Per Bothner 4c0a119557 Disable cursor_down optimization, but fix to check c_oflag, but c_iflag.
The old commit #3f820f0 "Disable ONLCR mapping of NL output to CR-NL"
incorrectly used c_iflag instead of c_oflag, and I copied that error
in my patch.  Fixed that. However, there seems to be other problems
trying to use "\x1B[A", which I have not tried to debug, so comment that out.

(However, #3f820f0 seems to mostly work if we fix it to use c_oflag.)
2019-05-08 17:22:44 +02:00

1203 lines
48 KiB

// High level library for handling the terminal screen.
// The screen library allows the interactive reader to write its output to screen efficiently by
// keeping an internal representation of the current screen contents and trying to find the most
// efficient way for transforming that to the desired screen content.
// IWYU pragma: no_include <cstddef>
#include "config.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cwchar>
#include <curses.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <ncurses/curses.h>
#include <term.h>
#include <ncurses/term.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "common.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "highlight.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "pager.h"
#include "screen.h"
/// The number of characters to indent new blocks.
#define INDENT_STEP 4u
/// The initial screen width.
/// A helper value for an invalid location.
#define INVALID_LOCATION (screen_data_t::cursor_t(-1, -1))
static void invalidate_soft_wrap(screen_t *scr);
/// RAII class to begin and end buffering around stdoutput().
class scoped_buffer_t {
screen_t &screen_;
scoped_buffer_t(screen_t &s) : screen_(s) { screen_.outp().beginBuffering(); }
~scoped_buffer_t() { screen_.outp().endBuffering(); }
// Singleton of the cached escape sequences seen in prompts and similar strings.
// Note this is deliberately exported so that init_curses can clear it.
layout_cache_t cached_layouts;
/// Tests if the specified narrow character sequence is present at the specified position of the
/// specified wide character string. All of \c seq must match, but str may be longer than seq.
static size_t try_sequence(const char *seq, const wchar_t *str) {
for (size_t i = 0;; i++) {
if (!seq[i]) return i;
if (seq[i] != str[i]) return 0;
DIE("unexpectedly fell off end of try_sequence()");
return 0; // this should never be executed
/// Returns the number of columns left until the next tab stop, given the current cursor postion.
static size_t next_tab_stop(size_t current_line_width) {
// Assume tab stops every 8 characters if undefined.
size_t tab_width = init_tabs > 0 ? (size_t)init_tabs : 8;
return ((current_line_width / tab_width) + 1) * tab_width;
/// Like fish_wcwidth, but returns 0 for control characters instead of -1.
static int fish_wcwidth_min_0(wchar_t widechar) { return std::max(0, fish_wcwidth(widechar)); }
/// Whether we permit soft wrapping. If so, in some cases we don't explicitly move to the second
/// physical line on a wrapped logical line; instead we just output it.
static bool allow_soft_wrap() {
// Should we be looking at eat_newline_glitch as well?
return auto_right_margin;
/// Does this look like the escape sequence for setting a screen name?
static bool is_screen_name_escape_seq(const wchar_t *code, size_t *resulting_length) {
if (code[1] != L'k') {
return false;
const wchar_t *const screen_name_end_sentinel = L"\x1B\\";
const wchar_t *screen_name_end = std::wcsstr(&code[2], screen_name_end_sentinel);
if (screen_name_end == NULL) {
// Consider just <esc>k to be the code.
*resulting_length = 2;
} else {
const wchar_t *escape_sequence_end =
screen_name_end + std::wcslen(screen_name_end_sentinel);
*resulting_length = escape_sequence_end - code;
return true;
/// Operating System Command (OSC) escape codes, used by iTerm2 and others:
/// ESC followed by ], terminated by either BEL or escape + backslash.
/// See
/// and .
static bool is_osc_escape_seq(const wchar_t *code, size_t *resulting_length) {
bool found = false;
if (code[1] == ']') {
// Start at 2 to skip over <esc>].
size_t cursor = 2;
for (; code[cursor] != L'\0'; cursor++) {
// Consume a sequence of characters up to <esc>\ or <bel>.
if (code[cursor] == '\x07' || (code[cursor] == '\\' && code[cursor - 1] == '\x1B')) {
found = true;
if (found) {
*resulting_length = cursor + 1;
return found;
/// Generic VT100 one byte sequence: CSI followed by something in the range @ through _.
static bool is_single_byte_escape_seq(const wchar_t *code, size_t *resulting_length) {
bool found = false;
if (code[1] == L'[' && (code[2] >= L'@' && code[2] <= L'_')) {
*resulting_length = 3;
found = true;
return found;
/// Generic VT100 two byte sequence: <esc> followed by something in the range @ through _.
static bool is_two_byte_escape_seq(const wchar_t *code, size_t *resulting_length) {
bool found = false;
if (code[1] >= L'@' && code[1] <= L'_') {
*resulting_length = 2;
found = true;
return found;
/// Generic VT100 CSI-style sequence. <esc>, followed by zero or more ASCII characters NOT in
/// the range [@,_], followed by one character in that range.
static bool is_csi_style_escape_seq(const wchar_t *code, size_t *resulting_length) {
if (code[1] != L'[') {
return false;
// Start at 2 to skip over <esc>[
size_t cursor = 2;
for (; code[cursor] != L'\0'; cursor++) {
// Consume a sequence of ASCII characters not in the range [@, ~].
wchar_t widechar = code[cursor];
// If we're not in ASCII, just stop.
if (widechar > 127) break;
// If we're the end character, then consume it and then stop.
if (widechar >= L'@' && widechar <= L'~') {
// cursor now indexes just beyond the end of the sequence (or at the terminating zero).
