import Ember from 'ember'; /** Button which has an attached dropdown menu containing an item list. The currently-active item's label is displayed as the label of the button. */ export default Ember.Component.extend({ layoutName: 'components/ui/dropdown-select', classNames: ['dropdown', 'dropdown-select', 'btn-group'], classNameBindings: ['itemCountClass', 'class'], buttonClass: 'btn btn-default', menuClass: '', icon: 'ellipsis-v', items: [], mainButtonClass: Ember.computed('buttonClass', function() { return 'btn '+this.get('buttonClass'); }), dropdownMenuClass: Ember.computed('menuClass', function() { return 'dropdown-menu '+this.get('menuClass'); }), itemCountClass: Ember.computed('items.length', function() { return 'item-count-'+this.get('items.length'); }), activeItem: Ember.computed('', function() { return this.get('menu.childViews').findBy('active'); }) });