import Component from 'flarum/component'; import ItemList from 'flarum/utils/item-list'; import listItems from 'flarum/helpers/list-items'; import ActionButton from 'flarum/components/action-button'; /** A text editor. Contains a textarea and an item list of `controls`, including a submit button. */ export default class TextEditor extends Component { constructor(props) { props.submitLabel = props.submitLabel || 'Submit'; super(props); this.value = m.prop(this.props.value || ''); } view() { return m('div.text-editor', {config: this.element}, [ m('textarea.form-control.flexible-height', { config: this.configTextarea.bind(this), oninput: m.withAttr('value', this.oninput.bind(this)), placeholder: this.props.placeholder || '', disabled: !!this.props.disabled, value: this.value() }), m('ul.text-editor-controls', listItems(this.controlItems().toArray())) ]); } configTextarea(element, isInitialized) { if (isInitialized) { return; } $(element).bind('keydown', 'meta+return', this.onsubmit.bind(this)); } controlItems() { var items = new ItemList(); items.add('submit', ActionButton.component({ label: this.props.submitLabel, icon: 'check', className: 'btn btn-primary', onclick: this.onsubmit.bind(this) }) ); return items; } setContent(content) { this.value(content); this.$('textarea').val(content).trigger('input'); } setSelectionRange(start, end) { var $textarea = this.$('textarea'); $textarea[0].setSelectionRange(start, end); $textarea.focus(); } insertAtCursor(insert) { var textarea = this.$('textarea')[0]; var content = this.value(); var index = textarea ? textarea.selectionStart : content.length; this.setContent(content.slice(0, index)+insert+content.slice(index)); if (textarea) { var pos = index + insert.length; this.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } } oninput(value) { this.value(value); this.props.onchange(this.value()); m.redraw.strategy('none'); } onsubmit() { this.props.onsubmit(this.value()); } }