*resulting_length = cursor;
return true;
/// Detect whether the escape sequence sets foreground/background color. Note that 24-bit color
/// sequences are detected by `is_csi_style_escape_seq()` if they use the ANSI X3.64 pattern for
/// such sequences. This function only handles those escape sequences for setting color that rely on
/// the terminfo definition and which might use a different pattern.
static bool is_color_escape_seq(const wchar_t *code, size_t *resulting_length) {
if (!cur_term) return false;
// Detect these terminfo color escapes with parameter value up to max_colors, all of which
// don't move the cursor.
const char *const esc[] = {
for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof esc / sizeof *esc; p++) {
if (!esc[p]) continue;
for (int k = 0; k < max_colors; k++) {
size_t esc_seq_len = try_sequence(tparm((char *)esc[p], k), code);
if (esc_seq_len) {
*resulting_length = esc_seq_len;
return true;
return false;
/// Detect whether the escape sequence sets one of the terminal attributes that affects how text is
/// displayed other than the color.
static bool is_visual_escape_seq(const wchar_t *code, size_t *resulting_length) {
if (!cur_term) return false;
const char *const esc2[] = {
enter_bold_mode, exit_attribute_mode, enter_underline_mode, exit_underline_mode,
enter_standout_mode, exit_standout_mode, enter_blink_mode, enter_protected_mode,
enter_italics_mode, exit_italics_mode, enter_reverse_mode, enter_shadow_mode,
exit_shadow_mode, enter_standout_mode, exit_standout_mode, enter_secure_mode,
enter_dim_mode, enter_blink_mode, enter_alt_charset_mode, exit_alt_charset_mode};
for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof esc2 / sizeof *esc2; p++) {
if (!esc2[p]) continue;
// Test both padded and unpadded version, just to be safe. Most versions of tparm don't
// actually seem to do anything these days.
size_t esc_seq_len =
std::max(try_sequence(tparm((char *)esc2[p]), code), try_sequence(esc2[p], code));
if (esc_seq_len) {
*resulting_length = esc_seq_len;
return true;
return false;
/// Returns the number of characters in the escape code starting at 'code'. We only handle sequences
/// that begin with \x1B. If it doesn't we return zero. We also return zero if we don't recognize
/// the escape sequence based on querying terminfo and other heuristics.
size_t escape_code_length(const wchar_t *code) {
assert(code != NULL);
if (*code != L'\x1B') return 0;
size_t esc_seq_len = cached_layouts.find_escape_code(code);
if (esc_seq_len) return esc_seq_len;
bool found = is_color_escape_seq(code, &esc_seq_len);
if (!found) found = is_visual_escape_seq(code, &esc_seq_len);
if (!found) found = is_screen_name_escape_seq(code, &esc_seq_len);
if (!found) found = is_osc_escape_seq(code, &esc_seq_len);
if (!found) found = is_single_byte_escape_seq(code, &esc_seq_len);
if (!found) found = is_csi_style_escape_seq(code, &esc_seq_len);
if (!found) found = is_two_byte_escape_seq(code, &esc_seq_len);
if (found) cached_layouts.add_escape_code(wcstring(code, esc_seq_len));
return esc_seq_len;
maybe_t<prompt_layout_t> layout_cache_t::find_prompt_layout(const wcstring &input) {
auto start = prompt_cache_.begin();
auto end = prompt_cache_.end();
for (auto iter = start; iter != end; ++iter) {
if (iter->first == input) {
// Found it. Move it to the front if not already there.
if (iter != start) prompt_cache_.splice(start, prompt_cache_, iter);
return iter->second;
return none();
void layout_cache_t::add_prompt_layout(wcstring input, prompt_layout_t layout) {
assert(!find_prompt_layout(input) && "Should not have a prompt layout for this input");
prompt_cache_.emplace_front(std::move(input), std::move(layout));
if (prompt_cache_.size() > prompt_cache_max_size) {
/// Calculate layout information for the given prompt. Does some clever magic to detect common
/// escape sequences that may be embeded in a prompt, such as those to set visual attributes.
static prompt_layout_t calc_prompt_layout(const wcstring &prompt, layout_cache_t &cache) {
if (auto cached_layout = cache.find_prompt_layout(prompt)) {
return *cached_layout;
prompt_layout_t prompt_layout = {1, 0, 0};
size_t current_line_width = 0;
for (int j = 0; prompt[j]; j++) {
if (prompt[j] == L'\x1B') {
// This is the start of an escape code. Skip over it if it's at least one char long.
size_t len = escape_code_length(&prompt[j]);
if (len > 0) j += len - 1;
} else if (prompt[j] == L'\t') {
current_line_width = next_tab_stop(current_line_width);
} else if (prompt[j] == L'\n' || prompt[j] == L'\f') {
// PCA: At least one prompt uses \f\r as a newline. It's unclear to me what this is
// meant to do, but terminals seem to treat it as a newline so we do the same.
