import Ember from 'ember'; import HasItemLists from 'flarum/mixins/has-item-lists'; import FadeIn from 'flarum/mixins/fade-in'; /** Component for a discussion listing on the discussions index. It has `info` and `controls` item lists for a bit of flexibility. */ export default Ember.Component.extend(FadeIn, HasItemLists, { layoutName: 'components/index/discussion-listing', tagName: 'li', attributeBindings: ['discussionId:data-id'], classNames: ['discussion-summary'], classNameBindings: [ 'discussion.isUnread:unread', 'active' ], itemLists: ['info', 'controls'], terminalPostType: 'last', countType: 'unread', discussionId: Ember.computed.alias(''), active: Ember.computed('', function() { return this.get('childViews').anyBy('active'); }), displayUnread: Ember.computed('countType', 'discussion.isUnread', function() { return this.get('countType') === 'unread' && this.get('discussion.isUnread'); }), countTitle: Ember.computed('discussion.isUnread', function() { return this.get('discussion.isUnread') ? 'Mark as Read' : ''; }), displayLastPost: Ember.computed('terminalPostType', 'discussion.repliesCount', function() { return this.get('terminalPostType') === 'last' && this.get('discussion.repliesCount'); }), start: Ember.computed('discussion.lastPostNumber', 'discussion.readNumber', function() { return Math.min(this.get('discussion.lastPostNumber'), (this.get('discussion.readNumber') || 0) + 1); }), relevantPosts: Ember.computed('discussion.relevantPosts', 'discussion.startPost', 'discussion.lastPost', function() { if (this.get('') !== 'posts') { return []; } if (this.get('controller.searchQuery')) { return this.get('discussion.relevantPosts'); } else if (this.get('controller.sort') === 'newest' || this.get('controller.sort') === 'oldest') { return [this.get('discussion.startPost')]; } else { return [this.get('discussion.lastPost')]; } }), populateControls: function(items) { this.addActionItem(items, 'delete', 'Delete', 'times', 'discussion.canDelete'); }, populateInfo: function(items) { items.pushObjectWithTag(Ember.Component.extend({ classNames: ['terminal-post'], layoutName: 'components/index/discussion-info/terminal-post', discussion: Ember.computed.alias('parent.discussion'), displayLastPost: Ember.computed.alias('parent.displayLastPost'), }).create({parent: this}), 'terminalPost'); }, actions: { // In the template, we render the "controls" dropdown with the contents of // the `renderControls` property. This way, when a post is initially // rendered, it doesn't have to go to the trouble of rendering the // controls right away, which speeds things up. When the dropdown button // is clicked, this will fill in the actual controls. renderControls: function() { this.set('renderControls', this.get('controls')); }, markAsRead: function() { var discussion = this.get('discussion'); if (discussion.get('isUnread')) { discussion.set('readNumber', discussion.get('lastPostNumber'));; } }, delete: function() { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this discussion?')) { var discussion = this.get('discussion.content'); discussion.destroyRecord(); this.sendAction('discussionRemoved', discussion); } } } });