flarum-subscriptions: ## # UNIQUE KEYS - The following keys are used in only one location each. ## # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum user interface. forum: # These translations are displayed as tooltips for discussion badges. badge: following_tooltip: => flarum-subscriptions.ref.following ignoring_tooltip: => flarum-subscriptions.ref.ignoring # These translations are used by the discussion control buttons. discussion_controls: follow_button: => flarum-subscriptions.ref.follow unfollow_button: Unfollow unignore_button: Unignore # These translations are used on the index page, peripheral to the discussion list. index: following_link: => flarum-subscriptions.ref.following # These translations are used by the Notifications dropdown, a.k.a. "the bell". notifications: new_post_text: "{username} posted" # These translations are used in the Settings page. settings: notify_new_post_label: Someone posts in a discussion I'm following forum_heading: Forum forum_follow_after_reply_label: Automaticaly follow a discussion after you posted in the discussion # These translations are used in the subscription menu displayed to the right of the post stream. sub_controls: follow_button: => flarum-subscriptions.ref.follow following_button: => flarum-subscriptions.ref.following following_text: Be notified of all replies. ignoring_button: => flarum-subscriptions.ref.ignoring ignoring_text: Never be notified. Hide from the discussion list. not_following_button: Not Following not_following_text: "Be notified only when @mentioned." notify_email_tooltip: Get an email when there are new posts notify_alert_tooltip: Get a forum notification when there are new posts ## # REUSED TRANSLATIONS - These keys should not be used directly in code! ## # Translations in this namespace are referenced by two or more unique keys. ref: follow: Follow following: Following ignoring: Ignoring