// This mixin should **only** be used in this file. If you want to define your own // custom outline style(s), override this mixin in your own theme extension, or in // the Custom Less section of the Admin dashboard. #private { .__focus-ring-styles() { // This uses the browser's default outline styles, rather than // using custom ones, which could introduce more issues // Source: https://css-tricks.com/copy-the-browsers-native-focus-styles outline: 5px auto Highlight; outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; } } /** * Adds a focus ring to an element. * * This is only shown when focus is provided via keyboard, using the * `:focus-visible` selector, and `:-moz-focusring` for older Firefox. */ .add-keyboard-focus-ring() { // We need to declare these separately, otherwise // browsers will ignore `:focus-visible` as they // don't understand `:-moz-focusring` // These are the keyboard-only versions of :focus &:-moz-focusring { #private.__focus-ring-styles(); } &:focus-visible { #private.__focus-ring-styles(); } } /** * This mixin allows support for a custom focus * selector to be supplied. * * For example... * *? button { .add-keyboard-focus-ring(":focus-within") } * becomes *? button:focus-within { } * * AND * *? button { .add-keyboard-focus-ring(" :focus-within") } * becomes *? button :focus-within { } */ .add-keyboard-focus-ring(@customFocusSelector) { @realFocusSelector: ~"@{customFocusSelector}"; &@{realFocusSelector} { #private.__focus-ring-styles(); } } /** * This mixin allows support for a custom element nearby the focused one * to have a focus style applied to it * * For example... * *? button { .add-keyboard-focus-ring-nearby("+ .myOtherElement") } * becomes *? button:-moz-focusring + .myOtherElement { } *? button:focus-within + .myOtherElement { } */ .add-keyboard-focus-ring-nearby(@nearbySelector) { @realNearbySelector: ~"@{nearbySelector}"; // We need to declare these separately, otherwise // browsers will ignore `:focus-visible` as they // don't understand `:-moz-focusring` // These are the keyboard-only versions of :focus &:-moz-focusring { @{realNearbySelector} { #private.__focus-ring-styles(); } } &:focus-visible { @{realNearbySelector} { #private.__focus-ring-styles(); } } } /** * Allows an offset to be supplied for an a11y * outline. * * Useful for elements whose content is right up * against their bounds. * * `.addKeyboardFocusRingOffset(2px)` will add an * offset of 2 pixels to the outline. */ .add-keyboard-focus-ring-offset(@offset) { .offset() { outline-offset: @offset; } &:-moz-focusring { .offset(); } &:focus-visible { .offset(); } } /** * Allows an offset to be supplied for an a11y * outline. * * Useful for elements whose content is right up * against their bounds. */ .add-keyboard-focus-ring-offset(@customSelector, @offset) { .offset() { outline-offset: @offset; } @realFocusSelector: ~"@{customFocusSelector}"; &@{realFocusSelector} { .offset(); } } /** * This mixin allows support for a custom element nearby the focused one * to have a focus style applied to it * * For example... * *? button { .add-keyboard-focus-ring-nearby("+ .myOtherElement") } * becomes *? button:-moz-focusring + .myOtherElement { } *? button:focus-within + .myOtherElement { } */ .add-keyboard-focus-ring-nearby-offset(@nearbySelector, @offset) { @realNearbySelector: ~"@{nearbySelector}"; .offset() { outline-offset: @offset; } // We need to declare these separately, otherwise // browsers will ignore `:focus-visible` as they // don't understand `:-moz-focusring` // These are the keyboard-only versions of :focus &:-moz-focusring { @{realNearbySelector} { .offset(); } } &:focus-visible { @{realNearbySelector} { .offset(); } } }