flarum-sticky: ## # UNIQUE KEYS - The following keys are used in only one location each. ## # Strings in this namespace are used by the admin interface. admin: # These strings are used in the Permissions page of the admin interface. permissions: sticky_discussions_label: Sticky discussions # Strings in this namespace are used by the forum user interface. forum: # These strings are displayed as tooltips for discussion badges. badge: sticky_tooltip: => flarum-sticky.ref.sticky # These strings are used by the discussion control buttons. discussion_controls: sticky_button: => flarum-sticky.ref.sticky unsticky_button: Unsticky # These strings are displayed between posts in the post stream. post_stream: discussion_stickied_text: "{username} stickied the discussion." discussion_unstickied_text: "{username} unstickied the discussion." ## # REUSED STRINGS - These keys should not be used directly in code! ## # Strings in this namespace are referenced by two or more unique keys. ref: sticky: Sticky