import Ember from 'ember'; import HasItemLists from 'flarum/mixins/has-item-lists'; import ActionButton from 'flarum/components/ui/action-button'; /** A text editor. Contains a textarea and an item list of `controls`, including a submit button. */ export default Ember.Component.extend(HasItemLists, { classNames: ['text-editor'], itemLists: ['controls'], value: '', disabled: false, didInsertElement: function() { var component = this; this.$('textarea').bind('keydown', 'meta+return', function() { component.send('submit'); }); }, populateControls: function(items) { this.addActionItem(items, 'submit', this.get('submitLabel')).reopen({className: 'btn btn-primary'}); }, actions: { submit: function() { this.sendAction('submit', this.get('value')); } } });