flarum-suspend: ## # UNIQUE KEYS - The following keys are used in only one location each. ## # Translations in this namespace are used by the admin interface. admin: # These translations are used in the Permissions page of the admin interface. permissions: suspend_users_label: Suspend users # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum user interface. forum: # These translations are used in the suspension notifications notifications: user_suspended_text: "You have been suspended for {timeReadable}" user_suspended_indefinite_text: You have been suspended indefinitely user_unsuspended_text: You have been unsuspended # These translations are used for the suspension reason informational modal to the suspended user. suspension_info: dismiss_button: Dismiss indefinite: This is an indefinite suspension limited: "This suspension will be in force until {date}" title: This account is suspended # These translations are used in the Suspend User modal dialog (admin function). suspend_user: display_message: Display message for user indefinitely_label: Suspended indefinitely limited_time_days_text: " days" limited_time_label: Suspended for a limited time... not_suspended_label: Not suspended placeholder_optional: Optional reason: Reason for suspension status_heading: Suspension Status submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: "Suspend {username}" # These translations are displayed as tooltips for user badges. user_badge: suspended_tooltip: Suspended # These translations are found on the user profile page (admin function). user_controls: suspend_button: Suspend # Translations in this namespace are used by suspension email notifications email: no_reason_given: No reason was given for this suspension. suspended: subject: Your account has been suspended body: | Hey {recipient_display_name}, You have been suspended for the following reason: --- {suspension_message} --- unsuspended: subject: Your account has been unsuspended body: | Hey {recipient_display_name}, You have been unsuspended. You can head back to the forum by clicking on the following link: {forum_url}