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synced 2025-03-05 05:14:10 +08:00

initially the user only sees the various themes, and has to activate customization mode to change colors. Tweak the appearance as well.
274 lines
9.9 KiB
274 lines
9.9 KiB
controllers = angular.module("controllers", []);
controllers.controller("main", function($scope, $location) {
$scope.currentTab = "colors";
$scope.changeView = function(view) {
$scope.currentTab = view;
controllers.controller("colorsController", function($scope, $http) {
$scope.changeSelectedColorScheme= function(newScheme) {
$scope.selectedColorScheme = angular.copy(newScheme);
if ($scope.selectedColorScheme.preferred_background) {
$scope.terminalBackgroundColor = $scope.selectedColorScheme.preferred_background;
$scope.selectedColorSetting = false;
$scope.customizationActive = false;
$scope.csEditingType = false;
$scope.colorArraysArray = $scope.getColorArraysArray();
//TODO: Save button should be shown only when colors are changed
$scope.showSaveButton = true;
$scope.changeTerminalBackgroundColor = function(color) {
$scope.terminalBackgroundColor = color;
$scope.text_color_for_color = text_color_for_color;
$scope.border_color_for_color = border_color_for_color;
$scope.getColorArraysArray = function() {
var result = null;
if ( $scope.selectedColorScheme.colors && $scope.selectedColorScheme.colors.length > 0)
result = get_colors_as_nested_array($scope.selectedColorScheme.colors, 32);
result = get_colors_as_nested_array(term_256_colors, 32);
return result;
$scope.beginCustomizationWithSetting = function(setting) {
if (! $scope.customizationActive) {
$scope.customizationActive = true;
$scope.selectedColorSetting = setting;
$scope.csEditingType = setting;
$scope.csUserVisibleTitle = user_visible_title_for_setting_name(setting);
$scope.selectColorSetting = function(name) {
$scope.selectedColorSetting = name;
$scope.csEditingType = $scope.customizationActive ? name : '';
$scope.csUserVisibleTitle = user_visible_title_for_setting_name(name);
$scope.toggleCustomizationActive = function() {
if (! $scope.customizationActive) {
$scope.beginCustomizationWithSetting($scope.selectedColorSetting || 'command');
} else {
$scope.customizationActive = false;
$scope.selectedColorSetting = '';
$scope.csEditingType = '';
$scope.changeSelectedTextColor = function(color) {
$scope.selectedColorScheme[$scope.selectedColorSetting] = color;
$scope.sampleTerminalBackgroundColors = ['white', '#' + solarized.base3, '#300', '#003', '#' + solarized.base03, '#232323', 'black'];
/* Array of FishColorSchemes */
$scope.colorSchemes = [color_scheme_fish_default, color_scheme_solarized_light, color_scheme_solarized_dark, color_scheme_tomorrow, color_scheme_tomorrow_night, color_scheme_tomorrow_night_bright];
for (var i=0; i < additional_color_schemes.length; i++)
$scope.getCurrentTheme = function() {
$http.get("/colors/").success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
var currentScheme = { "name": "Current", "colors":[], "preferred_background": "" };
for (var i in data) {
currentScheme[data[i].name] = data[i].color;
$scope.colorSchemes.splice(0, 0, currentScheme);
$scope.saveThemeButtonTitle = "Set Theme";
$scope.noteThemeChanged = function() {
$scope.saveThemeButtonTitle = "Set Theme";
$scope.setTheme = function() {
var settingNames = ["autosuggestion", "command", "param", "redirection", "comment", "error", "quote", "end"];
var remaining = settingNames.length;
for (name in settingNames) {
var postData = "what=" + settingNames[name] + "&color=" + $scope.selectedColorScheme[settingNames[name]] + "&background_color=&bold=&underline=";
$http.post("/set_color/", postData, { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
if (status == 200) {
remaining -= 1;
if (remaining == 0) {
/* All styles set! */
$scope.saveThemeButtonTitle = "Theme Set!";
controllers.controller("promptController", function($scope, $http) {
$scope.selectedPrompt = null;
$scope.fetchSamplePrompts= function() {
$http.get("/sample_prompts/").success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.samplePrompts = data;
$scope.samplePromptsArrayArray = get_colors_as_nested_array($scope.samplePrompts, 1);
if ($scope.selectedPrompt == null) {
$scope.selectPrompt = function(promptt) {
$scope.selectedPrompt= promptt;
$scope.setNewPrompt = function(selectedPrompt) {
$http.post("/set_prompt/","what=" + encodeURIComponent(selectedPrompt.function), { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }).success(function(data, status, headers, config){
// Update attributes of current prompt and select it
$scope.samplePrompts[0].demo = selectedPrompt.demo;
$scope.samplePrompts[0].function = selectedPrompt.function;
$scope.samplePrompts[0].font_size = selectedPrompt.font_size;
$scope.selectedPrompt = $scope.samplePrompts[0];
controllers.controller("functionsController", function($scope, $http) {
$scope.selectedFunction = null;
$scope.functionDefinition = "";
$scope.selectFunction = function(fun) {
$scope.selectedFunction = fun;
$scope.fetchFunctions= function() {
$http.get("/functions/").success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.functions = data;
$scope.cleanupFishFunction = function (contents) {
/* Replace leading tabs and groups of four spaces at the beginning of a line with two spaces. */
lines = contents.split('\n')
rx = /^[\t ]+/
for (var i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
line = lines[i]
/* Get leading tabs and spaces */
whitespace_arr = rx.exec(line)
if (whitespace_arr) {
/* Replace four spaces with two spaces, and tabs with two spaces */
var whitespace = whitespace_arr[0]
new_whitespace = whitespace.replace(/( )|(\t)/g, ' ')
lines[i] = new_whitespace + line.slice(whitespace.length)
return lines.join('\n')
$scope.fetchFunctionDefinition = function(name) {
$http.post("/get_function/","what=" + name, { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.functionDefinition = $scope.cleanupFishFunction(data[0]);
controllers.controller("variablesController", function($scope, $http) {
$scope.query = null;
$scope.fetchVariables= function() {
$http.get("/variables/").success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.variables = data;
controllers.controller("historyController", function($scope, $http, $timeout) {
$scope.historyItems = [];
$scope.historySize = 0;
// Stores items which are yet to be added in history items
$scope.remainingItems = [];
$scope.selectedItems = [];
// Populate history items in parts
$scope.loadHistory = function() {
if ($scope.remainingItems.length <= 0) {
$scope.loadingText = "";
var toLoad = $scope.remainingItems.splice(0, 100);
for (i in toLoad) {
$scope.loadingText = "Loading " + $scope.historyItems.length + "/" + $scope.historySize;
$timeout($scope.loadHistory, 100);
$scope.selectItem = function(item) {
var index = $scope.selectedItems.indexOf(item);
if ( index >= 0) {
else {
// Get history from server
$scope.fetchHistory = function() {
$http.get("/history/").success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.historySize = data.length;
$scope.remainingItems = data;
/* Call this function 10 times/second */
$timeout($scope.loadHistory, 100);
$scope.deleteHistoryItem = function(item) {
index = $scope.historyItems.indexOf(item);
$http.post("/delete_history_item/","what=" + encodeURIComponent(item), { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.historyItems.splice(index, 1);
var queryInputTimeout = null;
$scope.$watch("queryInput", function() {
if (queryInputTimeout){
queryInputTimeout = $timeout(function() {
$scope.query = $scope.queryInput;
}, 1000);
controllers.controller("bindingsController", function($scope, $http) {
$scope.bindings = [];
$scope.fetchBindings = function() {
$http.get("/bindings/").success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.bindings = data;