import Ember from 'ember'; import MenuItem from '../components/menu-item'; import Scrollbar from '../utils/scrollbar'; import PostStreamMixin from '../mixins/post-stream'; export default Ember.View.extend(PostStreamMixin, { /** @property templateName @type String */ templateName: 'components/discussion-scrollbar', classNames: ['scrubber', 'discussion-scrubber'], // An object which represents/ecapsulates the scrollbar. scrollbar: null, // Right after the controller finished loading a discussion, we want to // trigger a scroll event on the window so the interface is kept up-to-date. loadedChanged: function() { this.scrollbar.setDisabled(! this.get('controller.loaded')); }.observes('controller.loaded'), countChanged: function() { this.scrollbar.setCount(this.get('controller.postStream.count')); }.observes('controller.postStream.count'), windowWasResized: function(event) { var view =; // view.scrollbar.$.height($('#sidebar-content').height() + $('#sidebar-content').offset().top - view.scrollbar.$.offset().top - 80); view.scrollbar.update(); }, windowWasScrolled: function(event) { var view =, $window = $(window); if (! view.get('controller.loaded') || $'disableScrollHandler')) { return; } var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(), windowHeight = $window.height(); // Before looping through all of the posts, we reset the scrollbar // properties to a 'default' state. These values reflect what would be // seen if the browser were scrolled right up to the top of the page, // and the viewport had a height of 0. var index = $('.posts .item:first').data('end'); var visiblePosts = 0; var period = ''; var first = $('.posts .item[data-start=0]'); var offsetTop = first.length ? first.offset().top : 0; // Now loop through each of the items in the discussion. An 'item' is // either a single post or a 'gap' of one or more posts that haven't // been loaded yet. // @todo cache item top positions to speed this up? $('.posts .item').each(function(k) { var $this = $(this), top = $this.offset().top - offsetTop, height = $this.outerHeight(); // If this item is above the top of the viewport, skip to the next // post. If it's below the bottom of the viewport, break out of the // loop. if (top + height < scrollTop) { return; } if (top > scrollTop + windowHeight) { return false; } // If the bottom half of this item is visible at the top of the // viewport, then add the visible proportion to the visiblePosts // counter, and set the scrollbar index to whatever the visible // proportion represents. For example, if a gap represents indexes // 0-9, and the bottom 50% of the gap is visible in the viewport, // then the scrollbar index will be 5. if (top <= scrollTop && top + height > scrollTop) { visiblePosts = (top + height - scrollTop) / height; index = parseFloat($'end')) + 1 - visiblePosts; } // If the top half of this item is visible at the bottom of the // viewport, then add the visible proportion to the visiblePosts // counter. else if (top + height >= scrollTop + windowHeight) { visiblePosts += (scrollTop + windowHeight - top) / height; } // If the whole item is visible in the viewport, then increment the // visiblePosts counter. else { visiblePosts++; } // If this item has a time associated with it, then set the // scrollbar's current period to a formatted version of this time. if ($'time')) { period = $'time'); } }); // Now that we've looped through all of the items and have worked out // the scrollbar's current index and the number of posts visible in the // viewport, we can update the scrollbar. view.scrollbar.setIndex(index); view.scrollbar.setVisible(visiblePosts); view.scrollbar.update(); view.scrollbar.$.find('.index').text(Math.ceil(index + visiblePosts)); view.scrollbar.$.find('.description').text(moment(period).format('MMMM YYYY')); }, mouseWasMoved: function(event) { var view =; if ( ! { return; } var offsetPixels = event.clientY -; var offsetPercent = offsetPixels / view.scrollbar.