import Ember from 'ember'; // The post stream is an object which represents the posts in a discussion as // they are displayed on the discussion page, from top to bottom. ... export default Ember.ArrayProxy.extend(Ember.Evented, { // An array of all of the post IDs, in chronological order, in the discussion. ids: null, content: null, store: null, discussion: null, postLoadCount: 20, _init: function() { this.clear(); }.on('init'), setup: function(ids) { this.set('ids', ids); this.get('content').objectAt(0).set('indexEnd', this.get('count') - 1); }, count: Ember.computed.alias('ids.length'), loadedCount: function() { return this.get('content').filterBy('content').length; }.property('content.@each'), firstLoaded: function() { var first = this.objectAt(0); return first && !; }.property('content.@each'), lastLoaded: function() { var last = this.objectAt(this.get('length') - 1); return last && !; }.property('content.@each'), // Clear the contents of the post stream, resetting it to one big gap. clear: function() { var content = Ember.A(); content.clear().pushObject(Em.Object.create({ gap: true, indexStart: 0, indexEnd: this.get('count') - 1, loading: true })); this.set('content', content); this.set('ids', Ember.A()); }, loadRange: function(start, end, backwards) { var limit = this.get('postLoadCount'); end = end || start + limit; // Find the appropriate gap objects in the post stream. When we find // one, we will turn on its loading flag. this.get('content').forEach(function(item) { if ( && ( (item.indexStart >= start && item.indexStart <= end) || (item.indexEnd >= start && item.indexEnd <= end) )) { item.set('loading', true); item.set('direction', backwards ? 'up' : 'down'); } }); // Get a list of post numbers that we'll want to retrieve. If there are // more post IDs than the number of posts we want to load, then take a // slice of the array in the appropriate direction. var ids = this.get('ids').slice(start, end + 1); ids = backwards ? ids.slice(-limit) : ids.slice(0, limit); return this.loadPosts(ids); }, loadPosts: function(ids) { if (! ids.length) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve(); } var stream = this; return'post', {ids: ids}).then(function(posts) { stream.addPosts(posts); }); }, loadNearNumber: function(number) { // Find the item in the post stream which is nearest to this number. If // it turns out the be the actual post we're trying to load, then we can // return a resolved promise (i.e. we don't need to make an API // request.) Or, if it's a gap, we'll switch on its loading flag. var item = this.findNearestToNumber(number); if (item) { if (item.get('content.number') == number) { return Ember.RSVP.resolve([item.get('content')]); } else if ( { item.set('direction', 'down').set('loading', true); } } var stream = this; return'post', { discussions: this.get(''), near: number, count: this.get('postLoadCount') }).then(function(posts) { stream.addPosts(posts); }); }, loadNearIndex: function(index) { // Find the item in the post stream which is nearest to this index. If // it turns out the be the actual post we're trying to load, then we can // return a resolved promise (i.e. we don't need to make an API // request.) Or, if it's a gap, we'll switch on its loading flag. var item = this.findNearestToIndex(index); if (item) { if (! { return Ember.RSVP.resolve([item.get('content')]); } else { item.set('direction', 'down').set('loading', true); } return this.loadRange(Math.max(item.indexStart, index - this.get('postLoadCount') / 2), item.indexEnd); } return Ember.RSVP.reject(); }, addPosts: function(posts) { this.trigger('postsLoaded', posts); var stream = this; posts.forEach(function(post) { stream.addPost(post); }); this.trigger('postsAdded'); }, addPost: function(post) { var stream = this; var index = this.get('ids').indexOf(post.get('id')); var content = this.get('content'); // Here we loop through each item in the post stream, and find the gap // in which this post should be situated. When we find it, we can replace // it with the post, and new gaps either side if appropriate. content.some(function(item, i) { if (item.indexStart <= index && item.indexEnd >= index) { var newItems = []; if (item.indexStart < index) { newItems.push(Ember.Object.create({ gap: true, indexStart: item.indexStart, indexEnd: index - 1 })); } newItems.push(Ember.Object.create({ indexStart: index, indexEnd: index, content: post })); if (item.indexEnd > index) { newItems.push(Ember.Object.create({ gap: true, indexStart: index + 1, indexEnd: item.indexEnd })); } content.replace(i, 1, newItems); return true; } }); }, findNearestTo: function(index, property) { var nearestItem; this.get('content').some(function(item) { nearestItem = item; if (item.get(property) > index) { return true; } }); return nearestItem; }, findNearestToNumber: function(number) { return this.findNearestTo(number, 'content.number'); }, findNearestToIndex: function(index) { return this.findNearestTo(index, 'indexEnd'); } });