current_line_width = 0;
prompt_layout.line_count += 1;
} else if (prompt[j] == L'\r') {
current_line_width = 0;
} else {
// Ordinary char. Add its width with care to ignore control chars which have width -1.
current_line_width += fish_wcwidth_min_0(prompt[j]);
if (current_line_width > prompt_layout.max_line_width) {
prompt_layout.max_line_width = current_line_width;
prompt_layout.last_line_width = current_line_width;
cache.add_prompt_layout(prompt, prompt_layout);
return prompt_layout;
static size_t calc_prompt_lines(const wcstring &prompt) {
// Hack for the common case where there's no newline at all. I don't know if a newline can
// appear in an escape sequence, so if we detect a newline we have to defer to
// calc_prompt_width_and_lines.
size_t result = 1;
if (prompt.find(L'\n') != wcstring::npos || prompt.find(L'\f') != wcstring::npos) {
result = calc_prompt_layout(prompt, cached_layouts).line_count;
return result;
/// Stat stdout and stderr and save result. This should be done before calling a function that may
/// cause output.
void s_save_status(screen_t *s) {
fstat(1, &s->prev_buff_1);
fstat(2, &s->prev_buff_2);
/// Stat stdout and stderr and compare result to previous result in reader_save_status. Repaint if
/// modification time has changed.
/// Unfortunately, for some reason this call seems to give a lot of false positives, at least under
/// Linux.
static void s_check_status(screen_t *s) {
if (!has_working_tty_timestamps) {
// We can't reliably determine if the terminal has been written to behind our back so we
// just assume that hasn't happened and hope for the best. This is important for multi-line
// prompts to work correctly.
fstat(1, &s->post_buff_1);
fstat(2, &s->post_buff_2);
bool changed = (s->prev_buff_1.st_mtime != s->post_buff_1.st_mtime) ||
(s->prev_buff_2.st_mtime != s->post_buff_2.st_mtime);
changed = changed ||
s->prev_buff_1.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec != s->post_buff_1.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec ||
s->prev_buff_2.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec != s->post_buff_2.st_mtimespec.tv_nsec;
changed = changed || s->prev_buff_1.st_mtim.tv_nsec != s->post_buff_1.st_mtim.tv_nsec ||
s->prev_buff_2.st_mtim.tv_nsec != s->post_buff_2.st_mtim.tv_nsec;
if (changed) {
// Ok, someone has been messing with our screen. We will want to repaint. However, we do not
// know where the cursor is. It is our best bet that we are still on the same line, so we
// move to the beginning of the line, reset the modelled screen contents, and then set the
// modeled cursor y-pos to its earlier value.
int prev_line = s->actual.cursor.y;
write_loop(STDOUT_FILENO, "\r", 1);
s_reset(s, screen_reset_current_line_and_prompt);
s->actual.cursor.y = prev_line;
/// Appends a character to the end of the line that the output cursor is on. This function
/// automatically handles linebreaks and lines longer than the screen width.
static void s_desired_append_char(screen_t *s, wchar_t b, highlight_spec_t c, int indent,
size_t prompt_width) {
int line_no = s->desired.cursor.y;
if (b == L'\n') {
// Current line is definitely hard wrapped.
s->desired.line(s->desired.cursor.y).is_soft_wrapped = false;
s->desired.cursor.x = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < prompt_width + indent * INDENT_STEP; i++) {
s_desired_append_char(s, L' ', highlight_spec_t{}, indent, prompt_width);
} else if (b == L'\r') {
line_t &current = s->desired.line(line_no);
s->desired.cursor.x = 0;
} else {
int screen_width = common_get_width();
int cw = fish_wcwidth_min_0(b);
// Check if we are at the end of the line. If so, continue on the next line.
if ((s->desired.cursor.x + cw) > screen_width) {
// Current line is soft wrapped (assuming we support it).
s->desired.line(s->desired.cursor.y).is_soft_wrapped = true;
// std::fwprintf(stderr, L"\n\n1 Soft wrapping %d\n\n", s->desired.cursor.y);
line_no = (int)s->desired.line_count();
s->desired.cursor.x = 0;
line_t &line = s->desired.line(line_no);
line.append(b, c);
s->desired.cursor.x += cw;
// Maybe wrap the cursor to the next line, even if the line itself did not wrap. This
// avoids wonkiness in the last column.
if (s->desired.cursor.x >= screen_width) {
line.is_soft_wrapped = true;
s->desired.cursor.x = 0;
/// Write the bytes needed to move screen cursor to the specified position to the specified buffer.
/// The actual_cursor field of the specified screen_t will be updated.
/// \param s the screen to operate on
/// \param new_x the new x position
/// \param new_y the new y position
static void s_move(screen_t *s, int new_x, int new_y) {
if (s->actual.cursor.x == new_x && s->actual.cursor.y == new_y) return;
const scoped_buffer_t buffering(*s);
// If we are at the end of our window, then either the cursor stuck to the edge or it didn't. We
// don't know! We can fix it up though.
if (s->actual.cursor.x == common_get_width()) {
// Either issue a cr to go back to the beginning of this line, or a nl to go to the
// beginning of the next one, depending on what we think is more efficient.
if (new_y <= s->actual.cursor.y) {
} else {
// Either way we're not in the first column.
s->actual.cursor.x = 0;
int i;
int x_steps, y_steps;
const char *str;
auto &outp = s->outp();
y_steps = new_y - s->actual.cursor.y;
if (y_steps < 0) {
str = cursor_up;
} else if (y_steps > 0) {
str = cursor_down;
if ((shell_modes.c_oflag & ONLCR) != 0
&& std::strcmp(str, "\n") == 0) { // See GitHub issue #4505.
// Most consoles use a simple newline as the cursor down escape.
// If ONLCR is enabled (which it normally is) this will of course
// also move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
// We could do:
// if (std::strcmp(cursor_up, "\x1B[A") == 0) str = "\x1B[B";
// else ... but that doesn't work for unknown reasons.
s->actual.cursor.x = 0;
for (i = 0; i < abs(y_steps); i++) {
writembs(outp, str);
x_steps = new_x - s->actual.cursor.x;
if (x_steps && new_x == 0) {
x_steps = 0;
const char *multi_str = NULL;
if (x_steps < 0) {
str = cursor_left;
multi_str = parm_left_cursor;
} else {
str = cursor_right;
multi_str = parm_right_cursor;
// Use the bulk ('multi') output for cursor movement if it is supported and it would be shorter
// Note that this is required to avoid some visual glitches in iTerm (issue #1448).
bool use_multi = multi_str != NULL && multi_str[0] != '\0' &&
abs(x_steps) * std::strlen(str) > std::strlen(multi_str);
if (use_multi && cur_term) {
char *multi_param = tparm((char *)multi_str, abs(x_steps));
writembs(outp, multi_param);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < abs(x_steps); i++) {
writembs(outp, str);
s->actual.cursor.x = new_x;
s->actual.cursor.y = new_y;
/// Set the pen color for the terminal.
static void s_set_color(screen_t *s, const environment_t &vars, highlight_spec_t c) {
s->outp().set_color(highlight_get_color(c, false), highlight_get_color(c, true));
/// Convert a wide character to a multibyte string and append it to the buffer.
static void s_write_char(screen_t *s, wchar_t c) {
scoped_buffer_t outp(*s);
s->actual.cursor.x += fish_wcwidth_min_0(c);
if (s->actual.cursor.x == s->actual_width && allow_soft_wrap()) {
s->soft_wrap_location.x = 0;
s->soft_wrap_location.y = s->actual.cursor.y + 1;
// Note that our cursor position may be a lie: Apple Terminal makes the right cursor stick
// to the margin, while Ubuntu makes it "go off the end" (but still doesn't wrap). We rely
// on s_move to fix this up.
} else {
/// Send the specified string through tputs and append the output to the screen's outputter.
static void s_write_mbs(screen_t *screen, const char *s) { writembs(screen->outp(), s); }
/// Convert a wide string to a multibyte string and append it to the buffer.
static void s_write_str(screen_t *screen, const wchar_t *s) { screen->outp().writestr(s); }
/// Returns the length of the "shared prefix" of the two lines, which is the run of matching text
/// and colors. If the prefix ends on a combining character, do not include the previous character
/// in the prefix.
static size_t line_shared_prefix(const line_t &a, const line_t &b) {
size_t idx, max = std::min(a.size(), b.size());
for (idx = 0; idx < max; idx++) {
wchar_t ac = a.char_at(idx), bc = b.char_at(idx);
if (fish_wcwidth(ac) < 1 || fish_wcwidth(bc) < 1) {
// Possible combining mark, return one index prior.
if (idx > 0) idx--;
// We're done if the text or colors are different.
if (ac != bc || a.color_at(idx) != b.color_at(idx)) break;
return idx;
// We are about to output one or more characters onto the screen at the given x, y. If we are at the
// end of previous line, and the previous line is marked as soft wrapping, then tweak the screen so
// we believe we are already in the target position. This lets the terminal take care of wrapping,
// which means that if you copy and paste the text, it won't have an embedded newline.
static bool perform_any_impending_soft_wrap(screen_t *scr, int x, int y) {
if (x == scr->soft_wrap_location.x && y == scr->soft_wrap_location.y) { //!OCLINT
// We can soft wrap; but do we want to?
if (scr->desired.line(y - 1).is_soft_wrapped && allow_soft_wrap()) {
// Yes. Just update the actual cursor; that will cause us to elide emitting the commands
// to move here, so we will just output on "one big line" (which the terminal soft
// wraps.
scr->actual.cursor = scr->soft_wrap_location;
return false;
/// Make sure we don't soft wrap.
static void invalidate_soft_wrap(screen_t *scr) { scr->soft_wrap_location = INVALID_LOCATION; }
/// Update the screen to match the desired output.
