcommand specific arguments
# for now just complete most useful arguments for the last token
switch $cmd[-2]
case iif oif
case table
case netns
if not set -q cmd[3]
printf '%s\t%s\n' add "Add network namespace" \
attach "Attach process to network namespace" \
delete "Delete network namespace" \
set "Change network namespace attributes" \
identify "Display network namespace for a process id" \
pids "Display process ids of processes running in network namespace" \
monitor "Report as network namespace names are added and deleted" \
exec "Execute command in network namespace" \
help "Display help" \
list "List network namespaces"
switch $cmd[2]
case delete
if not set -q cmd[4]
case exec
if not set -q cmd[4]
__fish_complete_subcommand --commandline $cmd[4..-1]
case pids
if not set -q cmd[4]
case set
if not set -q cmd[4]
case attach
if not set -q cmd[4]
case identify
if not set -q cmd[4]
complete -f -c ip
complete -f -c ip -a '(__fish_complete_ip)'
complete -f -c ip -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_all_commands" -a "$ip_commands"
# Yes, ip only takes options before "objects"
complete -c ip -s h -l human -d "Output statistics with human readable values" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -s b -l batch -d "Read commands from file or stdin" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -l force -d "Don't terminate on errors in batch mode" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -s V -l Version -d "Print the version" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s s -l stats -d "Output more information" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s d -l details -d "Output more detailed information" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s l -l loops -d "Specify maximum number of loops for 'ip addr flush'" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s f -l family -d "The protocol family to use" -a "inet inet6 bridge ipx dnet link any" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s 4 -d "Short for --family inet" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s 6 -d "Short for --family inet6" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s B -d "Short for --family bridge" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s M -d "Short for --family mpls" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s 0 -d "Short for --family link" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s o -l oneline -d "Output on one line" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s r -l resolve -d "Resolve names and print them instead of addresses" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s n -l netns -d "Use specified network namespace" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s a -l all -d "Execute command for all objects" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s c -l color -d "Configure color output" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s t -l timestamp -d "Display current time when using monitor" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -o ts -l tshort -d "Like -timestamp, but shorter format" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -o rc -l rcvbuf -d "Set the netlink socket receive buffer size" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -o iec -d "Print human readable rates in IEC units" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -o br -l brief -d "Print only basic information in a tabular format" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s j -l json -d "Output results in JSON" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"
complete -c ip -f -s p -l pretty -d "Output results in pretty JSON" -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $ip_commands"