import Ember from 'ember'; import humanTime from 'flarum/utils/human-time'; var precompileTemplate = Ember.Handlebars.compile; /** Component for the edited pencil icon in a post header. Shows a tooltip on hover which details who edited the post and when. */ export default Ember.Component.extend({ tagName: 'span', classNames: ['post-edited'], attributeBindings: ['title'], layout: precompileTemplate('{{fa-icon "pencil"}}'), title: Ember.computed('post.editTime', 'post.editUser', function() { return 'Edited by '+this.get('post.editUser.username')+' '+humanTime(this.get('post.editTime')); }), // In the context of an item list, this item will be hidden if the post // hasn't been edited, or if it's been hidden. hideItem: Ember.computed('post.isEdited', 'post.isHidden', function() { return !this.get('post.isEdited') || this.get('post.isHidden'); }), didInsertElement: function() { this.$().tooltip(); }, // Whenever the title changes, we need to tell the tooltip to update to // reflect the new value. updateTooltip:'title', function() {'afterRender', this, function() { this.$().tooltip('fixTitle'); }); }) });