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# Gradle is a build system.
# See: https://gradle.org
function __fish_gradle_contains_build_file
test -f build.gradle -o -f build.gradle.kts
function __fish_gradle_create_completion_cache_file
set -l xdg_cache_home $XDG_CACHE_HOME
# Set up cache directory
if test -z "$xdg_cache_home"
set xdg_cache_home $HOME/.cache
mkdir -m 700 -p "$xdg_cache_home/gradle-completions"
set -l md5Hash (__fish_md5 -s $argv[1] | string replace -r '.* = ' '')
string trim -- "$xdg_cache_home/gradle-completions/$md5Hash"
# Configure Tasks Completion #
# Outside of a Project
function __fish_gradle_get_default_task_completion
if __fish_gradle_contains_build_file
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
buildEnvironment "Display buildscript dependencies" \
components "Display components" \
dependencies "Display dependencies" \
dependencyInsight "Display insight of a given dependency" \
dependentComponents "Display the dependent components" \
help "Display help message" \
init "Initialize new Gradle project" \
model "Display configuration model" \
projects "Display sub-projects" \
properties "Display properties" \
tasks "Display tasks" \
wrapper "Generate Gradle wrapper files"
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--exclusive \
--arguments "(__fish_gradle_get_default_task_completion)"
# Inside of a Project
function __fish_gradle_get_task_completion
if not __fish_gradle_contains_build_file
set -l gradle_cache_file (__fish_gradle_create_completion_cache_file "{$PWD}-tasks")
if not test -f "$gradle_cache_file" -a -s "$gradle_cache_file"
command gradle -q tasks --all 2>/dev/null | string match --regex '^(?!-)[A-Za-z0-9:-]+(?: - .*)?$' | string replace ' - ' \t >"$gradle_cache_file"
# return possible tasks
string trim -- <"$gradle_cache_file"
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--condition __fish_gradle_contains_build_file \
--exclusive \
--arguments "(__fish_gradle_get_task_completion)"
# Configure Option Completion #
function __fish_gradle_get_console_completion
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
auto "Use 'rich' in console otherwise 'plain'" \
plain "Disable color and rich output" \
rich "Enable color and rich output" \
verbose "Enable color, rich output, output task names and outcomes at the lifecycle log level"
function __fish_gradle_get_property_completion
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
"org.gradle.cache.reserved.mb" "Reserve Gradle Daemon memory for operations" \
"org.gradle.caching" "Enable Gradle build cache" \
"org.gradle.console" "Set type of console output to generate (plain, auto, rich, verbose)" \
"org.gradle.daemon.debug" "Enable debug Gradle Daemon" \
"org.gradle.daemon.idletimeout" "Kill Gradle Daemon after" \
"org.gradle.debug" "Enable debug Gradle Client" \
"org.gradle.jvmargs" "Set JVM arguments" \
"org.gradle.java.home" "Set JDK home dir" \
"org.gradle.logging.level" "Set default Gradle log level (quiet, warn, lifecycle, info, debug)" \
"org.gradle.parallel" "Enable parallel project builds (incubating)" \
"org.gradle.priority" "Set priority for Gradle worker processes (low, normal)" \
"org.gradle.warning.mode" "Set types of warnings to log (all, summary, fail, none)" \
"org.gradle.workers.max" "Set the number of workers Gradle is allowed to use"
function __fish_gradle_get_priority_completion
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
normal "Default process priority" \
low "Low process priority"
function __fish_gradle_get_warning_mode_completion
printf '%s\t%s\n' \
all "Log all warnings" \
summary "Suppress all warnings, log a summary at the end" \
fail "Log all warnings and fail the build if there are any" \
none "Suppress all warnings, including the summary at the end"
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option help \
--short-option h --short-option '?' \
--description 'Show this help message'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option no-rebuild \
--short-option a \
--description 'Do not rebuild project dependencies'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option build-file \
--short-option b \
--require-parameter \
--description 'Specify build file'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option build-cache \
--description 'Enable Gradle build cache'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option settings-file \
--short-option c \
--require-parameter \
--description 'Specify settings file'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option configure-on-demand \
--description 'Configure necessary projects only [incubating]'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option console \
--exclusive \
--description 'Specify type of console output' \
--arguments "(__fish_gradle_get_console_completion)"
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option continue \
--description 'Continue task execution after task failures'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option system-prop \
--short-option D \
--exclusive \
--description 'Set system property of the JVM (e.g. -Dmyprop=myvalue)' \
--arguments "(__fish_gradle_get_property_completion)"
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option debug \
--short-option d \
--description 'Log in debug mode (incl. normal stacktrace)'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option daemon \
--description 'Uses Gradle Daemon'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option foreground \
--description 'Start Gradle Daemon in foreground'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option gradle-user-home \
--short-option g \
--require-parameter \
--description 'Specify gradle user home directory'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option init-script \
--short-option I \
--require-parameter \
--description 'Specify initialization script'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option info \
--short-option i \
--description 'Info log level'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option include-build \
--require-parameter \
--description 'Include specified build in composite'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option dry-run \
--short-option m \
--description 'Run builds with all task actions disabled'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option max-workers \
--exclusive \
--description 'Configure number of concurrent workers'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option no-build-cache \
--description 'Disable Gradle build cache'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option no-configure-on-demand \
--description 'Disable use of configuration on demand [incubating]'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option no-daemon \
--description 'Disable Gradle daemon'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option no-parallel \
--description 'Disable parallel execution'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option no-scan \
--description 'Disable creation of build scan'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option offline \
--description 'Execute build without accessing network resources'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option project-prop \
--short-option P \
--exclusive \
--description 'Set project property for build script (e.g. -Pmyprop=myvalue)'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option project-dir \
--short-option p \
--require-parameter \
--description 'Specify start directory for Gradle'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option parallel \
--description 'Build projects in parallel'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option priority \
--exclusive \
--description 'Specify scheduling priority for the Gradle daemon and all processes launched by it' \
--arguments "(__fish_gradle_get_priority_completion)"
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option profile \
--description 'Profile build execution time and generate report'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option project-cache-dir \
--require-parameter \
--description 'Specify cache directory'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option quiet \
--short-option q \
--description 'Error log level'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option refresh-dependencies \
--description 'Refresh dependencies state'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option rerun-tasks \
--description 'Ignore previously cached task results'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option full-stacktrace \
--short-option S \
--description 'Print out full stacktrace'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option stacktrace \
--short-option s \
--description 'Print out stacktrace'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option scan \
--description 'Creates build scan'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option status \
--description 'Show status of Gradle Daemon(s)'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option stop \
--description 'Stop Gradle Daemon(s)'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option continuous \
--short-option t \
--description 'Enable continuous build'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option update-locks \
--description 'Perform a partial update of the dependency lock [incubating]'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option version \
--short-option v \
--description 'Print version info.'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option warn \
--short-option w \
--description 'Warn log level'
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option warning-mode \
--description 'Specify warn mode' \
--arguments "(__fish_gradle_get_warning_mode_completion)"
complete --command gw --command gradle --command gradlew \
--long-option write-locks \
--description 'Persists dependency resolution for locked configurations [incubating]'