2015-04-25 22:28:39 +09:30
import Component from 'flarum/component';
import icon from 'flarum/helpers/icon';
The back/pin button group in the top-left corner of Flarum's interface.
export default class BackButton extends Component {
view() {
var history = app.history;
var pane = app.pane;
return m('div.back-button', {
className: this.props.className || '',
onmouseenter: pane && pane.show.bind(pane),
onmouseleave: pane && pane.onmouseleave.bind(pane),
config: this.onload.bind(this)
}, history.canGoBack() ? m('div.btn-group', [
2015-05-02 08:32:45 +09:30
m('button.btn.btn-default.btn-icon.back', {onclick: history.back.bind(history)}, icon('chevron-left icon')),
pane && pane.active ? m('button.btn.btn-default.btn-icon.pin'+(pane.pinned ? '.active' : ''), {onclick: pane.togglePinned.bind(pane)}, icon('thumb-tack icon')) : '',
2015-04-25 22:28:39 +09:30
]) : (this.props.drawer ? [
2015-05-02 08:32:45 +09:30
m('button.btn.btn-default.btn-icon.drawer-toggle', {onclick: this.toggleDrawer.bind(this)}, icon('reorder icon'))
2015-04-25 22:28:39 +09:30
] : ''));
onload(element, isInitialized, context) {
context.retain = true;
toggleDrawer() {