core: ## # UNIQUE KEYS - The following keys are used in only one location each. ## # Translations in this namespace are used by the admin interface. admin: advanced: description: Settings relating to Flarum's scalability. drivers: legend: Drivers queue: driver_heading: Queue Driver driver_label: Choose a Queue Driver names: database: Database sync: Sync # Shown on the page when it's meant to be enabled large_community_note: | ℹ️ This page is intended for very active communities, like yours! Great job! Modifying some of these settings may require advanced setup or create extra load for your installation. Learn more about these settings. # Shown on the page when it's hidden and was directly navigated to not_enabled_warning: | ⚠️ This page is intended for very active communities. This page is hidden for your forum because you don't meet the recommended criteria for modifying these settings. Doing so may require advanced setup or create extra load for your installation. Learn more about these settings. title: Advanced settings # These translations are used in the Appearance page. appearance: colored_header_label: Colored Header colors_heading: Colors colors_text: "Choose two colors to theme your forum with. The first will be used as a highlight color, while the second will be used to style background elements." custom_footer_heading: Custom Footer custom_footer_text: => core.ref.custom_footer_text custom_header_heading: Custom Header custom_header_text: => core.ref.custom_header_text custom_styles_heading: Custom Styles custom_styles_text: Customize your forum's appearance by adding your own Less/CSS code to be applied on top of Flarum's default styles. dark_mode_label: Dark Mode description: "Customize your forum's colors, logos, and other variables." edit_css_button: Edit Custom CSS edit_footer_button: => core.ref.custom_footer_title edit_header_button: => core.ref.custom_header_title enter_hex_message: Please enter a hexadecimal color code. favicon_heading: Favicon favicon_text: Upload an image to be displayed as the forum's shortcut icon. logo_heading: Logo logo_text: Upload an image to be displayed in place of the forum title. title: Appearance # These translations are used in the Basics page. basics: all_discussions_label: => core.ref.all_discussions default_language_heading: Default Language description: "Set your forum title, language, and other basic settings." display_name_heading: User Display Name display_name_text: Select the driver that should be used for users' display names. By default, the username is shown. forum_description_heading: Forum Description forum_description_text: Enter a short sentence or two that describes your community. This will appear in the meta tag and show up in search engines. forum_title_heading: Forum Title home_page_heading: Home Page home_page_text: Choose the page which users will first see when they visit your forum. show_language_selector_label: Show language selector slug_driver_heading: "Slug Driver: {model}" slug_driver_text: Select a driver to be used for slugging this model. title: Basics welcome_banner_heading: Welcome Banner welcome_banner_text: Configure the text that displays in the banner on the All Discussions page. Use this to welcome guests to your forum. # These translations are used in the Dashboard page. dashboard: clear_cache_button: Clear Cache description: Your forum at a glance. title: Dashboard tools_button: Tools # These translations are used in the Edit Custom CSS modal dialog. edit_css: customize_text: "Customize your forum's appearance by adding your own Less/CSS code to be applied on top of Flarum's default styles." submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: Edit Custom CSS # These translations are used in the Edit Custom Footer modal dialog. edit_footer: customize_text: => core.ref.custom_footer_text submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: => core.ref.custom_footer_title # These translations are used in the Edit Group modal dialog. edit_group: color_label: => core.ref.color delete_button: Delete Group delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this group? The group members will NOT be deleted." hide_label: Hide on forum icon_label: => core.ref.icon icon_text: => core.ref.icon_text name_label: Name plural_placeholder: Plural (e.g. Mods) singular_placeholder: Singular (e.g. Mod) submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: Create Group # These translations are used in the Edit Custom Header modal dialog. edit_header: customize_text: => core.ref.custom_header_text submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: => core.ref.custom_header_title # These translations are used in the email page of the admin interface. email: addresses_heading: Addresses description: "Configure the driver, settings and addresses your forum will use to send email." driver_heading: Choose a Driver driver_label: Driver from_label: Sender mail_encryption_label: Encryption mail_host_label: Host mail_mailgun_domain_label: Domain mail_mailgun_region_label: Region mail_mailgun_secret_label: Secret key mail_password_label: => core.ref.password mail_port_label: Port mail_username_label: => core.ref.username mailgun_heading: Mailgun Settings not_sending_message: Flarum currently does not send emails. This can be due to the selected driver, or errors in