static void s_update(screen_t *scr, const wcstring &left_prompt, const wcstring &right_prompt) {
const environment_t &vars = env_stack_t::principal();
const scoped_buffer_t buffering(*scr);
const size_t left_prompt_width =
calc_prompt_layout(left_prompt, cached_layouts).last_line_width;
const size_t right_prompt_width =
calc_prompt_layout(right_prompt, cached_layouts).last_line_width;
int screen_width = common_get_width();
// Figure out how many following lines we need to clear (probably 0).
size_t actual_lines_before_reset = scr->actual_lines_before_reset;
scr->actual_lines_before_reset = 0;
bool need_clear_lines = scr->need_clear_lines;
bool need_clear_screen = scr->need_clear_screen;
bool has_cleared_screen = false;
if (scr->actual_width != screen_width) {
// Ensure we don't issue a clear screen for the very first output, to avoid issue #402.
if (scr->actual_width != SCREEN_WIDTH_UNINITIALIZED) {
need_clear_screen = true;
s_move(scr, 0, 0);
s_reset(scr, screen_reset_current_line_contents);
need_clear_lines = need_clear_lines || scr->need_clear_lines;
need_clear_screen = need_clear_screen || scr->need_clear_screen;
scr->actual_width = screen_width;
scr->need_clear_lines = false;
scr->need_clear_screen = false;
// Determine how many lines have stuff on them; we need to clear lines with stuff that we don't
// want.
const size_t lines_with_stuff = std::max(actual_lines_before_reset, scr->actual.line_count());
if (left_prompt != scr->actual_left_prompt) {
s_move(scr, 0, 0);
s_write_str(scr, left_prompt.c_str());
scr->actual_left_prompt = left_prompt;
scr->actual.cursor.x = (int)left_prompt_width;
for (size_t i = 0; i < scr->desired.line_count(); i++) {
const line_t &o_line = scr->desired.line(i);
line_t &s_line = scr->actual.create_line(i);
size_t start_pos = i == 0 ? left_prompt_width : 0;
int current_width = 0;
// If this is the last line, maybe we should clear the screen.
const bool should_clear_screen_this_line =
need_clear_screen && i + 1 == scr->desired.line_count() && clr_eos != NULL;
// Note that skip_remaining is a width, not a character count.
size_t skip_remaining = start_pos;
if (!should_clear_screen_this_line) {
// Compute how much we should skip. At a minimum we skip over the prompt. But also skip
// over the shared prefix of what we want to output now, and what we output before, to
// avoid repeatedly outputting it.
const size_t shared_prefix = line_shared_prefix(o_line, s_line);
if (shared_prefix > 0) {
size_t prefix_width = fish_wcswidth(&, shared_prefix);
if (prefix_width > skip_remaining) skip_remaining = prefix_width;
// If we're soft wrapped, and if we're going to change the first character of the next
// line, don't skip over the last two characters so that we maintain soft-wrapping.
if (o_line.is_soft_wrapped && i + 1 < scr->desired.line_count()) {
bool next_line_will_change = true;
if (i + 1 < scr->actual.line_count()) { //!OCLINT
if (line_shared_prefix(scr->desired.line(i + 1), scr->actual.line(i + 1)) > 0) {
next_line_will_change = false;
if (next_line_will_change) {
skip_remaining = std::min(skip_remaining, (size_t)(scr->actual_width - 2));
// Skip over skip_remaining width worth of characters.
size_t j = 0;
for (; j < o_line.size(); j++) {
size_t width = fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));
if (skip_remaining < width) break;
skip_remaining -= width;
current_width += width;
// Skip over zero-width characters (e.g. combining marks at the end of the prompt).
for (; j < o_line.size(); j++) {
int width = fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));
if (width > 0) break;
// Now actually output stuff.
for (; j < o_line.size(); j++) {
// If we are about to output into the last column, clear the screen first. If we clear
// the screen after we output into the last column, it can erase the last character due
// to the sticky right cursor. If we clear the screen too early, we can defeat soft
// wrapping.
if (j + 1 == (size_t)screen_width && should_clear_screen_this_line &&
!has_cleared_screen) {
s_move(scr, current_width, (int)i);
s_write_mbs(scr, clr_eos);
has_cleared_screen = true;
perform_any_impending_soft_wrap(scr, current_width, (int)i);
s_move(scr, current_width, (int)i);
s_set_color(scr, vars, o_line.color_at(j));
s_write_char(scr, o_line.char_at(j));
current_width += fish_wcwidth_min_0(o_line.char_at(j));
// Clear the screen if we have not done so yet.
if (should_clear_screen_this_line && !has_cleared_screen) {
s_move(scr, current_width, (int)i);
s_write_mbs(scr, clr_eos);
has_cleared_screen = true;
bool clear_remainder = false;
// Clear the remainder of the line if we need to clear and if we didn't write to the end of
// the line. If we did write to the end of the line, the "sticky right edge" (as part of
// auto_right_margin) means that we'll be clearing the last character we wrote!
if (has_cleared_screen) {
// Already cleared everything.
clear_remainder = false;
} else if (need_clear_lines && current_width < screen_width) {
clear_remainder = true;
} else if (right_prompt_width < scr->last_right_prompt_width) {
clear_remainder = true;
} else {
int prev_width =
s_line.text.empty() ? 0 : fish_wcswidth(&, s_line.text.size());
clear_remainder = prev_width > current_width;
if (clear_remainder && clr_eol) {
s_set_color(scr, vars, highlight_spec_t{});
s_move(scr, current_width, (int)i);
s_write_mbs(scr, clr_eol);
// Output any rprompt if this is the first line.
if (i == 0 && right_prompt_width > 0) { //!OCLINT(Use early exit/continue)
s_move(scr, (int)(screen_width - right_prompt_width), (int)i);
s_set_color(scr, vars, highlight_spec_t{});
s_write_str(scr, right_prompt.c_str());
scr->actual.cursor.x += right_prompt_width;
// We output in the last column. Some terms (Linux) push the cursor further right, past
// the window. Others make it "stick." Since we don't really know which is which, issue
// a cr so it goes back to the left.
