- Extract shared Ember components into a “flarum-common” ember-cli
addon. This can be used by both the forum + admin Ember apps, keeping
things DRY
- Move LESS styles into their own top-level directory and do a similar
thing (extract common styles)
- Add LESS/JS compilation and versioning to PHP (AssetManager)
- Set up admin entry point
(Theoretical) upgrade instructions:
- Delete everything in [app_root]/public
- Set up tooling in forum/admin Ember apps (npm install/update, bower
install/update) and then build them (ember build)
- php artisan vendor:publish
- Upgrade flarum/flarum repo (slight change in a config file)
- If you need to trigger a LESS/JS recompile, delete the .css/.js files
in [app_root]/public/flarum. I set up LiveReload to do this for me when
I change files in less/ or ember/
- Start writing admin app!
- Remove bootstrap/font-awesome from repo and instead depend on their
composer packages? Maybe? (Bower is not an option here)
- Notifications can be delivered in multiple ways (alert, email)
- Different notification types can implement interfaces to allow
themselves to be delivered in these various ways
- User preferences for each notification type/method combination are
automatically registered
This is so that if an extension adds a post type, and the database gets
populated with posts of that type, but then if the extension is
disabled, we wouldn’t want those posts to display because we would have
no knowledge about how to deal with/render them.
Addresses the following error when using pqsql.
SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column "comment" does not exist
LINE 1: ...d) FROM posts WHERE user_id = users.id and type = "comment")
This allows me to override the handle() method in subclasses (where
I need access to the request object) without having to overwrite
run(), too.
The class is still abstract.
Perhaps this should be an extension, but it is pretty essential and I
can’t think of many instances where it wouldn’t be wanted. Would be
very easy to extract later on if need be.