This language pack is bundled with [Flarum](
## Translating Flarum
1. Fork this repository.
2. Edit the [flarum.json](flarum.json) file:
-`name` A lowercase and hyphens only name (e.g. **french**, **drunk-pirates**).
-`title` A short descriptive label for the extension list (e.g. **French**, **Drunk Pirates Arr**).
-`locale` An [ISO 639-1]( code of your locale, or a short identifier of at least 3 characters to prevent conflicts (e.g. **fr**, **pirate**).
-`icon` Change to suit your needs, play with the name for the FontAwesome icon, color for the icon color and background for the background color of the icon.
3. Modify the files under `/locale` to suit your needs. These hold all the actual translations.