
 * This file is part of Flarum.
 * For detailed copyright and license information, please view the
 * LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Flarum\PackageManager\Tests\integration;

use Flarum\Testing\integration\UsesTmpDir;

class SetupComposer
    use UsesTmpDir;

    private $config;

    public function __construct(array $config = null)
        $this->config = $config;

    public function run()
        $composerJson = $this->tmpDir().'/composer.json';
        $composerLock = $this->tmpDir().'/composer.lock';
        $packages = $this->tmpDir().'/packages';

        file_put_contents($composerJson, json_encode($this->getConfig(), JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));

        if (! file_exists($packages)) {

        if (file_exists($composerLock)) {

    private function getConfig(): array
        return array_merge([
            'require' => [
                'flarum/core' => '1.0.0',
                'flarum/tags' => '1.0.3',
                'flarum/lang-english' => '*',
            'config' => [
                'preferred-install' => 'dist',
                'sort-packages' => true,
            'repositories' => [
                    'type' => 'path',
                    'url' => realpath($this->tmpDir()).'/packages/*',
        ], $this->config ?? []);