// However, if the user is resizing the window smaller, then it's possible the cursor
// wrapped. If so, then a cr will go to the beginning of the following line! So instead
// issue a bunch of "move left" commands to get back onto the line, and then jump to the
// front of it.
s_move(scr, scr->actual.cursor.x - (int)right_prompt_width, scr->actual.cursor.y);
s_write_str(scr, L"\r");
scr->actual.cursor.x = 0;
// Clear remaining lines (if any) if we haven't cleared the screen.
if (!has_cleared_screen && scr->desired.line_count() < lines_with_stuff && clr_eol) {
s_set_color(scr, vars, highlight_spec_t{});
for (size_t i = scr->desired.line_count(); i < lines_with_stuff; i++) {
s_move(scr, 0, (int)i);
s_write_mbs(scr, clr_eol);
s_move(scr, scr->desired.cursor.x, scr->desired.cursor.y);
s_set_color(scr, vars, highlight_spec_t{});
// We have now synced our actual screen against our desired screen. Note that this is a big
// assignment!
scr->actual = scr->desired;
scr->last_right_prompt_width = right_prompt_width;
/// Returns true if we are using a dumb terminal.
static bool is_dumb() {
if (!cur_term) return true;
return !cursor_up || !cursor_down || !cursor_left || !cursor_right;
struct screen_layout_t {
// The left prompt that we're going to use.
wcstring left_prompt;
// How much space to leave for it.
size_t left_prompt_space;
// The right prompt.
wcstring right_prompt;
// The autosuggestion.
wcstring autosuggestion;
// Whether the prompts get their own line or not.
bool prompts_get_own_line;
// Given a vector whose indexes are offsets and whose values are the widths of the string if
// truncated at that offset, return the offset that fits in the given width. Returns
// width_by_offset.size() - 1 if they all fit. The first value in width_by_offset is assumed to be
// 0.
static size_t truncation_offset_for_width(const std::vector<size_t> &width_by_offset,
size_t max_width) {
assert(!width_by_offset.empty() && == 0);
size_t i;
for (i = 1; i < width_by_offset.size(); i++) {
if ( > max_width) break;
// i is the first index that did not fit; i-1 is therefore the last that did.
return i - 1;
static screen_layout_t compute_layout(screen_t *s, size_t screen_width,
const wcstring &left_prompt_str,
const wcstring &right_prompt_str, const wcstring &commandline,
const wcstring &autosuggestion_str,
const std::vector<int> &indent) {
screen_layout_t result = {};
// Start by ensuring that the prompts themselves can fit.
const wchar_t *left_prompt = left_prompt_str.c_str();
const wchar_t *right_prompt = right_prompt_str.c_str();
const wchar_t *autosuggestion = autosuggestion_str.c_str();
prompt_layout_t left_prompt_layout = calc_prompt_layout(left_prompt_str, cached_layouts);
prompt_layout_t right_prompt_layout = calc_prompt_layout(right_prompt_str, cached_layouts);
size_t left_prompt_width = left_prompt_layout.last_line_width;
size_t right_prompt_width = right_prompt_layout.last_line_width;
if (left_prompt_layout.max_line_width > screen_width) {
// If we have a multi-line prompt, see if the longest line fits; if not neuter the whole
// left prompt.
left_prompt = L"> ";
left_prompt_width = 2;
if (left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width >= screen_width) {
// Nix right_prompt.
right_prompt = L"";
right_prompt_width = 0;
if (left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width >= screen_width) {
// Still doesn't fit, neuter left_prompt.
left_prompt = L"> ";
left_prompt_width = 2;
// Now we should definitely fit.
assert(left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width < screen_width);
// Convert commandline to a list of lines and their widths.
wcstring_list_t command_lines(1);
std::vector<size_t> line_widths(1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < commandline.size(); i++) {
wchar_t c =;
if (c == L'\n') {
// Make a new line.
line_widths.push_back( * INDENT_STEP);
} else {
command_lines.back() += c;
line_widths.back() += fish_wcwidth_min_0(c);
const size_t first_command_line_width =;
// If we have more than one line, ensure we have no autosuggestion.
if (command_lines.size() > 1) {
autosuggestion = L"";
// Compute the width of the autosuggestion at all possible truncation offsets.
std::vector<size_t> autosuggest_truncated_widths;
autosuggest_truncated_widths.reserve(1 + std::wcslen(autosuggestion));
size_t autosuggest_total_width = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; autosuggestion[i] != L'\0'; i++) {
autosuggest_total_width += fish_wcwidth_min_0(autosuggestion[i]);
// Here are the layouts we try in turn:
// 1. Left prompt visible, right prompt visible, command line visible, autosuggestion visible.
