import Ember from 'ember'; export default Ember.View.extend({ classNameBindings: ['pinned'], pinned: function() { return this.get('controller.panePinned'); }.property('controller.panePinned'), didInsertElement: function() { var view = this; this.$().find('.discussions-pane').on('mouseenter', function() { if (! $(this).hasClass('paned')) return; clearTimeout(view.get('controller.paneTimeout')); view.set('controller.paneShowing', true); }).on('mouseleave', function() { view.set('controller.paneShowing', false); }); if (this.get('controller.test') !== null) { var row = this.$().find('li[data-id='+this.get('')+']'); if (row.length) { row.addClass('highlight'); } // TODO: work out if the highlighted row is in view of the saved scroll position. // If it isn't, don't use the saved scroll position - generate a new one. $(window).scrollTop(this.get('controller.test')); this.set('controller.test', null); } var self = this; $(window).on('scroll.loadMore', function() { if (self.get('controller.loadingMore') || ! self.get('controller.moreResults')) { return; } var w = $(window), d = $('.discussions'), curPos = w.scrollTop() + w.height(), endPos = d.offset().top + d.height() - 200; if (curPos > endPos) { self.get('controller').send('loadMore'); } }); }, willDestroyElement: function() { this.set('controller.test', $(window).scrollTop()); $(window).off('scroll.loadMore'); } });