extension('flarum-likes'); $this->prepareDatabase([ 'users' => [ ['id' => 1, 'username' => 'Muralf', 'email' => 'muralf@machine.local', 'is_email_confirmed' => 1], $this->normalUser(), ['id' => 3, 'username' => 'Acme', 'email' => 'acme@machine.local', 'is_email_confirmed' => 1], ], 'discussions' => [ ['id' => 1, 'title' => __CLASS__, 'created_at' => Carbon::now(), 'last_posted_at' => Carbon::now(), 'user_id' => 1, 'first_post_id' => 1, 'comment_count' => 2], ], 'posts' => [ ['id' => 1, 'number' => 1, 'discussion_id' => 1, 'created_at' => Carbon::now(), 'user_id' => 1, 'type' => 'comment', 'content' => '


'], ['id' => 3, 'number' => 2, 'discussion_id' => 1, 'created_at' => Carbon::now(), 'user_id' => 1, 'type' => 'comment', 'content' => '


'], ['id' => 5, 'number' => 3, 'discussion_id' => 1, 'created_at' => Carbon::now(), 'user_id' => 3, 'type' => 'discussionRenamed', 'content' => '


'], ['id' => 6, 'number' => 4, 'discussion_id' => 1, 'created_at' => Carbon::now(), 'user_id' => 1, 'type' => 'comment', 'content' => '


'], ], 'groups' => [ ['id' => 5, 'name_singular' => 'Acme', 'name_plural' => 'Acme', 'is_hidden' => 0], ['id' => 6, 'name_singular' => 'Acme1', 'name_plural' => 'Acme1', 'is_hidden' => 0] ], 'group_user' => [ ['user_id' => 3, 'group_id' => 5] ] ]); } protected function rewriteDefaultPermissionsAfterBoot() { $this->database()->table('group_permission')->where('permission', 'discussion.likePosts')->delete(); $this->database()->table('group_permission')->insert(['permission' => 'discussion.likePosts', 'group_id' => 5]); } /** * @dataProvider allowedUsersToLike * @test */ public function can_like_a_post_if_allowed(int $postId, ?int $authenticatedAs, string $message, bool $canLikeOwnPost = null) { if (! is_null($canLikeOwnPost)) { $this->setting('flarum-likes.like_own_post', $canLikeOwnPost); } $this->rewriteDefaultPermissionsAfterBoot(); $response = $this->sendLikeRequest($postId, $authenticatedAs); $post = CommentPost::query()->find($postId); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode()); $this->assertNotNull($post->likes->where('id', $authenticatedAs)->first(), $message); } /** * @dataProvider unallowedUsersToLike * @test */ public function cannot_like_a_post_if_not_allowed(int $postId, ?int $authenticatedAs, string $message, bool $canLikeOwnPost = null) { if (! is_null($canLikeOwnPost)) { $this->setting('flarum-likes.like_own_post', $canLikeOwnPost); } $this->rewriteDefaultPermissionsAfterBoot(); $response = $this->sendLikeRequest($postId, $authenticatedAs); $post = CommentPost::query()->find($postId); $this->assertEquals(403, $response->getStatusCode(), $message); $this->assertNull($post->likes->where('id', $authenticatedAs)->first()); } /** * @dataProvider allowedUsersToLike * @test */ public function can_dislike_a_post_if_liked_and_allowed(int $postId, ?int $authenticatedAs, string $message, bool $canLikeOwnPost = null) { if (! is_null($canLikeOwnPost)) { $this->setting('flarum-likes.like_own_post', $canLikeOwnPost); } $this->rewriteDefaultPermissionsAfterBoot(); $this->sendLikeRequest($postId, $authenticatedAs); $response = $this->sendLikeRequest($postId, $authenticatedAs, false); $post = CommentPost::query()->find($postId); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode()); $this->assertNull($post->likes->where('id', $authenticatedAs)->first(), $message); } public function allowedUsersToLike(): array { return [ [1, 1, 'Admin can like any post'], [1, 3, 'User with permission can like other posts'], [5, 3, 'User with permission can like own post by default'], ]; } public function unallowedUsersToLike(): array { return [ [1, null, 'Guest cannot like any post'], [1, 2, 'User without permission cannot like any post'], [5, 3, 'User with permission cannot like own post if setting off', false], [6, 1, 'Admin cannot like own post if setting off', false], ]; } protected function sendLikeRequest(int $postId, ?int $authenticatedAs, bool $liked = true): ResponseInterface { if (! isset($authenticatedAs)) { $initial = $this->send( $this->request('GET', '/') ); $token = $initial->getHeaderLine('X-CSRF-Token'); } $request = $this->request('PATCH', "/api/posts/$postId", [ 'authenticatedAs' => $authenticatedAs, 'cookiesFrom' => $initial ?? null, 'json' => [ 'data' => [ 'attributes' => [ 'isLiked' => $liked ] ] ] ]); if (! isset($authenticatedAs)) { $request = $request->withHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $token); } return $this->send($request); } }