its configuration. send_test_mail_button: Send send_test_mail_heading: Send Test Mail send_test_mail_success: "Test mail sent successfully!" send_test_mail_text: "This will send an email using the above configuration to your email, {email}." smtp_heading: SMTP Settings title: => # These translations are used on default extension pages. extension: configure_scopes: Configure Scopes confirm_uninstall: Uninstalling will remove all database entries and assets related to the extension. Are you sure you want to continue? disabled: Disabled enable_to_see: Enable the extension to view and change settings. enabled: Enabled info_links: discuss: Discuss documentation: Documentation donate: Donate source: Source support: Support website: Website no_permissions: This extension has no permissions. no_settings: This extension has no settings. open_modal: Open Settings permissions_title: Permissions uninstall_button: Uninstall # These translations are used in the secondary header. header: get_help: Get Help log_out_button: => core.ref.log_out # These translations are used in the modal dialog displayed when loading extensions. loading: title: Please Wait... # These translations are used in the navigation bar. nav: advanced_button: => core.admin.advanced.title advanced_title: => core.admin.advanced.description appearance_button: => core.admin.appearance.title appearance_title: => core.admin.appearance.description basics_button: => core.admin.basics.title basics_title: => core.admin.basics.description categories: authentication: Authentication core: Core Configuration discussion: Discussion feature: Features formatting: Formatting language: Languages moderation: Moderation other: Other Extensions theme: Themes dashboard_button: => core.admin.dashboard.title dashboard_title: => core.admin.dashboard.description email_button: => email_title: => permissions_button: => core.admin.permissions.title permissions_title: => core.admin.permissions.description userlist_button: => core.admin.users.title userlist_title: => core.admin.users.description search_placeholder: Search Extensions # These translations are used in the Permissions page of the admin interface. permissions: allow_post_editing_label: Allow post editing allow_renaming_label: Allow renaming create_heading: Create delete_discussions_forever_label: Delete discussions forever delete_discussions_label: Delete discussions delete_posts_forever_label: Delete posts forever delete_posts_label: Delete posts description: Configure who can see and do what. edit_posts_label: Edit posts edit_users_label: Edit user attributes edit_users_credentials_label: Edit user credentials edit_users_groups_label: Edit user groups global_heading: Global moderate_heading: Moderate new_group_button: New Group participate_heading: Participate post_without_throttle_label: Reply multiple times without waiting read_heading: Read rename_discussions_label: Rename discussions reply_to_discussions_label: Reply to discussions search_users_label: Search users sign_up_label: Sign up start_discussions_label: Start discussions title: Permissions view_forum_label: View forum (discussions and users) view_hidden_groups_label: View hidden group badges view_last_seen_at_label: Always view user last seen time view_post_ips_label: View post IP addresses # These translations are used in the dropdown menus on the Permissions page. permissions_controls: allow_indefinitely_button: Indefinitely allow_some_minutes_button: "{count, plural, one {For # minute} other {For # minutes}}" allow_ten_minutes_button: For 10 minutes allow_until_reply_button: Until next reply everyone_button: Everyone members_button: => signup_closed_button: Closed signup_open_button: Open # These translations are used generically in setting fields. settings: saved_message: Your changes were saved. submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes # These translations are used in image upload buttons. upload_image: remove_button: => core.ref.remove upload_button: Choose an Image... # These translations are used for the users list on the admin dashboard. users: description: A paginated list of all users on your forum. grid: columns: edit_user: button: => core.ref.edit title: => core.ref.edit_user tooltip: Edit {username} email: title: => visibility_hide: Hide email address visibility_show: Show email address group_badges: no_badges: None title: Groups join_time: title: Joined user_id: title: ID username: profile_link_tooltip: Visit {username}'s profile title: => core.ref.username invalid_column_content: Invalid pagination: back_button: Previous page next_button: Next page page_counter: Page {current} of {total} title: => core.ref.users total_users: "Total users: {count}" # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum user interface. forum: # These translations are used in the Change Email modal dialog. change_email: confirm_password_placeholder: => core.ref.confirm_password confirmation_message: => core.ref.confirmation_email_sent dismiss_button: => core.ref.okay incorrect_password_message: The password you entered is incorrect. submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: => core.ref.change_email # These translations are used in the Change Password modal dialog. change_password: send_button: Send Password Reset Email text: Click the button below and check your email for a link to change your password. title: => core.ref.change_password # These translations are used by the composer controls. composer: close_tooltip: Close exit_full_screen_tooltip: Exit Full Screen full_screen_tooltip: Full Screen minimize_tooltip: Minimize preview_tooltip: Preview # These translations are used by the composer when starting a discussion. composer_discussion: body_placeholder: Write a Post... discard_confirmation: "You have not posted your discussion. Do you wish to discard it?" submit_button: Post Discussion title: => core.ref.start_a_discussion title_placeholder: Discussion Title # These translations are used by the composer when editing a post. composer_edit: discard_confirmation: "You have not saved your changes. Do you wish to discard them?" edited_message: Your edit was made. post_link: "Post #{number} in {discussion}" submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes view_button: => core.ref.view # These translations are used by the composer when replying to a discussion. composer_reply: body_placeholder: => core.ref.write_a_reply discard_confirmation: "You have not posted your reply. Do you wish to discard it?" posted_message: Your reply was posted. submit_button: Post Reply view_button: => core.ref.view # These translations are used by the discussion control buttons. discussion_controls: cannot_reply_button: Can't Reply cannot_reply_text: You don't have permission to reply to this discussion. delete_button: => core.ref.delete delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this discussion?" delete_forever_button: => core.ref.delete_forever log_in_to_reply_button: Log In to Reply rename_button: => core.ref.rename reply_button: => core.ref.reply restore_button: => core.ref.restore toggle_dropdown_accessible_label: Toggle discussion actions dropdown menu # These translations are used in the discussion list. discussion_list: empty_text: It looks as though there are no discussions here. load_more_button: => core.ref.load_more mark_as_read_tooltip: Mark as Read replied_text: "{username} replied {ago}" started_text: "{username} started {ago}" # These translations are used in the Forgot Password modal dialog. forgot_password: dismiss_button: => core.ref.okay email_placeholder: => email_sent_message: We've sent you an email containing a link to reset your password. Check your spam folder if you don't receive it within the next minute or two. not_found_message: There is no user registered with that email address. submit_button: Recover Password text: Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. title: Forgot Password # These translations are used in the header and session dropdown menu. header: admin_button: Administration back_to_index_tooltip: Back to Discussion List locale_dropdown_accessible_label: Change forum locale log_in_link: => core.ref.log_in log_out_button: => core.ref.log_out profile_button: Profile search_placeholder: Search Forum session_dropdown_accessible_label: Toggle session options dropdown menu settings_button: => core.ref.settings sign_up_link: => core.ref.sign_up # These translations are used on the index page, peripheral to the discussion list. index: all_discussions_link: => core.ref.all_discussions cannot_start_discussion_button: Can't Start Discussion mark_all_as_read_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to mark all discussions as read?" mark_all_as_read_tooltip: => core.ref.mark_all_as_read meta_title_text: => core.ref.all_discussions refresh_tooltip: Refresh start_discussion_button: => core.ref.start_a_discussion toggle_sidenav_dropdown_accessible_label: Toggle navigation dropdown menu # These translations are used by the sorting control above the discussion list. index_sort: latest_button: Latest newest_button: Newest oldest_button: Oldest relevance_button: Relevance toggle_dropdown_accessible_label: Change discussion list sorting top_button: Top # These translations are used in the Log In modal dialog. log_in: forgot_password_link: "Forgot password?" invalid_login_message: Your login details were incorrect. password_placeholder: => core.ref.password remember_me_label: Remember Me sign_up_text: "Don't have an account? Sign Up" submit_button: => core.ref.log_in title: => core.ref.log_in username_or_email_placeholder: Username or Email # These translations are used by the Notifications dropdown, a.k.a. "the bell". notifications: discussion_renamed_text: "{username} changed the title" empty_text: No Notifications mark_all_as_read_tooltip: => core.ref.mark_all_as_read mark_as_read_tooltip: Mark as Read title: => core.ref.notifications toggle_dropdown_accessible_label: View notifications tooltip: => core.ref.notifications # These translations are used by tooltips displayed for individual posts. post: edited_text: Edited edited_tooltip: "{username} edited {ago}" number_tooltip: "Post #{number}" # These translations are used by the post control buttons. post_controls: delete_button: => core.ref.delete delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this post forever? This action cannot be undone." delete_forever_button: => core.ref.delete_forever edit_button: => core.ref.edit hide_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this post?" restore_button: => core.ref.restore toggle_dropdown_accessible_label: Toggle post controls dropdown menu # These translations are used in the scrubber to the right of the post stream. post_scrubber: now_link: Now original_post_link: Original Post unread_text: "{count} unread" viewing_text: "{count, plural, one {{index} of {formattedCount} post} other {{index} of {formattedCount} posts}}" # These translations are displayed between posts in the post stream. post_stream: discussion_renamed_old_tooltip: 'The old title was: "{old}"' discussion_renamed_text: "{username} changed the title to {new}." load_more_button: => core.ref.load_more reply_placeholder: => core.ref.write_a_reply time_lapsed_text: "{period} later" # These translations are used by the rename discussion modal. rename_discussion: submit_button: => core.ref.rename title: Rename Discussion # These translations are used by the search results dropdown list. search: all_discussions_button: 'Search all discussions for "{query}"' discussions_heading: => core.ref.discussions users_heading: => core.ref.users # These translations are used in the Settings page. settings: account_heading: Account change_email_button: => core.ref.change_email change_password_button: => core.ref.change_password notifications_heading: => core.ref.notifications notify_by_email_heading: => notify_by_web_heading: Web notify_discussion_renamed_label: Someone renames a discussion I started privacy_disclose_online_label: Allow others to see when I am online privacy_heading: Privacy title: => core.ref.settings # These translations are used in the Sign Up modal dialog. sign_up: dismiss_button: => core.ref.okay email_placeholder: => log_in_text: "Already have an account? Log In" password_placeholder: => core.ref.password submit_button: => core.ref.sign_up title: => core.ref.sign_up username_placeholder: => core.ref.username welcome_text: "Welcome, {username}!" # These translations are used in the user profile page and profile popup. user: avatar_remove_button: => core.ref.remove avatar_upload_button: Upload avatar_upload_tooltip: Upload a new avatar discussions_link: => core.ref.discussions in_discussion_text: "In {discussion}" joined_date_text: "Joined {ago}" online_text: Online posts_empty_text: It looks like there are no posts here. posts_link: => core.ref.posts posts_load_more_button: => core.ref.load_more settings_link: => core.ref.settings # These translations are found on the user profile page (admin function). user_controls: button: Controls delete_button: => core.ref.delete delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this user? The user's posts will NOT be deleted." delete_error_message: "Deletion of user {username} ({email}) failed" delete_success_message: "User {username} ({email}) was deleted" edit_button: => core.ref.edit toggle_dropdown_accessible_label: Toggle user controls dropdown menu # These translations are used in the alert that is shown when a new user has not confirmed their email address. user_email_confirmation: alert_message: => core.ref.confirmation_email_sent resend_button: Resend Confirmation Email sent_message: Sent # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum and admin interfaces. lib: # These translations are displayed as tooltips for discussion badges. badge: hidden_tooltip: Hidden # These translations are used in the dropdown component. dropdown: toggle_dropdown_accessible_label: Toggle dropdown menu # These translations are used in the Edit User modal dialog (admin function). edit_user: activate_button: Activate User email_heading: => email_label: => groups_heading: Groups password_heading: => core.ref.password password_label: => core.ref.password set_password_label: Set new password submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: => core.ref.edit_user username_heading: => core.ref.username username_label: => core.ref.username # These translations are displayed as error messages. error: dependent_extensions_message: "Cannot disable {extension} until the following dependent extensions are disabled: {extensions}" generic_message: "Oops! Something went wrong. Please reload the page and try again." missing_dependencies_message: "Cannot enable {extension} until the following dependencies are enabled: {extensions}" not_found_message: The requested resource was not found. permission_denied_message: You do not have permission to do that. rate_limit_exceeded_message: You're going a little too quickly. Please try again in a few seconds. # These translations are used in the loading indicator component. loading_indicator: accessible_label: => core.ref.loading # These translations are used as suffixes when abbreviating numbers. number_suffix: kilo_text: K mega_text: M # These translations are used to punctuate a series of items. series: glue_text: ", " three_text: "{first}, {second}, and {third}" two_text: "{first} and {second}" # These translations are used to modify usernames. username: deleted_text: "[deleted]" # Translations in this namespace are used in views other than Flarum's normal JS client. views: # Translations in this namespace are displayed by the basic HTML content loader. content: javascript_disabled_message: This site is best viewed in a modern browser with JavaScript enabled. load_error_message: Something went wrong while trying to load the full version of this site. Try hard-refreshing this page to fix the error. loading_text: => core.ref.loading # Translations in this namespace are