  account: Account
  activity: Activity
  administration: Administration
  alert: Alert
  all_discussions: All Discussions
  before_log_in_link: Already have an account?
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  bio_placeholder: Write something about yourself
  cannot_reply: Can't Reply
  cannot_reply_help: You don't have permission to reply to this discussion.
  change_email: Change Email
  change_password: Change Password
  change_password_help: Click the button below and check your email for a link to change your password.
  close: Close
  confirm_delete_discussion: Are you sure you want to delete this discussion?
  confirm_discard_discussion: You have not posted your discussion. Do you wish to discard it?
  confirm_discard_edit: You have not saved your changes. Do you wish to discard them?
  confirm_discard_reply: You have not posted your reply. Do you wish to discard it?
  confirmation_email_sent: "We've sent a confirmation email to {email}. If it doesn't arrive soon, check your spam folder."
  controls: Controls
  delete: Delete
  delete_account: Delete Account
  delete_account_help: "Hold up! If you delete your account, there's no going back. Keep in mind:"
  delete_forever: Delete Forever
  deleted: "[deleted]"
  disclose_online: Allow others to see when I am online
  discussion_renamed_post: "{username} changed the title from {old} to {new}."
  discussion_renamed_notification: "{username} changed the title"
  discussion_replied: "{username} replied {ago}"
  discussion_started: "{username} started {ago}"
  discussion_title: Discussion Title
  discussions: Discussions
  dismiss: Dismiss
  edit: Edit
  editing_post: "Post #{number} in {discussion}"
  email: Email
  email_confirmation_required: "You need to confirm your email before you can log in. We've sent a confirmation email to {email}. If it doesn't arrive soon, check your spam folder."
  exit_full_screen: Exit Full Screen
  forgot_password: Forgot Password
  forgot_password_help: Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password.
  forgot_password_link: Forgot password?
  full_screen: Full Screen
  go_to: "Go to {location}"
  group_admin: Admin
  group_admins: Admins
  group_guest: Guest
  group_guests: Guests
  group_member: Member
  group_members: Members
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  group_mods: Mods
  invalid_login: Your login details were incorrect.
  joined: "Joined {ago}"
  joined_the_forum: Joined the forum
  load_more: Load More
  log_in: Log In
  log_in_to_reply: Log In to Reply
  log_out: Log Out
  mark_all_as_read: Mark All as Read
  mark_as_read: Mark as Read
  minimize: Minimize
  no_notifications: No Notifications
  notifications: Notifications
  notify_discussion_renamed: Someone renames a discussion I started
  now: Now
  online: Online
  original_post: Original Post
  password: Password
  password_reset_email_sent: We've sent you an email containing a link to reset your password. Check your spam folder if you don't receive it within the next minute or two.
  period_later: "{period} later"
  post_discussion: Post Discussion
  post_edited: "{username} edited {ago}"
  post_number: "Post #{number}"
  post_reply: Post Reply
  posted_a_reply: Posted a reply
  posts: Posts
  posts_will_remain: "All of your posts will remain, but no longer associated with your account."
  powered_by_flarum: Powered by Flarum
  privacy: Privacy
  profile: Profile
  prompt_rename_discussion: Enter a new title for this discussion:
  recover_password: Recover Password
  refresh: Refresh
  remove: Remove
  rename: Rename
  reply: Reply
  reply_posted: Your reply was posted.
  restore: Restore
  save_changes: Save Changes
  search_all_discussions: 'Search all discussions for "{query}"'
  search_forum: Search Forum
  send_password_reset_email: Send Password Reset Email
  settings: Settings
  sign_up: Sign Up
  sort_latest: Latest
  sort_newest: Newest
  sort_oldest: Oldest
  sort_relevance: Relevance
  sort_top: Top
  start_a_discussion: Start a Discussion
  started_a_discussion: Started a discussion
  unread_posts: "{count} unread"
  upload: Upload
  username: Username
  username_or_email: Username or Email
  username_will_be_released: "Your username will be released, so someone else will be able to sign up with your name."
  users: Users
  view: View
    one: "{index} of {count} post"
    other: "{index} of {count} posts"
  welcome_user: "Welcome, {username}!"
  write_a_post: Write a Post...
  write_a_reply: Write a Reply...