discussion_list_started_text:"{username} started {ago}"
# These strings are used in the Edit User modal dialog (admin function).
edit_user_email_label:=> core.email
edit_user_password_label:=> core.password
edit_user_submit_button:=> core.save_changes
edit_user_username_label:=> core.username
# These strings are used in the Forgot Password modal dialog.
forgot_password_dismiss_button:=> core.okay
forgot_password_email_placeholder:=> core.email
forgot_password_email_sent_message:We've sent you an email containing a link to reset your password. Check your spam folder if you don't receive it within the next minute or two.
forgot_password_submit_button:Recover Password
forgot_password_text:Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password.
forgot_password_title:Forgot Password
# These strings are used in the header and session dropdown menu.
header_log_in_link:=> core.log_in
header_log_out_button:=> core.log_out
header_search_placeholder:Search Forum
header_settings_button:=> core.settings
header_sign_up_link:=> core.sign_up
# These strings are used on the index page, peripheral to the discussion list.
# These strings are used by the sorting control above the discussion list.
# These strings are used in the Log In modal dialog.
log_in_confirmation_required_message:"You need to confirm your email before you can log in. We've sent a confirmation email to {email}. If it doesn't arrive soon, check your spam folder."
log_in_forgot_password_link:Forgot password?
log_in_invalid_login_message:Your login details were incorrect.
log_in_password_placeholder:=> core.password
log_in_sign_up_text:"Don't have an account? <a>Log In</a>"
log_in_submit_button:=> core.log_in
log_in_title:=> core.log_in
log_in_username_or_email_placeholder:Username or Email
# These strings are used by the Notifications dropdown, a.k.a. "the bell".
notifications_discussion_renamed_text:"{username} changed the title"
# These strings are used in the user profile page and profile popup.
user_bio_placeholder:Write something about yourself
user_discussions_link:=> core.discussions
user_joined_date_text:"Joined {ago}"
user_posts_load_more_button:=> core.load_more
user_settings_link:=> core.settings
# These strings are used to control the avatar in the user profile page.
# These strings are found on the user profile page (admin function).
user_controls_delete_button:=> core.delete
user_controls_delete_confirmation:Are you sure you want to delete this user? All of the user's posts will be deleted.
user_controls_edit_button:=> core.edit
# Strings in this namespace are used by the admin interface.
# These strings are used in the Appearance page.
appearance_colored_header_label:Colored Header
appearance_colors_text:Choose two colors to theme your forum with. The first will be used as a highlight color, while the second will be used to style background elements.
appearance_custom_styles_heading:Custom Styles
appearance_custom_styles_text:Customize your forum's appearance by adding your own LESS/CSS code to be applied on top of Flarum's default styles.
appearance_dark_mode_label:Dark Mode
appearance_edit_css_button:Edit Custom CSS
appearance_enter_hex_message:Please enter a hexadecimal color code.
basics_forum_description_text:Enter a short sentence or two that describes your community. This will appear in the meta tag and show up in search engines.
basics_forum_title_heading:Forum Title
basics_home_page_heading:Home Page
basics_home_page_text:Choose the page which users will first see when they visit your forum. If entering a custom value, use the path relative to the forum root.
basics_saved_message:Your changes were saved.
basics_submit_button:=> core.save_changes
basics_welcome_banner_heading:Welcome Banner
basics_welcome_banner_text:Configure the text that displays in the banner on the All Discussions page. Use this to welcome guests to your forum.
# These strings are used in the Dashboard page.
dashboard_beta_warning_text:"This <strong>beta software</strong> is provided primarily so that you can help us test it and make it better; it should not be used in production."
dashboard_contributing_text:"Want to look for bugs and contribute? Read the <a>Contributing docs</a>."
dashboard_extension_text:"Interested in developing extensions? Read the <a>Extension docs</a>."
dashboard_features_text:"Got an idea to improve a feature? Tell us about it under the <a>Features tag</a>."
dashboard_support_text:"Found a bug? Please report it in our forum, under the <a>Support tag</a>."
dashboard_troubleshooting_text:"Having problems? Follow the instructions in the <a>Troubleshooting docs</a>."
dashboard_version_text:"Thanks for trying out Flarum! You are running version {version}."
# These strings are used in the Edit Group modal dialog.
edit_group_delete_button:Delete Group
edit_group_delete_confirmation:Are you sure you want to delete this group? The group members will NOT be deleted.
edit_group_icon_text:"Enter the name of any <a>FontAwesome</a> icon class, <em>without</em> the <code>fa-</code> prefix."