2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
< ? php
* This file is part of Flarum .
* For detailed copyright and license information , please view the
* LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code .
namespace Flarum\Mentions\Tests\integration\api ;
use Carbon\Carbon ;
use Flarum\Group\Group ;
use Flarum\Post\CommentPost ;
use Flarum\Testing\integration\RetrievesAuthorizedUsers ;
use Flarum\Testing\integration\TestCase ;
use Flarum\User\User ;
class GroupMentionsTest extends TestCase
use RetrievesAuthorizedUsers ;
* @ inheritDoc
protected function setUp () : void
parent :: setUp ();
$this -> extension ( 'flarum-mentions' );
$this -> prepareDatabase ([
'users' => [
[ 'id' => 3 , 'username' => 'potato' , 'email' => 'potato@machine.local' , 'is_email_confirmed' => 1 ],
[ 'id' => 4 , 'username' => 'toby' , 'email' => 'toby@machine.local' , 'is_email_confirmed' => 1 ],
'discussions' => [
[ 'id' => 2 , 'title' => __CLASS__ , 'created_at' => Carbon :: now (), 'last_posted_at' => Carbon :: now (), 'user_id' => 3 , 'first_post_id' => 4 , 'comment_count' => 2 ],
'posts' => [
2023-04-19 19:58:11 +08:00
[ 'id' => 4 , 'number' => 2 , 'discussion_id' => 2 , 'created_at' => Carbon :: now (), 'user_id' => 3 , 'type' => 'comment' , 'content' => '<r><p>One of the <GROUPMENTION groupname="Mods" id="4">@"Mods"#g4</GROUPMENTION> will look at this</p></r>' ],
[ 'id' => 6 , 'number' => 3 , 'discussion_id' => 2 , 'created_at' => Carbon :: now (), 'user_id' => 3 , 'type' => 'comment' , 'content' => '<r><p><GROUPMENTION groupname="OldGroupName" id="100">@"OldGroupName"#g100</GROUPMENTION></p></r>' ],
[ 'id' => 7 , 'number' => 4 , 'discussion_id' => 2 , 'created_at' => Carbon :: now (), 'user_id' => 3 , 'type' => 'comment' , 'content' => '<r><p><GROUPMENTION groupname="OldGroupName" id="11">@"OldGroupName"#g11</GROUPMENTION></p></r>' ],
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
'post_mentions_group' => [
[ 'post_id' => 4 , 'mentions_group_id' => 4 ],
[ 'post_id' => 7 , 'mentions_group_id' => 11 ],
2023-04-19 19:58:11 +08:00
'group_user' => [
[ 'group_id' => 9 , 'user_id' => 4 ],
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
'group_permission' => [
[ 'group_id' => Group :: MEMBER_ID , 'permission' => 'postWithoutThrottle' ],
2023-04-19 19:58:11 +08:00
[ 'group_id' => 9 , 'permission' => 'mentionGroups' ],
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
'groups' => [
2023-04-19 19:58:11 +08:00
[ 'id' => 9 , 'name_singular' => 'HasPermissionToMentionGroups' , 'name_plural' => 'test' ],
[ 'id' => 10 , 'name_singular' => 'Hidden' , 'name_plural' => 'Ninjas' , 'icon' => 'fas fa-wrench' , 'color' => '#000' , 'is_hidden' => 1 ],
[ 'id' => 11 , 'name_singular' => 'Fresh Name' , 'name_plural' => 'Fresh Name' , 'color' => '#ccc' , 'icon' => 'fas fa-users' , 'is_hidden' => 0 ]
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
* @ test
public function rendering_a_valid_group_mention_works ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'GET' , '/api/posts/4' )
2023-04-19 15:23:08 +08:00
$contents = $response -> getBody () -> getContents ();
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
2023-04-19 15:23:08 +08:00
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode (), $contents );
$response = json_decode ( $contents , true );
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
2023-01-22 21:11:13 +08:00
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '#80349E' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
$this -> assertNotNull ( CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups -> find ( 4 ));
* @ test
public function mentioning_an_invalid_group_doesnt_work ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'POST' , '/api/posts' , [
'authenticatedAs' => 1 ,
'json' => [
'data' => [
'attributes' => [
'content' => '@"InvalidGroup"#g99' ,
'relationships' => [
'discussion' => [ 'data' => [ 'id' => 2 ]],
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@"InvalidGroup"#g99' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'content' ]);
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertCount ( 0 , CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups );
* @ test
public function deleted_group_mentions_render_with_deleted_label ()
$deleted_text = $this -> app () -> getContainer () -> make ( 'translator' ) -> trans ( 'flarum-mentions.forum.group_mention.deleted_text' );
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'GET' , '/api/posts/6' , [
'authenticatedAs' => 1 ,
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( " @ $deleted_text " , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'GroupMention--deleted' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( '@OldGroupName' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertCount ( 0 , CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups );
* @ test
public function group_mentions_render_with_fresh_data ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'GET' , '/api/posts/7' , [
'authenticatedAs' => 1 ,
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@Fresh Name' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( '@OldGroupName' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertNotNull ( CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups -> find ( 11 ));
* @ test
public function mentioning_a_group_as_an_admin_user_works ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'POST' , '/api/posts' , [
'authenticatedAs' => 1 ,
'json' => [
'data' => [
