This PR introduces the ability to just override a LESS file's contents through an extender.
This is mainly useful for theme development, as there are times in extensively customized themes where overriding the actual file makes a huge difference vs overriding CSS styles which can turn into a maintenance hell real fast.
Overriding styles is more tedious than overriding files. When you're designing an element, you would normally rather start from a blank canvas, than a styled element. With an already styled element you have to first override and undo the styles you do not wish to have, only then can you start shaping it, but even then you'd always end up constantly undoing default styles. This mostly applies for more advanced themes. (example: 851c55516d/less/forum/DiscussionList.less)
* Extender docblocks cleanup
* Excplicit type hinting in extenders
* Bring method under constructor
* Mark some classes and methods as internal
* Remove beta references
Co-authored-by: Clark Winkelmann <>
Model Visibility extender does not take into consideration missing
dependencies. For instance flarum/tags adds a policy on the Flag model
from flarum/flags. But because flarum/flags might as well not be
installed we need to check for the existence of that model. Otherwise
the exception is thrown or flarum fails to boot.
Historically, extensions using subscribers has caused problems because subscribers were constructed/applied at extension boot. This caused some classes (e.g. UrlGenerator) to be resolved early, breaking parts of Flarum. For this reason, subscriber support wasn't included in the initial version of the Event extender.
However, updating extensions has shown that there is a legitimate use case for subscribers in organizing clean code; for instance, core's own `DiscussionMetadataUpdater`.
This commit introduces support for subscribers, but only applies them after the app has booted, which avoids the early resolution issues. Since event listeners/subscribers are only intended to be used with domain events, which would never be dispatched during app boot, the late activation of subscribers should not cause issue.
Policy application has also been refactored, so that policies return one of `allow`, `deny`, `forceAllow`, `forceDeny`. The result of a set of policies is no longer the first non-null result, but rather the highest priority result (forceDeny > forceAllow > deny > allow, so if a single forceDeny is present, that beats out all other returned results). This removes order in which extensions boot as a factor.
- Support slug drivers for core's sluggable models, easily extends to other models
- Add automated testing for affected single-model API routes
- Fix nickname selection UI
- Serialize slugs as `slug` attribute
- Make min search length a constant
- Split DispatchRoute. This allows us to run middleware after we figure out which route we're on, but before we actually execute the controller for that route.
- By making the route name explicitly available to middlewares, applications like CSRF and floodgate can set patterns based on route names instead of the path, which is an implementation detail.
- Support using route name match for CSRF extender, deprecate path match
- Standardize signatures and variable names for extenders that take callbacks
- Adjust model extender docblock to clarify that default calue can't be an invokable class.
- Make invokable classes provided to Model->relationship
- Add integration tests to ensure Model->relationship and User->groupProcessor extenders accept callbacks
- Extract code for wrapping callbacks into central util