import Ember from 'ember'; // Represents a collection of results (e.g. a list of discussions) export default Ember.Object.extend({ // An array of the results. results: Em.A(), // The currently-active result. currentResult: null, sort: null, // The index of the currently-active result (determined by ID.) Returns '?' // if the currently-active result is not in the results list. index: function() { var index = '?'; var id = this.get(''); this.get('results').some(function(result, i) { if (result.get('id') == id) { index = i + 1; return true; } }); return index; }.property('currentResult', 'results'), // The number of results. count: function() { return this.get('results.length'); }.property('results'), // The previous result. previous: function() { return this.get('results').objectAt(this.get('index') - 2); }.property('index'), // The next result. next: function() { return this.get('results').objectAt(this.get('index')); }.property('index'), });