flarum-mentions: ## # UNIQUE KEYS - The following keys are used in only one location each. ## # Translations in this namespace are used by the admin interface. admin: # These translations are used in the mentions permissions permissions: mention_groups_label: Mention groups # These translations are used in the mentions Settings page. settings: allow_username_format_label: Allow username mention format (@Username) allow_username_format_text: | The current format for user mentions is @"Display Name"#ID. This setting allows using the old format of @Username, however it will still be converted to the new format upon saving. # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum user interface. forum: # These translations are used by the composer (reply autocompletion function). composer: mention_tooltip: Mention a user, group or post reply_to_post_text: "Reply to #{number}" # These translations are used by the mentioned by modal dialog. mentioned_by: title: Replies to this post load_more_button: => core.ref.load_more # These translations are used by the Notifications dropdown, a.k.a. "the bell". notifications: others_text: => core.ref.some_others post_mentioned_text: "{username} replied to your post" # Can be pluralized to agree with the number of users! user_mentioned_text: "{username} mentioned you" group_mentioned_text: "{username} mentioned a group you're a member of" # These translations are displayed beneath individual posts. post: mentioned_by_more_text: "{count} more replies." mentioned_by_self_text: "{users} replied to this." # Can be pluralized to agree with the number of users! mentioned_by_text: "{users} replied to this." # Can be pluralized to agree with the number of users! others_text: => core.ref.some_others quote_button: Quote reply_link: => core.ref.reply you_text: => core.ref.you # These translations are used in the Settings page. settings: notify_post_mentioned_label: Someone replies to one of my posts notify_user_mentioned_label: Someone mentions me in a post notify_group_mentioned_label: Someone mentions a group I'm a member of in a post # These translations are used in the user profile page and profile popup. user: mentions_link: Mentions # These translations are used in the post mentions post_mention: deleted_text: "[unknown]" group_mention: deleted_text: "[unknown group]" # Translations in this namespace are used in emails sent by the forum. email: # These translations are used in emails sent when a post is replied to post_mentioned: subject: "{replier_display_name} replied to your post in {title}" plain: body: | {replier_display_name} replied to your post (#{post_number}) in {title}. {url} --- {content} html: body: "{replier_display_name} replied to your post (#{post_number}) in [{title}]({url})." # These translations are used in emails sent when a user is mentioned user_mentioned: subject: "{mentioner_display_name} mentioned you in {title}" plain: body: | {mentioner_display_name} mentioned you in a post in {title}. {url} --- {content} html: body: "{mentioner_display_name} mentioned you in a post in [{title}]({url})." # These translations are used in emails sent when a group is mentioned group_mentioned: subject: "{mentioner_display_name} mentioned a group you're a member of in {title}" plain: body: | {mentioner_display_name} mentioned a group you're a member of in {title}. {url} --- {content} html: body: "{mentioner_display_name} mentioned a group you're a member of in [{title}]({url})." # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum and admin interfaces. lib: # These translations are used by gambits. Gambit keys must be in snake_case, no spaces. gambits: posts: mentioned: key: mentioned hint: The ID or username of the mentioned user