Fabian Homborg 3f95440f26 completions: Use commandline -opc, not just -o
`commandline -o` tokenizes *the entire commandline buffer*.

See .
2020-04-20 19:43:01 +02:00

208 lines
11 KiB

# NPM (https://npmjs.org) completions for Fish shell
# __fish_npm_needs_* and __fish_npm_using_* taken from:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16657803/creating-autocomplete-script-with-sub-commands
# see also Fish's large set of completions for examples:
# https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/tree/master/share/completions
source $__fish_data_dir/functions/__fish_npm_helper.fish
set -l npm_install "npm install --global"
function __fish_npm_needs_command
set cmd (commandline -opc)
if [ (count $cmd) -eq 1 ]
return 0
return 1
function __fish_npm_using_command
set cmd (commandline -opc)
if [ (count $cmd) -gt 1 ]
if [ $argv[1] = $cmd[2] ]
return 0
return 1
function __fish_npm_needs_option
switch (commandline -ct)
case "-*"
return 0
return 1
function __fish_complete_npm -d "Complete the commandline using npm's 'completion' tool"
# Note that this function will generate undescribed completion options, and current fish
# will sometimes pick these over versions with descriptions.
# However, this seems worth it because it means automatically getting _some_ completions if npm updates.
# Defining an npm alias that automatically calls nvm if necessary is a popular convenience measure.
# Because that is a function, these local variables won't be inherited and the completion would fail
# with weird output on stdout (!). But before the function is called, no npm command is defined,
# so calling the command would fail.
# So we'll only try if we have an npm command.
if command -sq npm
# npm completion is bash-centric, so we need to translate fish's "commandline" stuff to bash's $COMP_* stuff
# COMP_LINE is an array with the words in the commandline
set -lx COMP_LINE (commandline -opc)
# COMP_CWORD is the index of the current word in COMP_LINE
# bash starts arrays with 0, so subtract 1
set -lx COMP_CWORD (math (count $COMP_LINE) - 1)
# COMP_POINT is the index of point/cursor when the commandline is viewed as a string
set -lx COMP_POINT (commandline -C)
# If the cursor is after the last word, the empty token will disappear in the expansion
# Readd it
if test (commandline -ct) = ""
set COMP_CWORD (math $COMP_CWORD + 1)
command npm completion -- $COMP_LINE 2>/dev/null
# use npm completion for most of the things,
# except options completion (because it sucks at it)
# and run-script completion (reading package.json is faster).
# see: https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/9524
# and: https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/pull/2366
complete -f -c npm -n 'not __fish_npm_needs_option; and not __fish_npm_using_command run; and not __fish_npm_using_command run-script' -a "(__fish_complete_npm)"
# list available npm scripts and their parial content
function __fish_parse_npm_run_completions
while read -l name
set -l trim 20
read -l value
set value (string sub -l $trim -- $value)
printf "%s\t%s\n" $name $value
function __fish_npm_run
# Complete `npm run` scripts
# These are stored in package.json, which we need a tool to read.
# python is very probably installed (we use it for other things!),
# jq is slower but also a common tool,
# npm is dog-slow and might check for updates online!
if test -e package.json; and set -l python (__fish_anypython)
# Warning: That weird indentation is necessary, because python.
$python -S -c 'import json, sys; data = json.load(sys.stdin);
for k,v in data["scripts"].items(): print(k + "\t" + v[:18])' <package.json 2>/dev/null
else if command -sq jq; and test -e package.json
jq -r '.scripts | to_entries | map("\(.key)\t\(.value | tostring | .[0:20])") | .[]' package.json
else if command -sq npm
# Like above, only try to call npm if there's a command by that name to facilitate aliases that call nvm.
command npm run | string match -r -v '^[^ ]|^$' | string trim | __fish_parse_npm_run_completions
# run
for c in run run-script
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -a "(__fish_npm_run)"
# cache
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a cache -d "Manipulates package's cache"
complete -f -c npm -n '__fish_npm_using_command cache' -a add -d 'Add the specified package to the local cache'
complete -f -c npm -n '__fish_npm_using_command cache' -a clean -d 'Delete data out of the cache folder'
complete -f -c npm -n '__fish_npm_using_command cache' -a ls -d 'Show the data in the cache'
# config
for c in c config
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a "$c" -d 'Manage the npm configuration files'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -a set -d 'Sets the config key to the value'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -a get -d 'Echo the config value to stdout'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -a delete -d 'Deletes the key from all configuration files'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -a list -d 'Show all the config settings'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -a ls -d 'Show all the config settings'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -a edit -d 'Opens the config file in an editor'
# get, set also exist as shorthands
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a get -d 'Echo the config value to stdout'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a set -d 'Sets the config key to the value'
# install
for c in install isntall i
complete -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a "$c" -d 'install a package'
complete -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l save-dev -d 'Save to devDependencies in package.json'