// 2. Left prompt visible, right prompt visible, command line visible, autosuggestion truncated
// (possibly to zero).
// 3. Left prompt visible, right prompt hidden, command line visible, autosuggestion hidden.
// 4. Newline separator (left prompt visible, right prompt hidden, command line visible,
// autosuggestion visible).
// A remark about layout #4: if we've pushed the command line to a new line, why can't we draw
// the right prompt? The issue is resizing: if you resize the window smaller, then the right
// prompt will wrap to the next line. This means that we can't go back to the line that we were
// on, and things turn to chaos very quickly.
size_t calculated_width;
bool done = false;
// Case 1
if (!done) {
calculated_width = left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width + first_command_line_width +
if (calculated_width < screen_width) {
result.left_prompt = left_prompt;
result.left_prompt_space = left_prompt_width;
result.right_prompt = right_prompt;
result.autosuggestion = autosuggestion;
done = true;
// Case 2. Note that we require strict inequality so that there's always at least one space
// between the left edge and the rprompt.
if (!done) {
calculated_width = left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width + first_command_line_width;
if (calculated_width < screen_width) {
result.left_prompt = left_prompt;
result.left_prompt_space = left_prompt_width;
result.right_prompt = right_prompt;
// Need at least two characters to show an autosuggestion.
size_t available_autosuggest_space =
screen_width - (left_prompt_width + right_prompt_width + first_command_line_width);
if (autosuggest_total_width > 0 && available_autosuggest_space > 2) {
size_t truncation_offset = truncation_offset_for_width(
autosuggest_truncated_widths, available_autosuggest_space - 2);
result.autosuggestion = wcstring(autosuggestion, truncation_offset);
done = true;
// Case 3
if (!done) {
calculated_width = left_prompt_width + first_command_line_width;
if (calculated_width < screen_width) {
result.left_prompt = left_prompt;
result.left_prompt_space = left_prompt_width;
done = true;
// Case 4
if (!done) {
result.left_prompt = left_prompt;
result.left_prompt_space = left_prompt_width;
// See remark about for why we can't use the right prompt here result.right_prompt =
// right_prompt. If the command wraps, and the prompt is not short, place the command on its
// own line. A short prompt is 33% or less of the terminal's width.
const size_t prompt_percent_width = (100 * left_prompt_width) / screen_width;
if (left_prompt_width + first_command_line_width + 1 > screen_width &&
prompt_percent_width > 33) {
result.prompts_get_own_line = true;
return result;
void s_write(screen_t *s, const wcstring &left_prompt, const wcstring &right_prompt,
const wcstring &commandline, size_t explicit_len,
const std::vector<highlight_spec_t> &colors, const std::vector<int> &indent,
size_t cursor_pos, const page_rendering_t &pager, bool cursor_is_within_pager) {
screen_data_t::cursor_t cursor_arr;
// Turn the command line into the explicit portion and the autosuggestion.
const wcstring explicit_command_line = commandline.substr(0, explicit_len);
const wcstring autosuggestion = commandline.substr(explicit_len);
// If we are using a dumb terminal, don't try any fancy stuff, just print out the text.
// right_prompt not supported.
if (is_dumb()) {
const std::string prompt_narrow = wcs2string(left_prompt);
const std::string command_line_narrow = wcs2string(explicit_command_line);
write_loop(STDOUT_FILENO, "\r", 1);
write_loop(STDOUT_FILENO, prompt_narrow.c_str(), prompt_narrow.size());
write_loop(STDOUT_FILENO, command_line_narrow.c_str(), command_line_narrow.size());
const size_t screen_width = common_get_width();
// Completely ignore impossibly small screens.
if (screen_width < 4) {
// Compute a layout.
const screen_layout_t layout = compute_layout(s, screen_width, left_prompt, right_prompt,
explicit_command_line, autosuggestion, indent);
// Determine whether, if we have an autosuggestion, it was truncated.
s->autosuggestion_is_truncated =
!autosuggestion.empty() && autosuggestion != layout.autosuggestion;
// Clear the desired screen.
s->desired.cursor.x = s->desired.cursor.y = 0;
// Append spaces for the left prompt.
for (size_t i = 0; i < layout.left_prompt_space; i++) {
s_desired_append_char(s, L' ', highlight_spec_t{}, 0, layout.left_prompt_space);
// If overflowing, give the prompt its own line to improve the situation.
size_t first_line_prompt_space = layout.left_prompt_space;
if (layout.prompts_get_own_line) {
s_desired_append_char(s, L'\n', highlight_spec_t{}, 0, 0);
first_line_prompt_space = 0;
// Reconstruct the command line.
wcstring effective_commandline = explicit_command_line + layout.autosuggestion;
// Output the command line.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < effective_commandline.size(); i++) {
// Grab the current cursor's x,y position if this character matches the cursor's offset.
if (!cursor_is_within_pager && i == cursor_pos) {
cursor_arr = s->desired.cursor;
s_desired_append_char(s,, colors[i], indent[i],
// Cursor may have been at the end too.
