New stuff:
- Signup + email confirmation.
- Updated authentication strategy with remember cookies. closes#5
- New search system with some example gambits! This is cool - check out
the source. Fulltext drivers will be implemented as decorators
overriding the EloquentPostRepository’s findByContent method.
- Lay down the foundation for bootstrapping the Ember app.
- Update Web layer’s asset manager to properly publish CSS/JS files.
- Console commands to run installation migrations and seeds.
- New structure: move models, repositories, commands, and events into
their own namespaces, rather than grouping by entity.
- All events are classes.
- Use L5 middleware and command bus implementations.
- Clearer use of repositories and the Active Record pattern.
Repositories are used only for retrieval of ActiveRecord objects, and
then save/delete operations are called directly on those ActiveRecords.
This way, we don’t over-abstract at the cost of Eloquent magic, but
testing is still easy.
- Refactor of Web layer so that it uses the Actions routing
- “Actor” concept instead of depending on Laravel’s Auth.
- General cleanup!
Whenever a user registers or changes their email, they are sent an
email containing a link which they must click to confirm it.
Upon registering, a user won’t be assigned to any groups and therefore
won’t have permission to do anything (but they can still log in!) Upon
confirming their email for the first time, their account will be
assigned to the Member group and thus “activated”.
Record when the discussion was renamed, from what, and by whom.
Information is stored in the `content` field as a serialised JSON
object because proper polymorphism will be too difficult with Ember
Data and especially when extensions try to add new post types.
Laravel’s remember_token is tied to the session/cookies, which we don’t
need as the API is stateless. It makes much more sense to use our own
token mechanism.
MyISAM doesn’t support transactions which is problematic for testing.
Will have to consider this more carefully when working on FULLTEXT
search, but for now I just wanna test!
(Sorry about the retrograde migration changes, but I figure it isn’t
problematic at this stage because we can just reseed. It’s nice to keep
things clean as long as we can!)
JSON-API specifies that multiple resources should be fetched with a
comma-separated list of IDs, i.e. discussions/1,2,3,4. But this is
problematic because if we do a findQuery with only one ID, then a
single object will come back from the API where the serializer is
expecting an array containing a single object.
Instead, I’ve just implemented an ids “filter” on the discussions index
API route (which is the default way that the adapter finds multiple