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#include <array>
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
/// A type (to specialize) that provides a count for an enum.
/// Example:
/// template<> struct enum_info_t<MyEnum>
/// { static constexpr auto count = MyEnum::COUNT; };
template <typename T>
struct enum_info_t {};
/// \return the count of an enum.
template <typename T>
constexpr size_t enum_count() {
return static_cast<size_t>(enum_info_t<T>::count);
/// A bit set indexed by an enum type.
template <typename T>
class enum_set_t : private std::bitset<enum_count<T>()> {
using super = std::bitset<enum_count<T>()>;
static size_t index_of(T t) { return static_cast<size_t>(t); }
explicit enum_set_t(unsigned long raw) : super(raw) {}
explicit enum_set_t(super sup) : super(std::move(sup)) {}
enum_set_t() = default;
/*implicit*/ enum_set_t(T v) { set(v); }
/*implicit*/ enum_set_t(std::initializer_list<T> vs) {
for (T v : vs) set(v);
static enum_set_t from_raw(unsigned long v) { return enum_set_t{v}; }
unsigned long to_raw() const { return super::to_ulong(); }
bool get(T t) const { return super::test(index_of(t)); }
void set(T t, bool v = true) { super::set(index_of(t), v); }
void clear(T t) { super::reset(index_of(t)); }
bool none() const { return super::none(); }
bool any() const { return super::any(); }
bool operator==(const enum_set_t &rhs) const { return super::operator==(rhs); }
bool operator!=(const enum_set_t &rhs) const { return super::operator!=(rhs); }
/// OR in a single flag, returning a new set.
enum_set_t operator|(T rhs) const {
enum_set_t result = *this;
return result;
/// Compute the union of two sets.
enum_set_t operator|(enum_set_t rhs) const { return from_raw(to_raw() | rhs.to_raw()); }
/// OR in a single flag, modifying the set in place.
enum_set_t operator|=(T rhs) {
*this = *this | rhs;
return *this;
/// Set this to the union of two sets.
enum_set_t operator|=(enum_set_t rhs) {
*this = *this | rhs;
return *this;
/// Test a value of a single flag. Note this does not return an enum_set_t; there is no such
/// boolean conversion. This simply makes flags work more naturally as bit masks.
bool operator&(T rhs) const { return get(rhs); }
/// An array of Elem indexed by an enum class.
template <typename Elem, typename T>
class enum_array_t : public std::array<Elem, enum_count<T>()> {
using super = std::array<Elem, enum_count<T>()>;
using base_type_t = typename std::underlying_type<T>::type;
static int index_of(T t) { return static_cast<base_type_t>(t); }
Elem &at(T t) { return super::at(index_of(t)); }
const Elem &at(T t) const { return super::at(index_of(t)); }
Elem &operator[](T t) { return super::operator[](index_of(t)); }
const Elem &operator[](T t) const { return super::operator[](index_of(t)); }
/// A counting iterator for an enum class.
/// This enumerates the values of an enum class from 0 up to (not including) count.
/// Example:
/// for (auto v : enum_iter_t<MyEnum>) {...}
template <typename T>
class enum_iter_t {
using base_type_t = typename std::underlying_type<T>::type;
struct iterator_t {
friend class enum_iter_t;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using difference_type = long;
explicit iterator_t(base_type_t v) : v_(v) {}
T operator*() const { return static_cast<T>(v_); }
const T *operator->() const { return static_cast<const T *>(v_); }
iterator_t &operator++() {
v_ += 1;
return *this;
iterator_t operator++(int) {
auto res = *this;
v_ += 1;
return res;
bool operator==(iterator_t rhs) const { return v_ == rhs.v_; }
bool operator!=(iterator_t rhs) const { return v_ != rhs.v_; }
base_type_t v_{};
iterator_t begin() const { return iterator_t{0}; }
iterator_t end() const { return iterator_t{static_cast<base_type_t>(enum_count<T>())}; }