name: Flarum Backend Jobs on: workflow_call: inputs: enable_backend_testing: description: "Enable Backend Testing?" type: boolean default: true required: false backend_directory: description: The directory of the project where backend code is located. This should contain a `composer.json` file, and is generally the root directory of the repo. type: string required: false default: '.' php_versions: description: Versions of PHP to test with. Should be array of strings encoded as JSON array type: string required: false default: '["7.4", "8.0", "8.1"]' db_versions: description: Versions of databases to test with. Should be array of strings encoded as JSON array type: string required: false default: '["mysql:5.7", "mariadb"]' php_ini_values: description: PHP ini values type: string required: false default: error_reporting=E_ALL env: COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION: dev-main FLARUM_TEST_TMP_DIR_LOCAL: tests/integration/tmp jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: matrix: php: ${{ fromJSON(inputs.php_versions) }} service: ${{ fromJSON(inputs.db_versions) }} prefix: ['', flarum_] include: - service: 'mysql:5.7' db: MySQL - service: mariadb db: MariaDB - prefix: flarum_ prefixStr: (prefix) exclude: - php: 8.0 service: 'mysql:5.7' prefix: flarum_ - php: 8.0 service: mariadb prefix: flarum_ services: mysql: image: ${{ matrix.service }} ports: - 13306:3306 name: 'PHP ${{ matrix.php }} / ${{ matrix.db }} ${{ matrix.prefixStr }}' if: inputs.enable_backend_testing steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Setup PHP uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: ${{ matrix.php }} coverage: xdebug extensions: curl, dom, gd, json, mbstring, openssl, pdo_mysql, tokenizer, zip tools: phpunit, composer:v2 ini-values: ${{ inputs.php_ini_values }} # The authentication alter is necessary because newer mysql versions use the `caching_sha2_password` driver, # which isn't supported prior to PHP7.4 # When we drop support for PHP7.3, we should remove this from the setup. - name: Create MySQL Database run: | sudo systemctl start mysql mysql -uroot -proot -e 'CREATE DATABASE flarum_test;' --port 13306 mysql -uroot -proot -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';" --port 13306 - name: Install Composer dependencies run: composer install working-directory: ${{ inputs.backend_directory }} - name: Setup Composer tests run: composer test:setup working-directory: ${{ inputs.backend_directory }} env: DB_PORT: 13306 DB_PASSWORD: root DB_PREFIX: ${{ matrix.prefix }} - name: Run Composer tests run: composer test working-directory: ${{ inputs.backend_directory }} env: COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT: 600