core: ## # UNIQUE KEYS - The following keys are used in only one location each. ## # Translations in this namespace are used by the admin interface. admin: # These translations are used in the placeholder Add Extension modal dialog. add_extension: developer_text: "If you're a developer, you can read the docs and have a go at building your own extensions." install_text: "In the meantime, you can look for extensions at the Flarum Community site and install them manually using Composer." temporary_text: "One day in the not-too-distant future, this dialog will allow you to add an extension to your forum with ease. We're building an ecosystem as we speak!" # These translations are used in the Appearance page. appearance: colored_header_label: Colored Header colors_heading: Colors colors_text: "Choose two colors to theme your forum with. The first will be used as a highlight color, while the second will be used to style background elements." custom_styles_heading: Custom Styles custom_styles_text: Customize your forum's appearance by adding your own LESS/CSS code to be applied on top of Flarum's default styles. dark_mode_label: Dark Mode edit_css_button: Edit Custom CSS enter_hex_message: Please enter a hexadecimal color code. submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes # These translations are used in the Basics page. basics: all_discussions_label: => core.ref.all_discussions default_language_heading: Default Language forum_description_heading: Forum Description forum_description_text: Enter a short sentence or two that describes your community. This will appear in the meta tag and show up in search engines. forum_title_heading: Forum Title home_page_heading: Home Page home_page_text: "Choose the page which users will first see when they visit your forum. If entering a custom value, use the path relative to the forum root." saved_message: Your changes were saved. submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes welcome_banner_heading: Welcome Banner welcome_banner_text: Configure the text that displays in the banner on the All Discussions page. Use this to welcome guests to your forum. # These translations are used in the Dashboard page. dashboard: beta_warning_text: "This beta software is provided primarily so that you can help us test it and make it better; it should not be used in production." contributing_text: "Want to look for bugs and contribute? Read the Contributing docs." extension_text: "Interested in developing extensions? Read the Extension docs." features_text: "Got an idea to improve a feature? Tell us about it under the Features tag." support_text: "Found a bug? Please report it in our forum, under the Support tag." troubleshooting_text: "Having problems? Follow the instructions in the Troubleshooting docs." version_text: "Thanks for trying out Flarum! You are running version {version}." welcome_text: "Welcome to Flarum Beta!" # These translations are used in the Edit Custom CSS modal dialog. edit_css: customize_text: "Customize your forum's appearance by adding your own LESS/CSS code to be applied on top of Flarum's default styles." submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: Edit Custom CSS # These translations are used in the Edit Group modal dialog. edit_group: color_label: Color delete_button: Delete Group delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this group? The group members will NOT be deleted." icon_label: Icon icon_text: "Enter the name of any FontAwesome icon class, without the fa- prefix." name_label: Name plural_placeholder: Plural (e.g. Mods) singular_placeholder: Singular (e.g. Mod) submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: Create Group # These translations are used in the email page of the admin interface. email: account_heading: SMTP Account addresses_heading: Addresses driver_label: Driver encryption_label: Encryption from_label: Sender heading: => host_label: Host password_label: => core.ref.password port_label: Port server_heading: SMTP Server submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes text: Configure the SMTP settings and addresses your forum will use to send email. username_label: => core.ref.username # These translations are used in the Extensions page. extensions: add_button: Add Extension settings_button: => core.ref.settings uninstall_button: Uninstall # These translations are used in the session dropdown menu. header: log_out_button: => core.ref.log_out # These translations are used in the modal dialog displayed when loading extensions. loading: title: Please Wait... # These translations are used in the navigation bar. nav: appearance_button: Appearance appearance_text: "Customize your forum's colors, logos, and other variables." basics_button: Basics basics_text: "Set your forum title, language, and other basic settings." dashboard_button: Dashboard dashboard_text: Your forum at a glance. email_button: => email_text: "Configure your forum's email settings." extensions_button: Extensions extensions_text: Add extra functionality to your forum and make it your own. permissions_button: Permissions permissions_text: Configure who can see and do what. # These translations are used in the Permissions page of the admin interface. permissions: allow_renaming_label: Allow renaming allow_post_editing_label: Allow post editing create_heading: Create delete_discussions_forever_label: Delete discussions forever delete_discussions_label: Delete discussions delete_posts_forever_label: Delete posts forever edit_and_delete_posts_label: Edit and delete posts global_heading: Global moderate_heading: Moderate new_group_button: New Group participate_heading: Participate read_heading: Read rename_discussions_label: Rename discussions reply_to_discussions_label: Reply to discussions sign_up_label: Sign up start_discussions_label: Start discussions view_discussions_label: View discussions view_post_ips_label: View post IP addresses # These translations are used in the dropdown menus on the Permissions page. permissions_controls: allow_indefinitely_button: Indefinitely allow_some_minutes_button: "For {count} minute|For {count} minutes" allow_ten_minutes_button: For 10 minutes allow_until_reply_button: Until next reply everyone_button: Everyone members_button: => signup_closed_button: Closed