import Ember from 'ember'; var $ = Ember.$; /** Component for the meta part of a post header. Displays the time, and when clicked, shows a dropdown containing more information about the post (number, full time, permalink). */ export default Ember.Component.extend({ tagName: 'li', classNames: ['dropdown'], layoutName: 'components/discussion/post-header/meta', // Construct a permalink by looking up the router in the container, and // using it to generate a link to this post within its discussion. permalink: Ember.computed('post.discusion', 'post.number', function() { var router = this.get('controller').container.lookup('router:main'); var path = router.generate('discussion', this.get('post.discussion'), {queryParams: {start: this.get('post.number')}}); return window.location.origin+path; }), didInsertElement: function() { // When the dropdown menu is shown, select the contents of the permalink // input so that the user can quickly copy the URL. var component = this; this.$('a').click(function() { setTimeout(function() { component.$('.permalink').select(); }, 1); }); // Prevent clicking on the input from closing it. this.$('.permalink').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } });