import Ember from 'ember'; import NamedContainerView from '../utils/named-container-view'; import Menu from '../utils/menu'; import MenuItem from '../components/menu-item'; import DropdownSplit from '../components/dropdown-split'; import DropdownButton from '../components/dropdown-button'; import DiscussionScrollbar from '../components/discussion-scrollbar'; import PostStreamMixin from '../mixins/post-stream'; export default Ember.View.extend(Ember.Evented, PostStreamMixin, { sidebar: Ember.ContainerView, // Set up a new menu view that will contain controls to be shown in the // footer. The template will only render these controls if the last post is // showing. construct: function() { // this.set('footerControls', this.createChildView(Menu)); // this.set('footerControls.controller', this.get('controller')); // console.log(this.get('controller')); }.on('init'), // Whenever the model's title changes, we want to update that document's // title the reflect the new title. updateTitle: function() { this.set('controller.controllers.application.pageTitle', this.get('controller.model.title')); }.observes('controller.model.title'), didInsertElement: function() { // We've just inserted the discussion view. this.trigger('populateSidebar', this.get('sidebar')); // Whenever the window's scroll position changes, we want to check to // see if any terminal 'gaps' are in the viewport and trigger their // loading mechanism if they are. We also want to update the // controller's 'start' query param with the current position. $(window).on('scroll', {view: this}, this.windowWasScrolled); // We need to listen for some events on the controller. Whenever the // controller says that it's loading or has loaded posts near a certain // post number, we want to scroll down to this post (or the gap which // the post is in) and highlight it. var controller = this.get('controller'); controller.on('loadingNumber', this, this.loadingNumber); controller.on('loadedNumber', this, this.loadedNumber); controller.on('loadingIndex', this, this.loadingIndex); controller.on('loadedIndex', this, this.loadedIndex); }, willDestroyElement: function() { $(window).off('scroll', this.windowWasScrolled); var controller = this.get('controller');'loadingNumber', this, this.loadingNumber);'loadedNumber', this, this.loadedNumber);'loadingIndex', this, this.loadingIndex);'loadedIndex', this, this.loadedIndex); }, setupSidebar: function(sidebar) { this.set('controls', Menu.create()); this.trigger('populateControls', this.get('controls')); sidebar.pushObject(DropdownSplit.create({ items: this.get('controls'), icon: 'reply', buttonClass: 'btn-primary', menuClass: 'pull-right' })); sidebar.pushObject(DropdownButton.create({items: this.get('controls')})); sidebar.pushObject(DiscussionScrollbar.create()); }.on('populateSidebar'), setupControls: function(controls) { var view = this; var ReplyItem = MenuItem.extend({ title: 'Reply', icon: 'reply', classNameBindings: ['className', 'replying:disabled'], replying: function() { return this.get('parentController.controllers.composer.showing'); }.property('parentController.controllers.composer.showing'), action: function() { var lastPost = $('.posts .item:last'); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: lastPost.offset().top + lastPost.outerHeight() - $(window).height() + $('.composer').height() + 19}, 'fast'); view.get('controller').send('reply'); }, parentController: this.get('controller'), }); controls.addItem('reply', ReplyItem); }.on('populateControls'), // This function handles the window's scroll event. We check to see if any // terminal 'gaps' are in the viewport and trigger their loading mechanism // if they are. We also update the controller's 'start' query param with the // current position. windowWasScrolled: function(event) { var view =; if (! view.get('controller.loaded') || $(window).data('disableScrollHandler')) { return; } var posts = view.$().find('.posts'), $this = $(this), scrollTop = $this.scrollTop(), viewportHeight = $this.height(), firstItem = posts.find('.item[data-start=0]'), firstItemOffset = firstItem.length ? firstItem.offset().top : 0, currentNumber; // Loop through each of the items in the discussion. An 'item' is // either a single post or a 'gap' of one or more posts that haven't // been loaded yet. posts.find('.item').each(function() { var $this = $(this), top = $this.offset().top - firstItemOffset, height = $this.outerHeight(); // If this item is above the top of the viewport, skip to the // next one. If it's below the bottom of the viewport, break // out of the loop. if (top + height < scrollTop) { return; } if (top > scrollTop + viewportHeight) { return false; } // Now we know that this item is in the viewport. If we haven't // yet stored a post's number, then this item must be the FIRST // item in the viewport. Therefore, we'll grab its post number // so we can update the controller's state later. ! currentNumber && (currentNumber = $'number')); // If this item is a gap, then we may proceed to check if it's // a *terminal* gap and trigger its loading mechanism. var gapView; if ($this.hasClass('gap') && (gapView = Ember.View.views[$this.attr('id')])) { if ($':first-of-type')) { gapView.set('direction', 'up').load(); } else if ($':last-of-type')) { gapView.set('direction', 'down').load(); } } }); // Finally, we want to update the controller's state with regards to the // current viewing position of the discussion. However, we don't want to // do this on every single scroll event as it will slow things down. So, // let's do it at a minimum of 250ms by clearing and setting a timeout. clearTimeout(this.updateStateTimeout); this.updateStateTimeout = setTimeout(function() { view.get('controller').set('start', currentNumber || 1); }, 250); }, loadingNumber: function(number) { // The post with this number is being loaded. We want to scroll to where // we think it will appear. We may be scrolling to the edge of the page, // but we don't want to trigger any terminal post gaps to load by doing // that. So, we'll disable the window's scroll handler for now. $(window).data('disableScrollHandler', true); this.jumpToNumber(number); }, loadedNumber: function(number) { // The post with this number has been loaded. After we scroll to this // post, we want to resume scroll events. var view = this; this.jumpToNumber(number, function() { $(window).data('disableScrollHandler', false).scroll(); }); }, // Scroll down to a certain post (or the gap which the post is in) and // highlight it. jumpToNumber: function(number, finish) { // Clear the highlight class from all posts, and attempt to find and // highlight a post with the specified number. var item = this.$() .find('.posts .item').removeClass('highlight') .filter('[data-number='+number+']'); if (number > 1) { item.addClass('highlight'); } // If we didn't have any luck, then a post with this number either // doesn't exist, or it hasn't been loaded yet. We'll find the item // that's closest to the post with this number and scroll to that // instead. if (! item.length) { item = this.findNearestToNumber(number); } // We have an item to scroll to now. Let's get its position and animate // a scroll-down! if (item.length) { $('html, body').stop(true).animate({scrollTop: number > 1 ? item.offset().top : 0}); } if (finish) { $('html, body').promise().done(finish); } }, loadingIndex: function(index) { // The post at this index is being loaded. We want to scroll to where we // think it will appear. We may be scrolling to the edge of the page, // but we don't want to trigger any terminal post gaps to load by doing // that. So, we'll disable the window's scroll handler for now. $(window).data('disableScrollHandler', true); this.jumpToIndex(index); }, loadedIndex: function(index) { // The post at this index has been loaded. After we scroll to this post, // we want to resume scroll events. var view = this; this.jumpToIndex(index, function() { $(window).data('disableScrollHandler', false).scroll(); }); }, jumpToIndex: function(index, finish) { var item = this.findNearestToIndex(index); // We have an item to scroll to now. Let's get its position and animate // a scroll-down! if (item.length) { $('html, body').stop(true).animate({scrollTop: index > 0 ? item.offset().top : 0}); } if (finish) { $('html, body').promise().done(finish); } }, // Right after the controller finished loading a discussion, we want to // trigger a scroll event on the window so the interface is kept up-to-date. loadedChanged: function() { if (this.get('controller.loaded')) {'afterRender', function() { $(window).scroll(); }); } }.observes('controller.loaded') });