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synced 2025-02-05 02:14:00 +08:00
Bundled output for commit f7e97f510b
Includes transpiled JS/TS, and Typescript declaration files (typings). [skip ci]
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import Application from '../common/Application';
import ExtensionData from './utils/ExtensionData';
export default class AdminApplication extends Application {
extensionData: ExtensionData;
extensionCategories: {
@ -11,7 +13,10 @@ export default class AdminApplication extends Application {
backUrl: () => any;
back: () => void;
* @inheritdoc
mount(): void;
getRequiredPermissions(permission: any): string[];
import Application from "../common/Application";
import ExtensionData from "./utils/ExtensionData";
@ -1,3 +1,94 @@
import ItemList from './utils/ItemList';
import Translator from './Translator';
import Store from './Store';
import Session from './Session';
import Drawer from './utils/Drawer';
import Forum from './models/Forum';
import PageState from './states/PageState';
import ModalManagerState from './states/ModalManagerState';
import AlertManagerState from './states/AlertManagerState';
import type DefaultResolver from './resolvers/DefaultResolver';
import type Mithril from 'mithril';
import type Component from './Component';
import type { ComponentAttrs } from './Component';
export declare type FlarumScreens = 'phone' | 'tablet' | 'desktop' | 'desktop-hd';
export declare type FlarumGenericRoute = RouteItem<Record<string, unknown>, Component<{
routeName: string;
[key: string]: unknown;
}>, Record<string, unknown>>;
export interface FlarumRequestOptions<ResponseType> extends Omit<Mithril.RequestOptions<ResponseType>, 'extract'> {
errorHandler: (errorMessage: string) => void;
url: string;
* Manipulate the response text before it is parsed into JSON.
* @deprecated Please use `modifyText` instead.
extract: (responseText: string) => string;
* Manipulate the response text before it is parsed into JSON.
* This overrides any `extract` method provided.
modifyText: (responseText: string) => string;
* A valid route definition.
export declare type RouteItem<Attrs extends ComponentAttrs, Comp extends Component<Attrs & {
routeName: string;
}>, RouteArgs extends Record<string, unknown> = {}> = {
* The path for your route.
* This might be a specific URL path (e.g.,`/myPage`), or it might
* contain a variable used by a resolver (e.g., `/myPage/:id`).
* @see https://docs.flarum.org/extend/frontend-pages.html#route-resolvers-advanced
path: `/${string}`;
} & ({
* The component to render when this route matches.
component: {
new (): Comp;
* A custom resolver class.
* This should be the class itself, and **not** an instance of the
* class.
resolverClass?: {
new (): DefaultResolver<Attrs, Comp, RouteArgs>;
} | {
* An instance of a route resolver.
resolver: RouteResolver<Attrs, Comp, RouteArgs>;
export interface RouteResolver<Attrs extends ComponentAttrs, Comp extends Component<Attrs & {
routeName: string;
}>, RouteArgs extends Record<string, unknown> = {}> {
* A method which selects which component to render based on
* conditional logic.
* Returns the component class, and **not** a Vnode or JSX
* expression.
onmatch(this: this, args: RouteArgs, requestedPath: string, route: string): {
new (): Comp;
* A function which renders the provided component.
* Returns a Mithril Vnode or other children.
render(this: this, vnode: Mithril.Vnode<Attrs, Comp>): Mithril.Children;
* The `App` class provides a container for an application, as well as various
* utilities for the rest of the app to use.
@ -5,11 +96,8 @@
export default class Application {
* The forum model for this application.
* @type {Forum}
* @public
public forum: Forum;
forum: Forum;
* A map of routes, keyed by a unique route name. Each route is an object
* containing the following properties:
@ -18,71 +106,42 @@ export default class Application {
* - `component` The Mithril component to render when this route is active.
* @example
* app.routes.discussion = {path: '/d/:id', component: DiscussionPage.component()};
* @type {Object}
* @public
* app.routes.discussion = { path: '/d/:id', component: DiscussionPage };
public routes: Object;
routes: Record<string, FlarumGenericRoute>;
* An ordered list of initializers to bootstrap the application.
* @type {ItemList}
* @public
public initializers: ItemList;
initializers: ItemList<(app: this) => void>;
* The app's session.
* @type {Session}
* @public
* Stores info about the current user.
public session: Session;
session: Session;
* The app's translator.
* @type {Translator}
* @public
public translator: Translator;
translator: Translator;
* The app's data store.
* @type {Store}
* @public
public store: Store;
store: Store;
* A local cache that can be used to store data at the application level, so
* that is persists between different routes.
