- Use contextual namespaces within Flarum\Core
- Clean up and docblock everything
- Refactor Activity/Notification blueprint stuff
- Refactor Formatter stuff
- Refactor Search stuff
- Upgrade to JSON-API 1.0
- Removed “addedPosts” and “removedPosts” relationships from discussion
API. This was used for adding/removing event posts after renaming a
discussion etc. Instead we should make an additional request to get all
new posts
- Fix Extenders and extensions
- Get rid of repository interfaces
- Fix other bugs I’ve inevitably introduced
This required some interface changes (mostly changing Laravel's or
Symfony's request and response classes to those of Zend's Diactoros.
Some smaller changes to the execution flow in a few of the abstract
action base classes, but nothing substantial.
Note: The request and response classes are immutable, so we usually
need to return new instances after modifying the old ones.
Also make some tweaks:
- Merge SerializeAction::$include and
SerializeAction::$includeAvailable into a keyed boolean array
- Set defaults for SerializeAction::$limit and $limitMax
- Rename SerializeAction::$sortAvailable to $sortFields
- An API action handles a Flarum\Api\Request, which is a simple object
containing an array of params, the actor, and optionally an HTTP
request object
- Most API actions use SerializeAction as a base, which parses request
input according to the JSON-API spec (creates a JsonApiRequest object),
runs the child class method to get data, then serializes it and assigns
it to a JsonApiResponse (standard HTTP response with a
Tobscure\JsonApi\Document as content)
- The JSON-API request input parsing is subject to restrictions as
defined by public static properties on the action (i.e. extensible)
- Also the actor is given to the serializer instance now, instead of
being a static property