delete_confirmation:Are you sure you want to delete this authentication method?
delete_label:Delete authentication method
edit_label:Edit authentication method
no_auth_methods_configured:Noauthentication methods configured. This is an optional advanced feature to allow installing from private repositories.
remove_button_label:Remove authentication method
title:Authentication Methods
github-oauth:GitHub OAuth
gitlab-oauth:GitLab OAuth
gitlab-token:GitLab Token
bearer:HTTP Bearer
add_repository_label:Add Repository
delete_repository_confirmation:Are you sure you want to delete this repository? All extensions installed from this repository will be removed.
delete_repository_label:Delete repository
edit_repository_label:Edit repository
label:Minimum Stability
help:The type of packages allowed to be installed. Do not change this unless you know what you are doing.
stable:Stable (Recommended)
rc:Release Candidate
Add additional repositories to install packages from. This is an advanced feature, do not add repositories that are not trusted, as they can be used to execute malicious code on your server.
Fill in the extension package name to proceed. You can specify a <semantic_link>semantic version</semantic_link> using the format <code>vendor/package-name:version</code>.
The extension manager requires read and write permissions on the following files and directories:composer.json, composer.lock, vendor, storage, storage/.composer
Major Flarum updates are not backwards compatible, meaning that some of your currently installed extensions, and manually made modifications might not work with this new version.
Please make sure to make a backup of your database and files before proceeding.
dry_run_help:A dry run emulates the update to see if your current setup can safely update, this does not mean that your manual made custom modifications will work in the newer version.
access_warning:Please be careful to who you give access to the admin area, the extension manager could be misused by bad actors to install packages that can lead to security breaches.
debug_mode_warning:You are running in debug mode, the extension manager cannot properly install and update local development packages. Please use the command line interface instead for such purposes.
You can read about a <basic_impl_link>basic queue</basic_impl_link> implementation or a <adv_impl_link>more advanced</adv_impl_link> one.
Make sure the PHP version used for the queue is {php_version}. Make sure <folder_perms_link>folder permissions</folder_perms_link> are correctly configured.