name: Flarum Frontend Jobs on: workflow_call: inputs: build_script: description: "Script to run for production build. Empty value to disable." type: string required: false default: build build_typings_script: description: "Script to run for typings build. Empty value to disable." type: string required: false default: build-typings format_script: description: "Script to run for code formatting. Empty value to disable." type: string required: false default: format-check check_typings_script: description: "Script to run for tyiping check. Empty value to disable." type: string required: false default: check-typings type_coverage_script: description: "Script to run for type coverage. Empty value to disable." type: string required: false default: check-typings-coverage test_script: description: "Script to run for tests. Empty value to disable." type: string required: false default: test enable_bundlewatch: description: "Enable Bundlewatch?" type: boolean default: false required: false enable_prettier: description: "Enable Prettier?" type: boolean default: true required: false enable_typescript: description: "Enable TypeScript?" type: boolean default: true required: false enable_tests: description: "Enable Tests?" type: boolean default: false required: false backend_directory: description: The directory of the project where backend code is located. This should contain a `composer.json` file, and is generally the root directory of the repo. type: string required: false default: '.' frontend_directory: description: The directory of the project where frontend code is located. This should contain a `package.json` file. type: string required: false default: './js' main_git_branch: description: The main git branch to use for the workflow. type: string required: false default: main node_version: description: The node version to use for the workflow. type: number required: false default: 16 js_package_manager: description: "Enable TypeScript?" type: string default: yarn required: false cache_dependency_path: description: "The path to the cache dependency file." type: string required: false runner_type: description: The type of runner to use for the jobs. This should be one of the types supported by the `runs-on` keyword. type: string required: false default: 'ubuntu-latest' secrets: bundlewatch_github_token: description: The GitHub token to use for Bundlewatch. required: false composer_auth: description: The Composer auth tokens to use for private packages. required: false env: COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION: dev-main ci_script: ${{ inputs.js_package_manager == 'yarn' && 'yarn install --immutable' || 'npm ci' }} cache_dependency_path: ${{ inputs.cache_dependency_path || format(inputs.js_package_manager == 'yarn' && '{0}/yarn.lock' || '{0}/package-lock.json', inputs.frontend_directory) }} COMPOSER_AUTH: ${{ secrets.composer_auth }} jobs: build: name: Checks & Build runs-on: ${{ inputs.runner_type }} if: >- ((github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name != github.repository) || github.event_name != 'pull_request') steps: - name: Check out code uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: ${{ inputs.node_version }} cache: ${{ inputs.js_package_manager }} cache-dependency-path: ${{ env.cache_dependency_path }} - name: Setup PHP uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: '8.2' extensions: curl, dom, gd, json, mbstring, openssl, pdo_mysql, tokenizer, zip tools: composer:v2 # Needed since tsconfig draws typings from vendor folder. - name: Install Composer dependencies run: composer install working-directory: ${{ inputs.backend_directory }} - name: Install JS dependencies run: ${{ env.ci_script }} working-directory: ${{ inputs.frontend_directory }} - name: JS Checks & Production Build uses: flarum/action-build@v3 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} build_script: ${{ inputs.build_script }} build_typings_script: ${{ inputs.build_typings_script }} format_script: ${{ inputs.enable_prettier == true && inputs.format_script || '' }} check_typings_script: ${{ inputs.enable_typescript == true && inputs.check_typings_script || '' }} type_coverage_script: ${{ inputs.enable_typescript == true && inputs.type_coverage_script || '' }} test_script: ${{ inputs.enable_tests == true && inputs.test_script || '' }} package_manager: ${{ inputs.js_package_manager }} js_path: ${{ inputs.frontend_directory }} do_not_commit: ${{ github.ref != format('refs/heads/{0}', inputs.main_git_branch) || github.event_name != 'push' }} - name: Check bundle size change if: ${{ inputs.enable_bundlewatch }} run: node_modules/.bin/bundlewatch --config .bundlewatch.config.json working-directory: ${{ inputs.frontend_directory }} env: BUNDLEWATCH_GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.bundlewatch_github_token }} CI_COMMIT_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} CI_BRANCH_BASE: ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}