complete -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l save -d 'Save to dependencies in package.json'
complete -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -s g -l global -d 'Install package globally'
# list
for c in la list ll ls
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a "$c" -d 'List installed packages'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -s g -l global -d 'List packages in the global install prefix instead of in the current project'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l json -d 'Show information in JSON format'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l long -d 'Show extended information'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l parseable -d 'Show parseable output instead of tree view'
complete -x -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l depth -d 'Max display depth of the dependency tree'
# owner
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a owner -d 'Manage package owners'
complete -f -c npm -n '__fish_npm_using_command owner' -a ls -d 'List package owners'
complete -f -c npm -n '__fish_npm_using_command owner' -a add -d 'Add a new owner to package'
complete -f -c npm -n '__fish_npm_using_command owner' -a rm -d 'Remove an owner from package'
# remove
for c in r remove rm un uninstall unlink
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a "$c" -d 'remove package' -xa '(__yarn_installed_packages)'
complete -x -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -s g -l global -d 'remove global package'
complete -x -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l save -d 'Package will be removed from your dependencies'
complete -x -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l save-dev -d 'Package will be removed from your devDependencies'
complete -x -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l save-optional -d 'Package will be removed from your optionalDependencies'
# search
for c in find s se search
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a "$c" -d 'Search for packages'
complete -x -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -l long -d 'Display full package descriptions and other long text across multiple lines'
# update
for c in up update
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a "$c" -d 'Update package(s)'
complete -f -c npm -n "__fish_npm_using_command $c" -s g -l global -d 'Update global package(s)'
# misc shorter explanations
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'adduser add-user login' -d 'Add a registry user account'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a bin -d 'Display npm bin folder'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'bugs issues' -d 'Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'ddp dedupe find-dupes' -d 'Reduce duplication'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a deprecate -d 'Deprecate a version of a package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'docs home' -d 'Docs for a package in a web browser maybe'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a edit -d 'Edit an installed package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a explore -d 'Browse an installed package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a faq -d 'Frequently Asked Questions'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a help-search -d 'Search npm help documentation'
complete -f -c npm -n '__fish_npm_using_command help-search' -l long -d 'Display full package descriptions and other long text across multiple lines'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'info v view' -d 'View registry info'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'link ln' -d 'Symlink a package folder'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a outdated -d 'Check for outdated packages'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a pack -d 'Create a tarball from a package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a prefix -d 'Display NPM prefix'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a prune -d 'Remove extraneous packages'
complete -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a publish -d 'Publish a package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'rb rebuild' -d 'Rebuild a package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'root ' -d 'Display npm root'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 'run-script run' -d 'Run arbitrary package scripts'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a shrinkwrap -d 'Lock down dependency versions'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a star -d 'Mark your favorite packages'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a stars -d 'View packages marked as favorites'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a start -d 'Start a package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a stop -d 'Stop a package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a submodule -d 'Add a package as a git submodule'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a 't tst test' -d 'Test a package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a unpublish -d 'Remove a package from the registry'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a unstar -d 'Remove star from a package'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a version -d 'Bump a package version'
complete -f -c npm -n __fish_npm_needs_command -a whoami -d 'Display npm username'
complete -f -c npm -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from install; and not __fish_is_switch' -a "(__yarn_filtered_list_packages \"$npm_install\")"