parameters: reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false ignoreErrors: - identifier: missingType.iterableValue - identifier: missingType.generics # Remove this group below with larastan 2.0 (i.e Flarum 2.0) - message: "#Relation '[A-z_-]+' is not found in [A-z\_]+ model.#" reportUnmatched: false - message: '#^Parameter \#1 \$query of method [A-z_<>\\]+\:\:union\(\) expects [A-z_<> .,|\\]+ given\.$#' reportUnmatched: false - message: '#^Parameter \#1 \$query of method [A-z_<>\\]+\:\:joinSub\(\) expects [A-z_<> .,|\\]+ given\.$#' reportUnmatched: false # We ignore this because resolve can either take a class name as the generic return type or just a binding name. - message: "#Template type T of function resolve[()]{2} is not referenced in a parameter.#" reportUnmatched: false # We ignore new static errors because we want extensibility. # @TODO: needs discussion. - message: "#^Unsafe usage of new static[()]{2}.$#" reportUnmatched: false - message: "#^Static access to instance property .*#" reportUnmatched: false # ConnectionInterface lacks methods that exist in the implementation, # yet we don't want to inject the implementation. - message: '#^Call to an undefined method Illuminate\\Database\\ConnectionInterface\:\:[A-z0-9_]+\(\)\.$#' reportUnmatched: false # By default when a callable parameter is typed with for example 3 parameters, # and the implementation only accepts two of them, PHPStan complains. # At the time of adding this error, there are no configuration values to make it # ignore this error, so we have to ignore it globally. - message: '#^Parameter \#[0-9]+ \$[A-z0-9_]+ of method Flarum\Extend\[A-z0-9_:\\()]+ expects \(?callable\([A-z0-9_,|\\: ()-]+\)\)?, (callable|Closure)\([A-z0-9_,|\\: ()-]+\) given\.$#' reportUnmatched: false # PHPStan suddenly doesn't recognize callables can be function names? - message: '#^Parameter \#[0-9]+ \$[A-z0-9_]+ of function [A-z0-9_:\\()]+ expects \(?callable\([A-z0-9_,|\\: ()-]+, ''[A-z0-9_:\\()]+'' given\.$#' reportUnmatched: false # Not if we're using our own static make method. - message: '#^Called ''Model\:\:make\(\)'' which performs unnecessary work, use ''new Model\(\)''\.$#' # This assumes that the phpdoc telling it it's not nullable is correct, that's not the case for internal Laravel typings. - message: '#^Property [A-z0-9-_:$,\\]+ \([A-z]+\) on left side of \?\? is not nullable\.$#' # Ignore overridden classes from packages so that it's always easier to keep track of what's being overridden. - message: '#^Method Flarum\\Api\\Serializer\:\:[A-z0-9_]+\(\) has parameter \$[A-z0-9_]+ with no type specified\.$#' - message: '#^Method Flarum\\Api\\Endpoint\\[A-z0-9_]+\:\:[A-z0-9_]+\(\) has parameter \$[A-z0-9_]+ with no type specified\.$#' - message: '#^Unable to resolve the template type TRelatedModel in call to method Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\:\:[A-z]+\(\)$#'