import Ember from 'ember'; /** This mixin defines a "paneable" controller - this is, one that has a portion of its interface that can be turned into a pane which slides out from the side of the screen. This is useful, for instance, when you have nested routes (index > discussion) and want to have the parent route's interface transform into a side pane when entering the child route. */ export default Ember.Mixin.create({ needs: ['application'], // Whether or not the "paneable" interface element is paned. paned: false, // Whether or not the pane should be visible on screen. paneShowing: false, paneHideTimeout: null, // Whether or not the pane is always visible on screen, even when the // mouse is taken away. panePinned: localStorage.getItem('panePinned'), // Disable the paneable behaviour completely, regardless of if it is // paned, showing, or pinned. paneDisabled: false, paneEnabled: Ember.computed.not('paneDisabled'), paneIsShowing: Ember.computed.and('paned', 'paneShowing', 'paneEnabled'), paneIsPinned: Ember.computed.and('paned', 'panePinned', 'paneEnabled'), // Tell the application controller when we pin/unpin the pane so that // other parts of the interface can respond appropriately. paneIsPinnedChanged:'paneIsPinned', function() { this.set('controllers.application.panePinned', this.get('paneIsPinned')); }), actions: { showPane: function() { if (this.get('paned')) { clearTimeout(this.get('paneHideTimeout')); this.set('paneShowing', true); } }, hidePane: function(delay) { var controller = this; controller.set('paneHideTimeout', setTimeout(function() { controller.set('paneShowing', false); }, delay || 250)); }, togglePinned: function() { localStorage.setItem('panePinned', this.toggleProperty('panePinned') || ''); } } });