* @type {Object}
* @public
public cache: Object;
cache: Record<string, unknown>;
* Whether or not the app has been booted.
* @type {Boolean}
* @public
public booted: boolean;
* The key for an Alert that was shown as a result of an AJAX request error.
* If present, it will be dismissed on the next successful request.
* @type {int}
* @private
private requestErrorAlert;
booted: boolean;
* The page the app is currently on.
* This object holds information about the type of page we are currently
* visiting, and sometimes additional arbitrary page state that may be
* relevant to lower-level components.
* @type {PageState}
current: PageState;
@ -91,84 +150,82 @@ export default class Application {
* Once the application navigates to another page, the object previously
* assigned to this.current will be moved to this.previous, while this.current
* is re-initialized.
* @type {PageState}
previous: PageState;
* An object that manages modal state.
modal: ModalManagerState;
* An object that manages the state of active alerts.
* @type {AlertManagerState}
alerts: AlertManagerState;
data: any;
title: string;
titleCount: number;
initialRoute: any;
load(payload: any): void;
* An object that manages the state of the navigation drawer.
drawer: Drawer;
data: {
apiDocument: Record<string, unknown> | null;
locale: string;
locales: Record<string, string>;
resources: Record<string, unknown>[];
session: {
userId: number;
csrfToken: string;
[key: string]: unknown;
private _title;
private _titleCount;
private set title(value);
get title(): string;
private set titleCount(value);
get titleCount(): number;
* The key for an Alert that was shown as a result of an AJAX request error.
* If present, it will be dismissed on the next successful request.
private requestErrorAlert;
initialRoute: string;
load(payload: Application['data']): void;
boot(): void;
bootExtensions(extensions: any): void;
bootExtensions(extensions: Record<string, {
extend?: unknown[];
}>): void;
mount(basePath?: string): void;
drawer: Drawer | undefined;
* Get the API response document that has been preloaded into the application.
* @return {Object|null}
* @public
public preloadedApiDocument(): Object | null;
preloadedApiDocument(): Record<string, unknown> | null;
* Determine the current screen mode, based on our media queries.
* @returns {String} - one of "phone", "tablet", "desktop" or "desktop-hd"
screen(): string;
screen(): FlarumScreens;
* Set the <title> of the page.
* Set the `<title>` of the page.
* @param {String} title
* @public
* @param title New page title
public setTitle(title: string): void;
setTitle(title: string): void;
* Set a number to display in the <title> of the page.
* Set a number to display in the `<title>` of the page.
* @param {Integer} count
* @param count Number to display in title
setTitleCount(count: any): void;
setTitleCount(count: number): void;
updateTitle(): void;
* Make an AJAX request, handling any low-level errors that may occur.
* @see https://mithril.js.org/request.html
* @param {Object} options
* @param options
* @return {Promise}
* @public
public request(originalOptions: any): Promise<any>;
* @param {RequestError} error
* @param {string[]} [formattedError]
* @private
request<ResponseType>(originalOptions: FlarumRequestOptions<ResponseType>): Promise<ResponseType | string>;
private showDebug;
* Construct a URL to the route with the given name.
* @param {String} name
* @param {Object} params
* @return {String}
* @public
public route(name: string, params?: Object): string;
route(name: string, params?: Record<string, unknown>): string;
import Forum from "./models/Forum";
import ItemList from "./utils/ItemList";
import Session from "./Session";
import Translator from "./Translator";
import Store from "./Store";
import PageState from "./states/PageState";
import ModalManagerState from "./states/ModalManagerState";
import AlertManagerState from "./states/AlertManagerState";
import Drawer from "./utils/Drawer";
@ -1,21 +1,34 @@
import type Mithril from 'mithril';
import type { RouteResolver } from '../Application';
import type { default as Component, ComponentAttrs } from '../Component';
* Generates a route resolver for a given component.
* In addition to regular route resolver functionality:
* - It provide the current route name as an attr
* - It sets a key on the component so a rerender will be triggered on route change.
export default class DefaultResolver {
component: Mithril.Component;
export default class DefaultResolver<Attrs extends ComponentAttrs, Comp extends Component<Attrs & {
routeName: string;
constructor(component: any, routeName: any);
}>, RouteArgs extends Record<string, unknown> = {}> implements RouteResolver<Attrs, Comp, RouteArgs> {
component: {
new (): Comp;
routeName: string;
constructor(component: {
new (): Comp;
}, routeName: string);
* When a route change results in a changed key, a full page
* rerender occurs. This method can be overriden in subclasses
* to prevent rerenders on some route changes.
makeKey(): string;
makeAttrs(vnode: any): any;
onmatch(args: any, requestedPath: any, route: any): Mithril.Component<{}, {}>;
render(vnode: any): any[];
makeAttrs(vnode: Mithril.Vnode<Attrs, Comp>): Attrs & {
routeName: string;
onmatch(args: RouteArgs, requestedPath: string, route: string): {
new (): Comp;
render(vnode: Mithril.Vnode<Attrs, Comp>): Mithril.Children;
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
export default class ScrollListener {
* @param {Function} callback The callback to run when the scroll position
* @param {(top: number) => void} callback The callback to run when the scroll position
* changes.
