import Component from 'flarum/Component'; import Button from 'flarum/components/Button'; import Switch from 'flarum/components/Switch'; import EditCustomCssModal from 'flarum/components/EditCustomCssModal'; import saveConfig from 'flarum/utils/saveConfig'; export default class AppearancePage extends Component { constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.primaryColor = m.prop(app.config.theme_primary_color); this.secondaryColor = m.prop(app.config.theme_secondary_color); this.darkMode = m.prop(app.config.theme_dark_mode === '1'); this.coloredHeader = m.prop(app.config.theme_colored_header === '1'); } view() { return (
Choose two colors to theme your forum with. The first will be used as a highlight color, while the second will be used to style background elements.
{Switch.component({ state: this.darkMode(), children: 'Dark Mode', onchange: this.darkMode })} {Switch.component({ state: this.coloredHeader(), children: 'Colored Header', onchange: this.coloredHeader })} {Button.component({ className: 'Button Button--primary', children: 'Save Changes', loading: this.loading })}
Custom Styles
Customize your forum's appearance by adding your own LESS/CSS code to be applied on top of Flarum's default styles.
{Button.component({ className: 'Button', children: 'Edit Custom CSS', onclick: () => EditCustomCssModal()) })}
); } onsubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); const hex = /^#[0-9a-f]{3}([0-9a-f]{3})?$/i; if (!hex.test(this.primaryColor()) || !hex.test(this.secondaryColor())) { alert('Please enter a hexadecimal color code.'); return; } this.loading = true; saveConfig({ theme_primary_color: this.primaryColor(), theme_secondary_color: this.secondaryColor(), theme_dark_mode: this.darkMode(), theme_colored_header: this.coloredHeader() }).then(() => window.location.reload()); } }