flarum-likes: ## # UNIQUE KEYS - The following keys are used in only one location each. ## # Translations in this namespace are used by the admin interface. admin: # These translations are used in the Permissions page of the admin interface. permissions: like_posts_label: Like posts # Translations in this namespace are used by the forum user interface. forum: # These translations are used by the Notifications dropdown, a.k.a. "the bell". notifications: post_liked_text: "{username} liked your post" # Can be pluralized to agree with the number of users! others_text: => core.ref.some_others # These translations are displayed beneath individual posts. post: like_link: Like liked_by_text: "{users} likes this.|{users} like this." liked_by_self_text: "{users} like this." # Can be pluralized to agree with the number of users! others_link: => core.ref.some_others unlike_link: Unlike you_text: => core.ref.you # These translations are used by the Users Who Like This modal dialog. post_likes: title: Users Who Like This # These translations are used in the Settings page. settings: notify_post_liked_label: Someone likes one of my posts