axel 277f9b7e60 Huge API documentation cleanup
2005-10-25 01:26:25 +10:00

168 lines
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/** \file complete.h
Prototypes for functions related to tab-completion.
These functions are used for storing and retrieving tab-completion data, as well as for performing tab-completion.
Header guard
#include <wchar.h>
#include "util.h"
/** Use all completions */
#define SHARED 0
/** Do not use file completion */
#define NO_FILES 1
/** Require a parameter after completion */
#define NO_COMMON 2
/** Only use the argument list specifies with completion after option. This is the same as (NO_FILES & NO_COMMON) */
#define EXCLUSIVE 3
/** Command is a path */
#define PATH 1
/** Command is not a path */
#define COMMAND 0
/** Separateor between completion and description*/
#define COMPLETE_SEP L'\004'
/** Separateor between completion and description*/
#define COMPLETE_SEP_STR L"\004"
Character that separates the completion and description on programmable completions
Initializes various structures used for tab-completion.
void complete_init();
Destroys various structures used for tab-completion and free()s the memory used by them.
void complete_destroy();
Add a completion.
Values are copied and should be freed by the caller.
The command 'gcc -o' requires that a file follows it, so the
NO_COMMON option is suitable. This can be done using the following
complete -c gcc -s o -r
The command 'grep -d' required that one of the strings 'read',
'skip' or 'recurse' is used. As such, it is suitable to specify that
a completion requires one of them. This can be done using the
following line:
complete -c grep -s d -x -a "read skip recurse"
\param cmd Command to complete.
\param cmd_type If cmd_type is PATH, cmd will be interpreted as the absolute
path of the program (optionally containing wildcards), otherwise it
will be interpreted as the command name.
\param short_opt The single character name of an option. (-a is a short option, --all and -funroll are long options)
\param long_opt The multi character name of an option. (-a is a short option, --all and -funroll are long options)
\param long_mode Whether to use old style, single dash long options.
\param result_mode Whether to search further completions when this
completion has been succesfully matched. If result_mode is SHARED,
any other completions may also be used. If result_mode is NO_FILES,
file completion should not be used, but other completions may be
used. If result_mode is NO_COMMON, on option may follow it - only a
parameter. If result_mode is EXCLUSIVE, no option may follow it, and
file completion is not performed.
\param comp A space separated list of completions which may contain subshells.
\param desc A description of the completion.
\param authorative Whether there list of completions for this command is complete. If true, any options not matching one of the provided options will be flagged as an error by syntax highlighting.
\param condition a command to be run to check it this completion should be used. If \c condition is empty, the completion is always used.
void complete_add( const wchar_t *cmd,
int cmd_type,
wchar_t short_opt,
const wchar_t *long_opt,
int long_mode,
int result_mode,
int authorative,
const wchar_t *condition,
const wchar_t *comp,
const wchar_t *desc );
Remove a previously defined completion
void complete_remove( const wchar_t *cmd,
int cmd_type,
wchar_t short_opt,
const wchar_t *long_opt );
Find all completions of the command cmd, insert them into out. The
caller must free the variables returned in out. The results are
returned in the array_list_t 'out', in the format of wide character
strings, with each element consisting of a suggested completion and
a description of what kind of object this completion represents,
separated by a separator of type COMPLETE_SEP.
Values returned by this function should be freed by the caller.
void complete( const wchar_t *cmd, array_list_t *out );
Print a list of all current completions into the string_buffer_t.
\param out The string_buffer_t to write completions to
void complete_print( string_buffer_t *out );
Obtain a description string for the file specified by the filename.
The returned value is a string constant and should not be freed.
\param filename The file for which to find a description string
const wchar_t *complete_get_desc( const wchar_t *filename );
Tests if the specified option is defined for the specified command
int complete_is_valid_option( const wchar_t *str,
const wchar_t *opt,
array_list_t *errors );
Tests if the specified argument is valid for the specified option
and command
int complete_is_valid_argument( const wchar_t *str,
const wchar_t *opt,
const wchar_t *arg );
Load command-specific completions for the specified command. This
is done automatically whenever completing any given command, so
there is no need to call this except in the case of completions
with internal dependencies.
\param cmd the command for which to load command-specific completions
\param reload should the commands completions be reloaded, even if they where previously loaded. (This is set to true on actual completions, so that changed completion are updated in running shells)
void complete_load( wchar_t *cmd, int reload );