* @public
constructor(callback: Function);
callback: Function;
constructor(callback: (top: number) => void);
callback: (top: number) => void;
ticking: boolean;
* On each animation frame, as long as the listener is active, run the
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
import type { FlarumGenericRoute, RouteResolver } from '../Application';
import type Component from '../Component';
* The `mapRoutes` utility converts a map of named application routes into a
* format that can be understood by Mithril, and wraps them in route resolvers
* to provide each route with the current route name.
* @see https://mithril.js.org/route.html#signature
* @param {Object} routes
* @param {String} [basePath]
* @return {Object}
export default function mapRoutes(routes: Object, basePath?: string | undefined): Object;
export default function mapRoutes(routes: Record<string, FlarumGenericRoute>, basePath?: string): Record<string, RouteResolver<Record<string, unknown>, Component<{
[key: string]: unknown;
routeName: string;
}, undefined>, Record<string, unknown>>>;
@ -1,44 +1,53 @@
import History from './utils/History';
import Pane from './utils/Pane';
import Application from '../common/Application';
import NotificationListState from './states/NotificationListState';
import GlobalSearchState from './states/GlobalSearchState';
import DiscussionListState from './states/DiscussionListState';
import ComposerState from './states/ComposerState';
import type Notification from './components/Notification';
import type Post from './components/Post';
export default class ForumApplication extends Application {
* A map of notification types to their components.
* @type {Object}
notificationComponents: Object;
notificationComponents: Record<string, typeof Notification>;
* A map of post types to their components.
* @type {Object}
postComponents: Object;
postComponents: Record<string, typeof Post>;
* An object which controls the state of the page's side pane.
* @type {Pane}
pane: Pane;
pane: Pane | null;
* The app's history stack, which keeps track of which routes the user visits
* so that they can easily navigate back to the previous route.
* @type {History}
history: History;
* An object which controls the state of the user's notifications.
* @type {NotificationListState}
notifications: NotificationListState;
* An object which stores previously searched queries and provides convenient
* tools for retrieving and managing search values.
search: GlobalSearchState;
* An object which controls the state of the composer.
composer: ComposerState;
* An object which controls the state of the cached discussion list, which
* is used in the index page and the slideout pane.
* @type {DiscussionListState}
discussions: DiscussionListState;
* @inheritdoc
mount(): void;
* Check whether or not the user is currently viewing a discussion.
@ -59,12 +68,5 @@ export default class ForumApplication extends Application {
* in, and thus the page is reloaded.
* @public
public authenticationComplete(payload: Object): void;
authenticationComplete(payload: any): void;
import Application from "../common/Application";
import Pane from "./utils/Pane";
import History from "./utils/History";
import NotificationListState from "./states/NotificationListState";
import GlobalSearchState from "./states/GlobalSearchState";
import ComposerState from "./states/ComposerState";
import DiscussionListState from "./states/DiscussionListState";
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/// <reference types="mithril" />
import DefaultResolver from '../../common/resolvers/DefaultResolver';
* A custom route resolver for DiscussionPage that generates the same key to all posts
@ -19,6 +18,6 @@ export default class DiscussionPageResolver extends DefaultResolver {
* @inheritdoc
makeKey(): string;
onmatch(args: any, requestedPath: any, route: any): import("mithril").Component<{}, {}>;
render(vnode: any): any[];
onmatch(args: any, requestedPath: any, route: any): any;
render(vnode: any): any;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import PaginatedListState, { Page } from '../../common/states/PaginatedListState
import Discussion from '../../common/models/Discussion';
export default class DiscussionListState extends PaginatedListState<Discussion> {
protected extraDiscussions: Discussion[];
constructor(params: any, page: number);
constructor(params: any, page?: number);
get type(): string;
requestParams(): any;
protected loadPage(page?: number): any;
@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ export default class NotificationListState extends PaginatedListState<Notificati
* Mark all of the notifications as read.
markAllAsRead(): Promise<any> | undefined;
markAllAsRead(): Promise<unknown> | undefined;
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in New Issue
Block a user