if (!cursor_is_within_pager && i == cursor_pos) {
cursor_arr = s->desired.cursor;
// Now that we've output everything, set the cursor to the position that we saved in the loop
// above.
s->desired.cursor = cursor_arr;
if (cursor_is_within_pager) {
s->desired.cursor.x = (int)cursor_pos;
s->desired.cursor.y = (int)s->desired.line_count();
// Append pager_data (none if empty).
s_update(s, layout.left_prompt, layout.right_prompt);
void s_reset(screen_t *s, screen_reset_mode_t mode) {
CHECK(s, );
bool abandon_line = false, repaint_prompt = false, clear_to_eos = false;
switch (mode) {
case screen_reset_current_line_contents: {
case screen_reset_current_line_and_prompt: {
repaint_prompt = true;
case screen_reset_abandon_line: {
abandon_line = true;
repaint_prompt = true;
case screen_reset_abandon_line_and_clear_to_end_of_screen: {
abandon_line = true;
repaint_prompt = true;
clear_to_eos = true;
// If we're abandoning the line, we must also be repainting the prompt.
assert(!abandon_line || repaint_prompt);
// If we are not abandoning the line, we need to remember how many lines we had output to, so we
// can clear the remaining lines in the next call to s_update. This prevents leaving junk
// underneath the cursor when resizing a window wider such that it reduces our desired line
// count.
if (!abandon_line) {
s->actual_lines_before_reset =
std::max(s->actual_lines_before_reset, s->actual.line_count());
if (repaint_prompt && !abandon_line) {
// If the prompt is multi-line, we need to move up to the prompt's initial line. We do this
// by lying to ourselves and claiming that we're really below what we consider "line 0"
// (which is the last line of the prompt). This will cause us to move up to try to get back
// to line 0, but really we're getting back to the initial line of the prompt.
const size_t prompt_line_count = calc_prompt_lines(s->actual_left_prompt);
assert(prompt_line_count >= 1);
s->actual.cursor.y += (prompt_line_count - 1);
} else if (abandon_line) {
s->actual.cursor.y = 0;
if (repaint_prompt) s->actual_left_prompt.clear();
s->need_clear_lines = true;
s->need_clear_screen = s->need_clear_screen || clear_to_eos;
if (abandon_line) {
// Do the PROMPT_SP hack.
int screen_width = common_get_width();
wcstring abandon_line_string;
abandon_line_string.reserve(screen_width + 32); // should be enough
// Don't need to check for fish_wcwidth errors; this is done when setting up
// omitted_newline_char in common.cpp.
int non_space_width = get_omitted_newline_width();
// We do `>` rather than `>=` because the code below might require one extra space.
if (screen_width > non_space_width) {
bool justgrey = true;
if (cur_term && enter_dim_mode) {
std::string dim = tparm((char *)enter_dim_mode);
if (!dim.empty()) {
// Use dim if they have it, so the color will be based on their actual normal
// color and the background of the termianl.
justgrey = false;
if (cur_term && justgrey && set_a_foreground) {
if (max_colors >= 238) {
// draw the string in a particular grey
abandon_line_string.append(str2wcstring(tparm((char *)set_a_foreground, 237)));
} else if (max_colors >= 9) {
// bright black (the ninth color, looks grey)
abandon_line_string.append(str2wcstring(tparm((char *)set_a_foreground, 8)));
} else if (max_colors >= 2 && enter_bold_mode) {
// we might still get that color by setting black and going bold for bright
abandon_line_string.append(str2wcstring(tparm((char *)enter_bold_mode)));
abandon_line_string.append(str2wcstring(tparm((char *)set_a_foreground, 0)));
if (cur_term && exit_attribute_mode) {
tparm((char *)exit_attribute_mode))); // normal text ANSI escape sequence
int newline_glitch_width = term_has_xn ? 0 : 1;
abandon_line_string.append(screen_width - non_space_width - newline_glitch_width, L' ');
// Now we are certainly on a new line. But we may have dropped the omitted newline char on
// it. So append enough spaces to overwrite the omitted newline char, and then clear all the
// spaces from the new line.
abandon_line_string.append(non_space_width, L' ');
// Clear entire line. Zsh doesn't do this. Fish added this with commit 4417a6ee: If you have
// a prompt preceded by a new line, you'll get a line full of spaces instead of an empty
// line above your prompt. This doesn't make a difference in normal usage, but copying and
// pasting your terminal log becomes a pain. This commit clears that line, making it an
// actual empty line.
if (!is_dumb() && clr_eol) {
const std::string narrow_abandon_line_string = wcs2string(abandon_line_string);
write_loop(STDOUT_FILENO, narrow_abandon_line_string.c_str(),
s->actual.cursor.x = 0;
if (!abandon_line) {
// This should prevent resetting the cursor position during the next repaint.
write_loop(STDOUT_FILENO, "\r", 1);
s->actual.cursor.x = 0;
fstat(1, &s->prev_buff_1);
fstat(2, &s->prev_buff_2);
void screen_force_clear_to_end() {
if (clr_eos) {
writembs(outputter_t::stdoutput(), clr_eos);
: outp_(outputter_t::stdoutput()),
post_buff_2() {}