signup_open_button: Open # These translations are used in the Settings modal dialog. settings: submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum user interface. forum: # These translations are used in the Change Email modal dialog. change_email: confirmation_message: => core.ref.confirmation_email_sent confirm_password_placeholder: => core.ref.confirm_password dismiss_button: => core.ref.okay incorrect_password_message: The password you entered is incorrect. submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: => core.ref.change_email # These translations are used in the Change Password modal dialog. change_password: send_button: Send Password Reset Email text: Click the button below and check your email for a link to change your password. title: => core.ref.change_password # These translations are used by the composer controls. composer: close_tooltip: Close exit_full_screen_tooltip: Exit Full Screen full_screen_tooltip: Full Screen minimize_tooltip: Minimize # These translations are used by the composer when starting a discussion. composer_discussion: body_placeholder: Write a Post... discard_confirmation: "You have not posted your discussion. Do you wish to discard it?" submit_button: Post Discussion title: => core.ref.start_a_discussion title_placeholder: Discussion Title # These translations are used by the composer when editing a post. composer_edit: discard_confirmation: "You have not saved your changes. Do you wish to discard them?" post_link: "Post #{number} in {discussion}" submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes # These translations are used by the composer when replying to a discussion. composer_reply: body_placeholder: => core.ref.write_a_reply discard_confirmation: "You have not posted your reply. Do you wish to discard it?" posted_message: Your reply was posted. submit_button: Post Reply view_button: View # These translations are used by the discussion control buttons. discussion_controls: cannot_reply_button: Can't Reply cannot_reply_text: You don't have permission to reply to this discussion. delete_button: => core.ref.delete delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this discussion?" delete_forever_button: => core.ref.delete_forever log_in_to_reply_button: Log In to Reply rename_button: Rename rename_text: "Enter a new title for this discussion:" reply_button: => core.ref.reply restore_button: => core.ref.restore # These translations are used in the discussion list. discussion_list: empty_text: It looks like there are no discussions here. load_more_button: => core.ref.load_more mark_as_read_tooltip: Mark as Read replied_text: "{username} replied {ago}" started_text: "{username} started {ago}" # These translations are used in the Edit User modal dialog (admin function). edit_user: email_label: => password_label: => core.ref.password submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: Edit User username_label: => core.ref.username # These translations are used in the Forgot Password modal dialog. forgot_password: dismiss_button: => core.ref.okay email_placeholder: => email_sent_message: We've sent you an email containing a link to reset your password. Check your spam folder if you don't receive it within the next minute or two. not_found_message: There is no user registered with that email address. submit_button: Recover Password text: Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. title: Forgot Password # These translations are used in the header and session dropdown menu. header: admin_button: Administration log_in_link: => core.ref.log_in log_out_button: => core.ref.log_out profile_button: Profile search_placeholder: Search Forum settings_button: => core.ref.settings sign_up_link: => core.ref.sign_up # These translations are used on the index page, peripheral to the discussion list. index: all_discussions_link: => core.ref.all_discussions cannot_start_discussion_button: Can't Start Discussion mark_all_as_read_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to mark all discussions as read?" mark_all_as_read_tooltip: => core.ref.mark_all_as_read refresh_tooltip: Refresh start_discussion_button: => core.ref.start_a_discussion # These translations are used by the sorting control above the discussion list. index_sort: latest_button: Latest newest_button: Newest oldest_button: Oldest relevance_button: Relevance top_button: Top # These translations are used in the Log In modal dialog. log_in: forgot_password_link: "Forgot password?" invalid_login_message: Your login details were incorrect. password_placeholder: => core.ref.password sign_up_text: "Don't have an account? Sign Up" submit_button: => core.ref.log_in title: => core.ref.log_in username_or_email_placeholder: Username or Email # These translations are used by the Notifications dropdown, a.k.a. "the bell". notifications: discussion_renamed_text: "{username} changed the title" empty_text: No Notifications mark_all_as_read_tooltip: => core.ref.mark_all_as_read title: => core.ref.notifications tooltip: => core.ref.notifications # These translations are used by tooltips displayed for individual posts. post: edited_text: Edited edited_tooltip: "{username} edited {ago}" number_tooltip: "Post #{number}" # These translations are used by the post control buttons. post_controls: delete_button: => core.ref.delete delete_forever_button: => core.ref.delete_forever edit_button: => core.ref.edit restore_button: => core.ref.restore # These translations are used in the scrubber to the right of the post stream. post_scrubber: now_link: Now original_post_link: Original Post unread_text: "{count} unread" viewing_text: "{index} of {count} post|{index} of {count} posts" # These translations are displayed between posts in the post stream. post_stream: discussion_renamed_old_tooltip: 'The old title was: "{old}"' discussion_renamed_text: "{username} changed the title to {new}." load_more_button: => core.ref.load_more reply_placeholder: => core.ref.write_a_reply time_lapsed_text: "{period} later" # These translations are used by the search results dropdown list. search: all_discussions_button: 'Search all discussions for "{query}"' discussions_heading: => core.ref.discussions users_heading: Users # These translations are used in the Settings page. settings: account_heading: Account change_email_button: => core.ref.change_email change_password_button: => core.ref.change_password notifications_heading: => core.ref.notifications notify_by_email_heading: => notify_by_web_heading: Web notify_discussion_renamed_label: Someone renames a discussion I started privacy_disclose_online_label: Allow others to see when I am online privacy_heading: Privacy title: => core.ref.settings # These translations are used in the Sign Up modal dialog. sign_up: email_placeholder: => dismiss_button: => core.ref.okay log_in_text: "Already have an account? Log In" password_placeholder: => core.ref.password submit_button: => core.ref.sign_up title: => core.ref.sign_up username_placeholder: => core.ref.username welcome_text: "Welcome, {username}!" # These translations are used in the user profile page and profile popup. user: avatar_remove_button: Remove avatar_upload_button: Upload avatar_upload_tooltip: Upload a new avatar bio_placeholder: Write something about yourself discussions_link: => core.ref.discussions in_discussion_text: "In {discussion}" joined_date_text: "Joined {ago}" online_text: Online posts_load_more_button: => core.ref.load_more posts_link: Posts settings_link: => core.ref.settings # These translations are found on the user profile page (admin function). user_controls: button: Controls delete_button: => core.ref.delete delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this user? All of the user's posts will be deleted." edit_button: => core.ref.edit # These translations are used in the alert that is shown when a new user has not confirmed their email address. user_email_confirmation: alert_message: => core.ref.confirmation_email_sent resend_button: Resend Confirmation Email sent_message: Sent # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum and admin interfaces. lib: # These translations are displayed as tooltips for discussion badges. badge: hidden_tooltip: Hidden # These translations are used to modify usernames. username: deleted_text: "[deleted]" # These translations are displayed as error messages. error: generic_message: "Oops! Something went wrong. Please reload the page and try again." not_found_message: The requested resource was not found. permission_denied_message: You do not have permission to do that. rate_limit_exceeded_message: You're going a little too quickly. Please try again in a few seconds. # These translations are used as suffixes when abbreviating numbers. number_suffix: kilo_text: K mega_text: M # These translations are used to punctuate a series of items. series: glue_text: ", " three_text: "{first}, {second}, and {third}" two_text: "{first} and {second}" # Translations in this namespace are used in views other than Flarum's normal JS client. views: # Translations in this namespace are displayed by the basic HTML content loader. content: javascript_disabled_message: This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. load_error_message: Something went wrong while trying to load the full version of this site. loading_text: Loading... # Translations in this namespace are displayed in the basic HTML discussion view. discussion: next_page_button: => core.ref.next_page previous_page_button: Previous Page # Translations in this namespace are displayed by the basic HTML discussion index. index: all_discussions_heading: => core.ref.all_discussions next_page_button: => core.ref.next_page # Translations in this namespace are displayed by the Reset Password interface. reset: confirm_password_label: => core.ref.confirm_password password_label: => core.ref.password submit_button: Reset Password title: => core.ref.reset_your_password # Translations in this namespace are used in emails sent by the forum. email: # These translations are used in emails sent when users register new accounts. activate_account: subject: Activate Your New Account body: | Hey {username}! Someone (hopefully you!) has signed up to {forum} with this email address. If this was you, simply click the following link and your account will be activated: {url} If you did not sign up, please ignore this email. # These translations are used in emails sent when users change their email address. confirm_email: subject: Confirm Your New Email Address body: | Hey {username}! Someone (hopefully you!) has changed their email address on {forum} to this one. If this was you, simply click the following link and your email will be confirmed: {url} If this was not you, please ignore this email. # These translations are used in emails sent when users ask to reset their passwords. reset_password: subject: => core.ref.reset_your_password body: | Hey {username}! Someone (hopefully you!) has submitted a forgotten password request for your account on {forum}. If this was you, click the following link to reset your password: {url} If you do not wish to change your password, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. ## # REUSED TRANSLATIONS - These keys should not be used directly in code! ## # Translations in this namespace are referenced by two or more unique keys. ref: all_discussions: All Discussions change_email: Change Email change_password: Change Password confirm_password: Confirm Password confirmation_email_sent: "We've sent a confirmation email to {email}. If it doesn't arrive soon, check your spam folder." delete: Delete delete_forever: Delete Forever discussions: Discussions edit: Edit email: Email load_more: Load More log_in: Log In log_out: Log Out mark_all_as_read: Mark All as Read next_page: Next Page notifications: Notifications okay: OK # Referenced by flarum-tags.yml password: Password reply: Reply # Referenced by flarum-mentions.yml reset_your_password: Reset Your Password restore: Restore save_changes: Save Changes # Referenced by flarum-suspend.yml, flarum-tags.yml settings: Settings sign_up: Sign Up some_others: "{count} other|{count} others" # Referenced by flarum-likes.yml, flarum-mentions.yml start_a_discussion: Start a Discussion username: Username write_a_reply: Write a Reply... you: You # Referenced by flarum-likes.yml, flarum-mentions.yml ## # GROUP NAMES - These keys are translated at the back end. ## # Translations in this namespace are used to translate default group names. group: admin: Admin admins: Admins guest: Guest guests: Guests member: Member members: Members mod: Mod mods: Mods