Refactor Frontend + Asset code
- Use Laravel's Filesystem component for asset IO, meaning theoretically
assets should be storable on S3 etc.
- More reliable checking for asset recompilation when debug mode is on,
so you don't have to constantly delete the compiled assets to force
a recompile. Should also fix issues with locale JS files being
recompiled with the same name and cached.
- Remove JavaScript minification, because it will be done by Webpack
(exception is for the TextFormatter JS).
- Add support for JS sourcemaps.
- Separate frontend view and assets completely. This is an important
distinction because frontend assets are compiled independent of a
request, whereas putting together a view depends on a request.
- Bind frontend view/asset factory instances to the container (in
service providers) rather than subclassing. Asset and content
populators can be added to these factories – these are simply objects
that populate the asset compilers or the view with information.
- Add RouteHandlerFactory functions that make it easy to hook up a
frontend controller with a frontend instance ± some content.
- Remove the need for "nojs"
- Fix cache:clear command
- Recompile assets when settings/enabled extensions change