Closes#268. Not going to bother with a preview SVG or anything fancy for now – we can think about that as part of #746. Right now it's just good to finally get this functionality in!
Also need to think about apple-touch-icon, msTile stuff, and social sharing image. Not sure if this is all too much for core, but it's definitely too much for the current Appearance page layout. Again, something to think about as part of #746.
Code is a bit rough around the edges, but figured there's not much point in using the command bus properly since #870.
- All custom JS variables are now preloaded into the `` object, rather than directly on the `app` object. This means that admin settings are available in `` rather than `app.settings`, etc.
- Cleaner route handler generation
- Renamed ConfigureClientView to ConfigureWebApp, though the former still exists and is deprecated
- Partial fix for #881 (strips ?nojs=1 from URL if possible, so that refreshing will attempt to load JS version again)
- Extracts translations from `reset.blade.php`.
- Adjusts namespacing of translations in other files.
- Fixes one direct reference to a `core.ref` key.
- Use Symfony's Session component to work with sessions, instead of a custom database model. Separate the concept of access tokens from sessions once again.
- Extract common session/remember cookie logic into SessionAuthenticator and Rememberer classes.
- Extract AuthenticateUserTrait into a new AuthenticationResponseFactory class.
- Fix forgot password process.
- Use cookies + CSRF token for API authentication in the default client. This mitigates potential XSS attacks by making the token unavailable to JavaScript. The Authorization header is still supported, but not used by default.
- Make sensitive/destructive actions (editing a user, permanently deleting anything, visiting the admin CP) require the user to re-enter their password if they haven't entered it in the last 30 minutes.
- Refactor and clean up the authentication middleware.
- Add an `onhide` hook to the Modal component. (+1 squashed commit)
If the version in the settings table mismatches the code version, then we return a 503 error for all requests coming through index.php and api.php, while admin.php serves up a form prompting for the database password which will run outstanding migrations.
Spent quite a while looking into the best solution here and ended up going with three separate classes. Thanks to @Luceos for the PR that got this rolling (#518). My reasoning is:
- The task of routing and URL generation is independent for each section of the app. Take Flarum\Api\Users\IndexAction for example. I don't want to generate a URL to a Flarum route... I specifically want to generate a URL to an API route. So there should be a class with that specific responsibility.
- In fact, each URL generator is slightly different, because we need to add a certain prefix to the start (e.g. /api)
- This also allows us to get rid of the "flarum.api" prefix on each route's name.
- It's still DRY, because they all extend a base class.
At the same time, I could see no reason this needed to be "interfaced", so all of the classes are concrete.
Goes a long way to fixing #123 - still just a few places left remaining with hardcoded URLs.
And redirect to the "no JS" mode if the JS app crashes on boot.
ClientView/ClientAction is all a bit of a mess and will need to be
radically cleaned up at some point...
All of the modules we import should already be loaded, and we don't
want to ever attempt to import them anyway because we do not include a
Promise polyfill.
System JS modules don't execute when they're registered, so we need to
import them explicitly. While we're at it, we may as well make the
locale bootstrapper a module too.
- Get rid of Bootstrap (except we still rely on some JS)
- Use BEM class names
- Rework variables/theme config
- Fix various bugs, including some on mobile
The CSS is still not ideal – it needs to be cleaned up some more. But
that can be a focus for after beta.
- Use JSX for templates
- Docblock/comment everything
- Mostly passes ESLint (still some work to do)
- Lots of renaming, refactoring, etc.
CSS hasn't been updated yet.