displayed in the basic HTML discussion view. discussion: next_page_button: => core.ref.next_page previous_page_button: => core.ref.previous_page # Translations in this namespace are displayed when Flarum encounters an error. error: csrf_token_mismatch: You have been inactive for too long. csrf_token_mismatch_return_link: Go back, to try again invalid_confirmation_token: This confirmation link has already been used or is invalid. not_authenticated: You do not have permission to access this page. Try again after logging in. not_found: The page you requested could not be found. not_found_return_link: "Return to {forum}" permission_denied: You do not have permission to access this page. unknown: An error occurred while trying to load this page. # Translations in this namespace are displayed by the basic HTML discussion index. index: all_discussions_heading: => core.ref.all_discussions next_page_button: => core.ref.next_page previous_page_button: => core.ref.previous_page # Translations in this namespace are displayed by the Log Out confirmation interface. log_out: log_out_button: => core.ref.log_out log_out_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to log out of {forum}?" title: => core.ref.log_out # Translations in this namespace are displayed by the Reset Password interface. reset_password: confirm_password_label: Confirm New Password new_password_label: New Password submit_button: => core.ref.save_changes title: => core.ref.reset_your_password # Translations in this namespace are used in messages output by the API. api: invalid_username_message: "The username may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes." # Translations in this namespace are used in emails sent by the forum. email: # These translations are used in emails sent when users register new accounts. activate_account: subject: Activate Your New Account body: | Hey {username}! Someone (hopefully you!) has signed up to {forum} with this email address. If this was you, simply click the following link and your account will be activated: {url} If you did not sign up, please ignore this email. # These translations are used in emails sent when users change their email address. confirm_email: subject: Confirm Your New Email Address body: | Hey {username}! Someone (hopefully you!) has changed their email address on {forum} to this one. If this was you, simply click the following link and your email will be confirmed: {url} If this was not you, please ignore this email. # These translations are used in emails sent when users ask to reset their passwords. reset_password: subject: => core.ref.reset_your_password body: | Hey {username}! Someone (hopefully you!) has submitted a forgotten password request for your account on {forum}. If this was you, click the following link to reset your password: {url} If you do not wish to change your password, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. # These translations are used when testing mailing configuration send_test: subject: Flarum Email Test body: | Hey {username}! This is a test email to confirm that your Flarum email configuration is working properly. If this was you, this email means that your configuration works! If this was not you, please ignore this email. ## # REUSED TRANSLATIONS - These keys should not be used directly in code! ## # Translations in this namespace are referenced by two or more unique keys. ref: all_discussions: All Discussions change_email: Change Email change_password: Change Password color: Color # Referenced by flarum-tags.yml confirm_password: Confirm Password confirmation_email_sent: "We've sent a confirmation email to {email}. If it doesn't arrive soon, check your spam folder." custom_footer_text: Add HTML to be displayed at the very bottom of the page. custom_footer_title: Edit Custom Footer custom_header_text: "Add HTML to be displayed at the very top of the page, above Flarum's own header." custom_header_title: Edit Custom Header delete: Delete delete_forever: Delete Forever discussions: Discussions # Referenced by flarum-statistics.yml edit: Edit edit_user: Edit User email: Email icon: Icon icon_text: "Enter the name of any FontAwesome icon class, including the fas fa- prefix." load_more: Load More loading: Loading... log_in: Log In log_out: Log Out mark_all_as_read: Mark All as Read next_page: Next Page notifications: Notifications okay: OK # Referenced by flarum-tags.yml password: Password posts: Posts # Referenced by flarum-statistics.yml previous_page: Previous Page remove: Remove rename: Rename reply: Reply # Referenced by flarum-mentions.yml reset_your_password: Reset Your Password restore: Restore save_changes: Save Changes # Referenced by flarum-suspend.yml, flarum-tags.yml settings: Settings sign_up: Sign Up some_others: "{count, plural, one {# other} other {# others}}" # Referenced by flarum-likes.yml, flarum-mentions.yml start_a_discussion: Start a Discussion username: Username users: Users # Referenced by flarum-statistics.yml view: View write_a_reply: Write a Reply... you: You # Referenced by flarum-likes.yml, flarum-mentions.yml ## # GROUP NAMES - These keys are translated at the back end. ## # Translations in this namespace are used to translate default group names. group: admin: Admin admins: Admins guest: Guest guests: Guests member: Member members: Members mod: Mod mods: Mods