Most of #137 done.
- Use FastClick to make everything feel more responsive
- Use transforms for animations to make them silky smooth
- Style the drawer the same as the header to keep things simple
- Revert to fixed composer, but allow it to be minimised
- Add a separate notifications page for mobile so it’s easy to go back
- Add indicator to the menu button when there are unread notifications
- Close the drawer when navigating away
- Make dropdowns/modals scrollable
- Many other mobile tweaks and bug fixes
Didn’t take much care to keep CSS clean, due to #103
Perhaps also in user activity stream. They are used in the mentions
In order to generate the excerpt, each formatter can implement a
“strip” method which basically converts block formatting into inline
- Extract shared Ember components into a “flarum-common” ember-cli
addon. This can be used by both the forum + admin Ember apps, keeping
things DRY
- Move LESS styles into their own top-level directory and do a similar
thing (extract common styles)
- Add LESS/JS compilation and versioning to PHP (AssetManager)
- Set up admin entry point
(Theoretical) upgrade instructions:
- Delete everything in [app_root]/public
- Set up tooling in forum/admin Ember apps (npm install/update, bower
install/update) and then build them (ember build)
- php artisan vendor:publish
- Upgrade flarum/flarum repo (slight change in a config file)
- If you need to trigger a LESS/JS recompile, delete the .css/.js files
in [app_root]/public/flarum. I set up LiveReload to do this for me when
I change files in less/ or ember/
- Start writing admin app!
- Remove bootstrap/font-awesome from repo and instead depend on their
composer packages? Maybe? (Bower is not an option here)