- Use contextual namespaces within Flarum\Core
- Clean up and docblock everything
- Refactor Activity/Notification blueprint stuff
- Refactor Formatter stuff
- Refactor Search stuff
- Upgrade to JSON-API 1.0
- Removed “addedPosts” and “removedPosts” relationships from discussion
API. This was used for adding/removing event posts after renaming a
discussion etc. Instead we should make an additional request to get all
new posts
- Fix Extenders and extensions
- Get rid of repository interfaces
- Fix other bugs I’ve inevitably introduced
This required some interface changes (mostly changing Laravel's or
Symfony's request and response classes to those of Zend's Diactoros.
Some smaller changes to the execution flow in a few of the abstract
action base classes, but nothing substantial.
Note: The request and response classes are immutable, so we usually
need to return new instances after modifying the old ones.
- In order to be consistent with the Ember/LESS naming scheme, renamed
Flarum\Web to Flarum\Forum.
- Moved common classes into Flarum\Support so that Flarum\Admin doesn’t
depend on Flarum\Forum. Also moved Actor into Flarum\Support as it
doesn’t belong in the domain.
New stuff:
- Signup + email confirmation.
- Updated authentication strategy with remember cookies. closes#5
- New search system with some example gambits! This is cool - check out
the source. Fulltext drivers will be implemented as decorators
overriding the EloquentPostRepository’s findByContent method.
- Lay down the foundation for bootstrapping the Ember app.
- Update Web layer’s asset manager to properly publish CSS/JS files.
- Console commands to run installation migrations and seeds.
- New structure: move models, repositories, commands, and events into
their own namespaces, rather than grouping by entity.
- All events are classes.
- Use L5 middleware and command bus implementations.
- Clearer use of repositories and the Active Record pattern.
Repositories are used only for retrieval of ActiveRecord objects, and
then save/delete operations are called directly on those ActiveRecords.
This way, we don’t over-abstract at the cost of Eloquent magic, but
testing is still easy.
- Refactor of Web layer so that it uses the Actions routing
- “Actor” concept instead of depending on Laravel’s Auth.
- General cleanup!