prepareDatabase([ 'api_keys' => [ ['user_id' => 1, 'key' => 'superadmin'], ], 'settings' => [ ['key' => 'csrf_test', 'value' => 1], ], ]); } /** * @test */ public function error_when_doing_cookie_auth_without_csrf_token() { $auth = $this->send( $this->request( 'POST', '/login', [ 'json' => ['identification' => 'admin', 'password' => 'password'], ] ) ); $response = $this->send( $this->request( 'POST', '/api/settings', [ 'cookiesFrom' => $auth, 'json' => ['csrf_test' => 2], ] ) ); // Response should be "HTTP 400 Bad Request" $this->assertEquals(400, $response->getStatusCode()); // The response body should contain proper error details $body = (string) $response->getBody(); $this->assertJson($body); $json = json_decode($body, true); $this->assertCount(1, $json['errors']); $this->assertEquals('400', $json['errors'][0]['status']); $this->assertEquals('csrf_token_mismatch', $json['errors'][0]['code']); } /** * @test */ public function cookie_auth_succeeds_with_csrf_token_in_header() { $initial = $this->send( $this->request('GET', '/') ); $token = $initial->getHeaderLine('X-CSRF-Token'); $auth = $this->send( $this->request( 'POST', '/login', [ 'cookiesFrom' => $initial, 'json' => ['identification' => 'admin', 'password' => 'password'], ] )->withHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $token) ); $token = $auth->getHeaderLine('X-CSRF-Token'); $response = $this->send( $this->request( 'POST', '/api/settings', [ 'cookiesFrom' => $auth, 'json' => ['csrf_test' => 2], ] )->withHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $token) ); // Successful response? $this->assertEquals(204, $response->getStatusCode()); // Was the setting actually changed in the database? $this->assertEquals( 2, $this->database()->table('settings')->where('key', 'csrf_test')->first()->value ); } /** * @test */ public function cookie_auth_succeeds_with_csrf_token_in_body() { $initial = $this->send( $this->request('GET', '/') ); $token = $initial->getHeaderLine('X-CSRF-Token'); $auth = $this->send( $this->request( 'POST', '/login', [ 'cookiesFrom' => $initial, 'json' => ['identification' => 'admin', 'password' => 'password', 'csrfToken' => $token], ] ) ); $token = $auth->getHeaderLine('X-CSRF-Token'); $response = $this->send( $this->request( 'POST', '/api/settings', [ 'cookiesFrom' => $auth, 'json' => ['csrf_test' => 2, 'csrfToken' => $token], ] ) ); // Successful response? $this->assertEquals(204, $response->getStatusCode()); // Was the setting actually changed in the database? $this->assertEquals( 2, $this->database()->table('settings')->where('key', 'csrf_test')->first()->value ); } /** * @test */ public function master_api_token_does_not_need_csrf_token() { $response = $this->send( $this->request( 'POST', '/api/settings', [ 'json' => ['csrf_test' => 2], ] )->withHeader('Authorization', 'Token superadmin') ); // Successful response? $this->assertEquals(204, $response->getStatusCode()); // Was the setting actually changed in the database? $this->assertEquals( 2, $this->database()->table('settings')->where('key', 'csrf_test')->first()->value ); } /** * @test */ public function access_token_does_not_need_csrf_token() { $this->database()->table('access_tokens')->insert( ['token' => 'myaccesstoken', 'user_id' => 1, 'type' => 'developer'] ); $response = $this->send( $this->request( 'POST', '/api/settings', [ 'json' => ['csrf_test' => 2], ] )->withHeader('Authorization', 'Token myaccesstoken') ); // Successful response? $this->assertEquals(204, $response->getStatusCode()); // Was the setting actually changed in the database? $this->assertEquals( 2, $this->database()->table('settings')->where('key', 'csrf_test')->first()->value ); $this->database()->table('access_tokens')->where('token', 'myaccesstoken')->delete(); } }