'attributes' => [
'content' => '@"Mods"#g4' ,
'relationships' => [
'discussion' => [ 'data' => [ 'id' => 2 ]],
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@Mods' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'fas fa-bolt' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( '@"Mods"#g4' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'content' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertCount ( 1 , CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups );
* @ test
public function mentioning_multiple_groups_as_an_admin_user_works ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'POST' , '/api/posts' , [
'authenticatedAs' => 1 ,
'json' => [
'data' => [
'attributes' => [
'content' => '@"Admins"#g1 @"Mods"#g4' ,
'relationships' => [
'discussion' => [ 'data' => [ 'id' => 2 ]],
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@Admins' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@Mods' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'fas fa-wrench' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'fas fa-bolt' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( '@"Admins"#g1 @"Mods"#g4' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'content' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertCount ( 2 , CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups );
* @ test
public function mentioning_a_virtual_group_as_an_admin_user_does_not_work ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'POST' , '/api/posts' , [
'authenticatedAs' => 1 ,
'json' => [
'data' => [
'attributes' => [
'content' => '@"Members"#g3 @"Guests"#g2' ,
'relationships' => [
'discussion' => [ 'data' => [ 'id' => 2 ]],
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( '@Members' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( '@Guests' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( '@"Members"#g3 @"Guests"#g2' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'content' ]);
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertCount ( 0 , CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups );
* @ test
public function regular_user_does_not_have_group_mention_permission_by_default ()
$this -> database ();
$this -> assertFalse ( User :: find ( 3 ) -> can ( 'mentionGroups' ));
* @ test
public function regular_user_does_have_group_mention_permission_when_added ()
$this -> prepareDatabase ([
'group_permission' => [
[ 'group_id' => Group :: MEMBER_ID , 'permission' => 'mentionGroups' ],
$this -> database ();
$this -> assertTrue ( User :: find ( 3 ) -> can ( 'mentionGroups' ));
* @ test
public function user_without_permission_cannot_mention_groups ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'POST' , '/api/posts' , [
'authenticatedAs' => 3 ,
'json' => [
'data' => [
'attributes' => [
'content' => '@"Mods"#g4' ,
'relationships' => [
'discussion' => [ 'data' => [ 'id' => 2 ]],
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( '@Mods' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@"Mods"#g4' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'content' ]);
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertCount ( 0 , CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups );
* @ test
public function user_with_permission_can_mention_groups ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'POST' , '/api/posts' , [
2023-04-19 19:58:11 +08:00
'authenticatedAs' => 4 ,
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
'json' => [
'data' => [
'attributes' => [
'content' => '@"Mods"#g4' ,
'relationships' => [
'discussion' => [ 'data' => [ 'id' => 2 ]],
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@Mods' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@"Mods"#g4' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'content' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertCount ( 1 , CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups );
* @ test
public function user_with_permission_cannot_mention_hidden_groups ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'POST' , '/api/posts' , [
2023-04-19 19:58:11 +08:00
'authenticatedAs' => 4 ,
2022-11-06 03:29:01 +08:00
'json' => [
'data' => [
'attributes' => [
'content' => '@"Ninjas"#g10' ,
'relationships' => [
'discussion' => [ 'data' => [ 'id' => 2 ]],
$this -> assertEquals ( 201 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( '@Ninjas' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@"Ninjas"#g10' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'content' ]);
$this -> assertStringNotContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertCount ( 0 , CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups );
* @ test
public function editing_a_post_that_has_a_mention_works ()
$response = $this -> send (
$this -> request ( 'PATCH' , '/api/posts/4' , [
'authenticatedAs' => 1 ,
'json' => [
'data' => [
'attributes' => [
'content' => 'New content with @"Mods"#g4 mention' ,
$this -> assertEquals ( 200 , $response -> getStatusCode ());
$response = json_decode ( $response -> getBody (), true );
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( '@Mods' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertEquals ( 'New content with @"Mods"#g4 mention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'content' ]);
$this -> assertStringContainsString ( 'GroupMention' , $response [ 'data' ][ 'attributes' ][ 'contentHtml' ]);
$this -> assertNotNull ( CommentPost :: find ( $response [ 'data' ][ 'id' ]) -> mentionsGroups -> find ( 4 ));