$.outerHeight() * 100; var offsetIndex = offsetPercent / view.scrollbar.percentPerPost().index; var newIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min( + offsetIndex, view.scrollbar.count - 1)); view.scrollToIndex(newIndex); }, mouseWasReleased: function(event) { var view =; if (! { return; } = 0; = 0; = null; $(window).data('disableScrollHandler', false); view.get('controller').send('jumpToIndex', Math.floor(view.scrollbar.index)); $(window).scroll(); $('body').css('cursor', ''); }, didInsertElement: function() { var view = this; // Set up scrollbar object this.scrollbar = new Scrollbar($('.discussion-scrubber .scrollbar')); this.scrollbar.setDisabled(true); this.countChanged(); this.loadedChanged(); // Whenever the window is resized, adjust the height of the scrollbar // so that it fills the height of the sidebar. $(window).on('resize', {view: this}, this.windowWasResized).resize(); // Define a handler to update the state of the scrollbar to reflect the // current scroll position of the page. $(window).on('scroll', {view: this}, this.windowWasScrolled); this.get('controller').on('loadingIndex', this, this.loadingIndex); // Now we want to make the scrollbar handle draggable. Let's start by // preventing default browser events from messing things up. this.scrollbar.$ .css('user-select', 'none') .bind('dragstart mousedown', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); // When the mouse is pressed on the scrollbar handle, we need to capture // some information about the current position. var scrollData = { view: this, mouseStart: 0, indexStart: 0, handle: null }; this.scrollbar.$.find('.scrollbar-slider').css('cursor', 'move').mousedown(function(e) { scrollData.mouseStart = e.clientY; scrollData.indexStart = view.scrollbar.index; scrollData.handle = $(this); $(window).data('disableScrollHandler', true); $('body').css('cursor', 'move'); }); // When the mouse moves, $(document) .on('mousemove', scrollData, this.mouseWasMoved) .on('mouseup', scrollData, this.mouseWasReleased); // When any part of the whole scrollbar is clicked, we want to jump to // that position. this.scrollbar.$.click(function(e) { // Calculate the index which we want to jump to. // @todo document how this complexity works. var offsetPixels = e.clientY - view.scrollbar.$.offset().top + $('body').scrollTop(); var offsetPercent = offsetPixels / view.scrollbar.$.outerHeight() * 100; var handleHeight = parseFloat(view.scrollbar.$.find('.scrollbar-slider')[0].style.height); var offsetIndex = (offsetPercent - handleHeight / 2) / view.scrollbar.percentPerPost().index; var newIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(view.scrollbar.count - 1, offsetIndex)); view.get('controller').send('jumpToIndex', Math.floor(newIndex)); }) // Exempt the scrollbar handle from this 'jump to' click event. this.scrollbar.$.find('.scrollbar-slider').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }, actions: { firstPost: function() { this.get('controller').send('jumpToIndex', 0); }, lastPost: function() { this.get('controller').send('jumpToIndex', this.scrollbar.count - 1); } }, loadingIndex: function(index) { this.scrollToIndex(index, true); }, // Instantly scroll to a certain index in the discussion. The index doesn't // have to be an integer; any fraction of a post will be scrolled to. scrollToIndex: function(index, animate) { index = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, this.scrollbar.count - 1)); var indexFloor = Math.floor(index); // Find var nearestItem = this.findNearestToIndex(indexFloor); var first = $('.posts .item[data-start=0]'); var offsetTop = first.length ? first.offset().top : 0; var pos = nearestItem.offset().top - offsetTop; if (!'.gap')) { pos += nearestItem.outerHeight() * (index - indexFloor); } else { nearestItem.addClass('active'); } $('.posts').not(nearestItem).removeClass('active'); if (animate) { // $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: pos}); } else { $('html, body').scrollTop(pos); } this.scrollbar.setIndex(index); this.scrollbar.update(animate); }, willDestroyElement: function() { $(window) .off('resize', this.windowWasResized) .off('scroll', this.windowWasScrolled); $(document) .off('mousemove', this.mouseWasMoved) .off('mouseup', this.mouseWasReleased); this.get('controller').off('loadingIndex', this, this.loadingIndex); } });